Frage von kyberkelte:
Someone knows this error?
When you play an old recording, the picture on the LCD screen of the camera in order. Assuming, however, in host mode, vertical color streaks appear (similar to the window slats in offices). The Picture is veschleiert like this with a mask, as are the recordings. But we recognize movement on the picture, only just faded.
When viewing the image with the software "Studio 9" appears the same picture with the scum. I have already reset to manual settings, all conceivable, or disabled. Sorry, no results.
How do you explain to the older recordings played correctly.
The problem is certainly in a setting of the host system.
Probably, the camera must be sent in for repair.
R. Rösler.
Antwort von Harry:

Obviously, only the recording mode (CCD?) Affected. Would a new acquisition might be more favorable than the repair?
Antwort von Markus:

Your description reads quite well, but I can not imagine them nothing. If you consider yourself a user registering, you once could publish a Picture of it. That would certainly help me and others to locate the problem.
A first attempt:
Antwort von biesy:

Thanks for the quick replies.
I have now tested again the photo function. There's the same problem, so what's wrong with the recording function of the CCD Senor not incl.
We have close to a "sony" - party. Since I'm going to turn with my problem.
I wanted to avoid with the request only that s.end a simple configuration problem is the cause of the problem.
Great that there is such an interesting forum.
I've already found a lot of interesting topics.
Good luck, Rolf.