Frage von bjgolzke:
Hello s.alle,
But once wrote that your cartridges with the HC1 have been tried - with what result -!
Antwort von jens:

this thread (including there is left) of interest to you.
Antwort von Chris2:

have a short rotation with the HC-1 and perfectly ordinary, cheap TDK DV tapes behind me. Nothing to see from dropped frames to ...
Antwort von Jan:

"Normal" Mini DV are probably the most say synonymous several trade magazines have found nothing significant.
I just wonder why Sony HDV cassettes have now 63 minutes - 3 minutes for a total bonus overpriced cartridge? Well that again is the same as with DVB and Normal antennas - Customer rip
Antwort von greenhorn:

well, the tapes will already be a little bit more robust. For a professional turning I would think the investment in any case be able to offer my clients the maximum security synonymous.
Hardy is just that you probably really should stick to a single tape variety. So just s.besten of tapes of his favorite early s.nur use the cheap brand and synonymous with the action provided free HDV tape kloppen straight into the bins or on eBay. :-)
Antwort von greenhorn:
So just s.besten of tapes of his favorite early s.nur use the cheap brand and synonymous with the action provided free HDV tape kloppen straight into the bins or on eBay. :-)
Which free HDV tape? I had none of it. Synonymous Take only the standard DV tapes. Nevertheless, the HDV recording something critical and I would advise of the Sony premium bands for the HC 1st There were certainly some problems with elevated abrasion strip.
Antwort von prem:

Tapes of Sony, I think one way or absolutely nothing at all ... so far only bad experience (no preference whether excellence, premium or like the ever so hot). I'll stay with TDK. Never hit a broken tape in which ... been determined and recorded over 200 tapes.
Antwort von Markus:
... Sony HDV cassettes have now 63 minutes - 3 minutes for a total bonus overpriced cartridge? Each "normal" 60-minute MiniDV tape will have a duration of approximately 63 minutes. The time indicated is net, so the actual usable for a professional life. Usually the first and last minute tape shows with test image & Co., not least because as the drop-out rate is higher than in the intervening hour. Most consumers happy's: Hey, on the tape I can record three minutes longer! ;-)
PS: You definitely need to see my face once when I get back tapes for capturing that have been recorded as early as Einfädelungsbereich with "important shots"! : - /
Antwort von Jan:
... Sony HDV cassettes have now 63 minutes - 3 minutes for a total bonus overpriced cartridge?
Each "normal" 60-minute MiniDV tape will have a duration of approximately 63 minutes. The time indicated is net, so the actual usable for a professional life. Usually the first and last minute tape shows with test image & Co., not least because as the drop-out rate is higher than in the intervening hour. Most consumers happy's: Hey, on the tape I can record three minutes longer! ;-)
I never watch out so well on it.
Funny, but I'm just a Sony Premium 60 min. With a Panasonic GS 140 fully durchgespult, and it was almost exactly 60 minutes and a few seconds.
In SonyHC 90 it was strangely ca 62 min and a few seconds. Canon MVX 350i min 61 and a few seconds
Well, who knows who has the more accurate display.