Frage von hotte3:
I wanted to ask if anyone here has the Black Magic HDMI card in conjunction with the SonySR1 running.
The relatively cheap card ($ 249) is the HDMI Ouput directly and unkromprimiert capter.
Antwort von hotte3:

sorry, the card is probably not yet on the market:
Scheduled to ship second week of December 2006. Could that be a solution to the material with the HDR-SR1 to be able to work?
Antwort von PowerMac:

Yes. EACH Camera with HDMI can be edit. Whether on MicroSD cards or HDCAM SR cassettes patch would be no preference as long to HDMI uncompressed HD signal.
Antwort von hotte3:

this is even a lichtblick am curious what the map for us in Europe will cost.
Then you might like the AVCHD files for archiving use, and with the original HD files Gecapturten work.
Sometime will probably hopefully synonymous AVCHD cuts of the programs.
Antwort von Axel:
Sometime will probably hopefully synonymous AVCHD cuts of the programs. Then I would not bet. With the manufacturer's own software (which I do not know about and which I therefore can not claim that she was zusammengepfuscht) so you can make apparently simple cuts.
It may not be synonymous to the spirit, in the post (concerns synonymous filter, etc.) with more and more compressed formats to work synonymous DV is already a compromise. Do you know this New Year's Eve-cylinder that can lights, and then an incredibly long sausage out? No idea how I am
to come.
Antwort von hotte3:

of the sony software supplied is actually marginal. simple although you can trim out the newly formed Save the m2ts files dauerd but very long, and there is audio of holes reported.
my hope is that HDMI capture card, the price of $ 250 will probably soon be synonymous.
What I would be interested in what the dimensions of sizes of HD material on the computer then lies. 1 hours = 60 GB movie?
You have already with your concerns regarding the support of AVCHD is concerned. If only the files Scanning such a fast computer challenge is still to cut eingiges problematic.
Perhaps there is a reasonable soon converter of the AVCHD files into editable material converts.
Antwort von Axel:
Perhaps there is a reasonable soon converter of the AVCHD files into editable material converts. As in your "workflow" thread: Mpeg2 to DV, there's been forever, just enough quality at the same DV Resolutionniemals s.natives approached. No matter how well the converter is: You, you wanted to edit, let's all hope!
When AVCHD as the consumer standard format should prevail, it is synonymous software, someday, to edit it natively, just like HDV, when some high-quality intermediate codec Render with huge demand jumps into the breach (possibly a good synergistic sales strategy for future multi-core SonyVaio Calculator). Had my taste a bit much when and Abers.
Please report about your experience with HD capturing, the system and with how you're happy with the outcome. For many future issues could be the pioneer you ;-)
Antwort von Finn:
sorry, the card is probably not yet on the market:
Could that be a solution to the material with the HDR-SR1 to be able to work? Actually, yes, but that would be a somewhat pointless detour: capturing uncompressed material that previously was recorded in AVCHD is complicated because of the high Dastenraten and - quantity and quality without profit.
Nonsensical, it would be only the recording directly via HDMI on capture - but then you need at each recording a RAID array from house to measure the amount s.Videomaterial incorporated - that is only stationary.
Antwort von hotte3:

Nonsensical, it would be only the recording directly via HDMI to Capture -- What do you mean? I think exactly that makes the card, so to speak, as a pendant to firewire. Or have I understood what Flasch. Clearly this is a troublesome and time detour is still synonymous drauf.
Convenient and useful, it would naturally select the files and of the cam to the computer to push, and with the cut to be able to start, but the dream is probably burst.
A pity the sr1 makes good pictures in HD and the sound is synonymous toll.
Originally I wanted the HC3 but I did buy from Sony dealer bezirzen leave (which incidentally I actually insured, the editing is not problem! - But themselves to blame).
Antwort von hotte3:

Nonsensical, it would be only the recording directly via HDMI on capture sorry've read too fast, now I understand what you mean and give you absolutely right!
Antwort von Finn:

Nonsensical, it would be only the recording directly via HDMI to Capture --
What do you mean? I think exactly that makes the card, so to speak, as a pendant to firewire. Or have I understood what Flasch. Clearly this is a troublesome and time detour is still synonymous drauf.
Originally I wanted the HC3 but I did buy from Sony dealer bezirzen leave (which incidentally I actually insured, the editing is not problem! - But themselves to blame). Meite I "live" capture - during the recording - only then did you really uncompressed material.
Think but the updates will come soon, usfür Adobe Premiere, so that the AVCHD capturing and editing functions synonymous here ...
Antwort von PowerMac:

Unfortunately, not everyone is a RAID, the 300 MB / s returns. Converting in real time with HDV or DVCProHD is then asked.
Antwort von Axel:
Meite I "live" capture - during the recording - only then did you really uncompressed material. Pardon! Where's the difference? The whole recording system is a single Aufblaseaktion to have a HD information to calculate. In between sits the HDMI.
There is an issue "as" uncompressed HD, whether for recording or playback.
Antwort von hotte3:
Unfortunately, not everyone is a RAID, the 300 MB / s returns. Converting in real time with HDV or DVCProHD is then asked. Is that a prerequisite for a successful capter?
Did the statement here on the Blackmagic site found:
Final Cut Pro is required if you're capturing to DVCPRO HD. Windows XP will be supported soon. Play out through the HDMI video output using 8 and 10 bit uncompressed AVI and QuickTime !" files, HDV, Motion JPEG and DV files, (
Antwort von hotte3:

ok, my bad English: the second quotation above is apparently a reference to that HDV can be edited, not that HDV is gecaptert.
Antwort von Finn:

There is an issue "as" uncompressed HD, whether for recording or playback. Hi Axel!
Yes, but when you play but it is recorded on tape uncompressed AVCHD output (ie already-compressed data) - in the recording is being done live gecapturtes uncompressed material via HDMI output is still not covered by the data reduction of the AVCHD codec is gone. Or have I misunderstood what?
Antwort von Axel:
With Intensity, you can now capture and playback full resolution HDTV uncompressed video for true broadcast and feature film quality editing. [...] If you need lower data rate editing, you can also select from a range of professional compressed video capture modes. I understand this correctly, that the map in real time, for example, convert DVCProHD? No, probably not the card itself, but this "DeckLink" software, because you can download? That would be a good solution.
Or have I misunderstood what? Do not despair, Patrick ask ;-)
Antwort von kevinsade:

But Soyn but must be a solution to edit AVCHD on the market - so long may the ununterstützt can not ... is not a condition das ..
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) Do I understand this correctly, that the map in real time, for example, convert DVCProHD? No, probably not the card itself, but this "DeckLink" software, because you can download? That would be a good solution. (...) This card does not offer more or less than one HDMI input and output. Computing, the editing program. A faster Mac Pro can do "uncompressed HD" synonymous in real time to convert DVCProHD ...
Antwort von wolfgang:
Sometime will probably hopefully synonymous AVCHD cuts of the programs.
Then I would not bet. With the manufacturer's own software (which I do not know about and which I therefore can not claim that she was zusammengepfuscht) so you can make apparently simple cuts.
For the 22.12. is a download of Canopus announced with AVCHD editing the material in the Canopus HQ codec is to convert. So to speak as a Christmas gift.
If this really is - and I doubt not - in the Edius NLEs as AVCHD editing, and synonymous in other NLEs if the codec is installed in the system.
Other NLE manufacturer will surely soon follow suit.
To HDMI thing: clear, if you look at a PC, respectively, which can handle uncompressed HD, it should go. This is not just the PC 699 euros from the nearest media market ...
Antwort von hotte3:

thank you wolfgang,
we hope the adobe nachzieht soon!
Antwort von wolfgang:

Sure should do - as far as I have heard gabs about this so far only rumors, but what is different about them, as here follow.
Personally, I expect for Adobe but rather a solution on the Cineform codec, simply because the native editing of AVCHD approximately 10 to 20x more computing performance as the native of m2t-files requires HDV2. Could well be that as the Cineform product for Adobe s.Bedeutung wins again. However, this is my very private presumption of Page was the company of my knowledge, so far said nothing.
Antwort von Finn:

To HDMI thing: clear, if you look at a PC, respectively, which can handle uncompressed HD, it should go. This is not just the PC 699 euros from the nearest media market ... Uncompressed material had recently cut, went smoothly, but that was synonymous a dual Xeon with a 6-Raid-5 SATA ;-)
Antwort von wolfgang:

Finn, if you sell for 699 euros want - say what ...
Antwort von mastaTraxx:

Have the Adobe Forum,
MainConcept MPEG Pro HD 2 codec
Today I heard the demo version tested. The AVCHD editing in Premiere Pro really works.
However, $ 399 is not exactly a bargain (at least for me).
But perhaps users here are in the process of upgrading can. ;-)
Antwort von alexcy:

hello dave,
times can you somewhere a piece of material AVCHD upload?
Thank you
Antwort von Axel:

Apart from the fact that we Hottest problem hopefully constructive manner, I find the thread when switching to HDV very interesting. I have not really read, but if it is synonymous cards as for the FX1 would order
component with a corresponding map and a beautiful capture HDV codec as
Scheiss to make, that would be ideal in my eyes, such as DVCProHD. I would be the smart alternatives to HDV, AVCHD and any other codecs of memory chips or HDs in a list, which is the future help-seekers can refer.
Antwort von wolfgang:

Axel, but please note the following: as soon as you're in HDV1, HDV2 as synonymous with AVCHD on the media are, eg on tape, did you yourself cited of "shit" HDV (which I do not even think soo bad, but anyone how he halt it looks). With AVCHD, the industry in my view even more of the sensible solution for the "After Arranger" away - that's against the HDV material more easily editable.
Uncompressed record does, you have the signal during shooting and tap the full data can be splendid record. Anyway, now obs via HDMI, component, or - usually - on SDI outputs s.Camcorders goes. Also means that one synonymous with the corresponding recording media with the shooting must have - as P2 cards, fast hard disks or laptops. Also means that one so in some cases loses mobility, and often is the only what a studio environment.
And in DVCProHD characterized the Panasonic HVX200 hold on - but that is naürlich synonymous a rather expensive solution. The new Canon has SDI outputs, and the JVC HD can basically synonymous. We talk, therefore, is something no longer of the 1000 or 2000 euro appliances - this is much more expensive.
The HDMI card of black magic could be actually priced times a jump down effect - although I can not say whether s.hdmi output normal prosumer camcorder actually the uncompressed signal is present at the shooting (my FX1 has yet component). But a recording PC is required then stop shooting at synonymous in which this construction can map.
Antwort von Finn:
With AVCHD, the industry in my view even more of the sensible solution for the "After Arranger" away - that's against the HDV material more easily editable.
And in DVCProHD characterized the Panasonic HVX200 hold on - but that is naürlich synonymous a rather expensive solution. The new Canon has SDI outputs, and the JVC HD can basically synonymous. We talk, therefore, is something no longer of the 1000 or 2000 euro appliances - this is much more expensive.
Yes, actually because the industry seems to want to disconnect between the large market of amateur filmmakers (where it is assumed that s.and to a cut, even in the same s.besten camcorder ranges) and seconded to a format like AVCHD and the the prosumer / professionals, which are then much more money to spend that they really want to edit and framgenau where the material should be available as uncompressed, but since we will have to wait for alternatives to DVCPro HD and the capture of unkomptimiertem HDV Cams ...
Axel: Against DVCProHD format as the basis for talks that Panasonic relatively high license fees and therefore requires support for it in the editing program of choice dazugekauft to be expensive if you do not Panasonic device, then its serial number to unlock the codec on your own PC can be used .... with Final Cut Pro, however it is already integrated ...
Antwort von wolfgang:

Perhaps because some Raylight next:
Perhaps just for this discussion here this product is synonymous next:
Antwort von Finn:
Perhaps because some Raylight next:
Yes, this is very interesting - thanks!
Antwort von tofuSCHNITZEL:

closer to the Blackmagic Intensity:
Slashcam News Blackmagic Intensity
Antwort von mastaTraxx:

And here are AVCHD (m2ts) files to test the MainConcept codecs:
Antwort von Olya:

Thank you
Antwort von bjontour:

hi folks!
Meanwhile, have now been many Big Manufacturer pledged the support! Come now just a few weeks now!
Waiting for the next version of Pinnacle Studio!
Have synonymous the SR1 and Pinnacle Studio 10.7!