Frage von Angel_de:Hallo erstmal
I have a Fool-Project in CS3. As for the editing of sound is concerned, I am pretty weak, but I need urgently the possibility of the soundtrack of my overall composition s.einem particular frame until towards the end of linear "dull" to fruition.
Have a little with the actual effects rumgespielt, but either there was garkeine change, or not what I need.
I hope I can with my problem here to help.
Thanks in advance
Antwort von Jake the rake:
A simple lowpass filter should suffice but, does not it?
Antwort von Mylenium:
Well yes it could be synonymous life easier, and a Tonbearbeitungsprogramm use, right? ;-) Audacity is free, Nero Wave Editor is synonymous almost everyone who s.and to burn something, and of Soundbooth, Audition, Sound Forge, etc. There is a full trial version for 30 days ...
Antwort von Angel_de:
But how can I audacity in a linear course create an effect?
I've done it now so that I have 2x the same sound had taken.
1x unprocessed and completely processed 1x and then on top of each other. Then, with his then-Fade the volume realized.
But that really the solution is not synonymous. I mean - I can for this time to live, but a permanent solution is not.
Antwort von the_count:
for sowas ne adult should soundapplilation endeavor, there can automate all sorts of effects such as low pass filter zb waves plugins, then how exactly does the experience in the aid of the respective application. I swear on Samplitude, Pro Tools requires extra hardware, logic audio and cubase are synonymous, Bissière confusing for your non-musical purposes.