Frage von vs:
I have several thousand files with the same problem: The audio peak level is much different, just like the dynamic range. Additionally, all videos a 4:3 frame (letterboxed or full frame) have, however, flagged some of the 4:3 letterbox files incorrectly with 16:9.
DVDPatcher is out. You can click several thousand individual files and patch does not work.
Now I was so proud to be able to everything abfrühstücken the following workflow:
File normall.bat
[Code: 1:86940299 d9]
@ Echo off
for%% a in (*. mpg) do%% normalize a
[/ Code: 1:86940299 d9]
File normalize.bat (called the normall)
[Code: 1:86940299 d9]
@ Echo off
------------- Echo File: "% 1"
Echo ------------- Step 1: Aspect Ratio
c: \ standard test \ mpgtx.exe-s-A2 "% 1"-b chunk0
Echo ------------- Step 2: Demultiplexing
c: \ standard test \ ffmpeg-vcodec copy-i chunk0.mpg-f mpeg2video "temp \ chunk0.m2v"-acodec copy-f mp2 "temp \ chunk0.mp2"
Echo ------------- Step 3: Dynamic compression and normalization
c: \ standard test \ BeSweet.exe-core (-input "temp \ chunk0.mp2"-output "temp \ chunk0norm.mp2"), azide (-n1-c normal-L-3db - maximize)-ota (- g max)-boost (/ b2 = 5) 2lame (-s 48-b 224-ms)
Echo ------------- Step 4: Re-multiplex set, aspect ratio:
c: \ standard test \ ffmpeg-i "temp \ chunk0.m2v"-i "temp \ chunk0norm.mp2"-acodec copy-vcodec copy-aspect 4:3-f mpeg "output \ chunk0.mpg"
Echo ------------- Step 5: Cleanup and Rename
del chunk0.mpg
del temp \ chunk0.m2v
del temp \ chunk0.mp2
del temp \ chunk0norm.mp2
cd output
Ren chunk0.mpg "% 1"
cd ..
Echo ------------- Finished
[/ Code: 1:86940299 d9]
I know Dirty Trick and the dynamic compressor in BeSweet could be better. But in this particular application, for once sufficient.
Problem 1: For large files will lock up mpgtx the hoof, after it apparently tried to download multi-gigabyte files completely into RAM.
Problem 2: File names with special characters and spaces are not handled correctly, with no call "% 1"% 1 call even with no quotation marks.
Problem 2, I will solve well have, as I use a small C code instead of the batch as a calling instance.
Problem 1 remains. I am looking forward to all tips relating to aspect ratio patch from the command line (the switch "-aspect 4:3" in ffmpeg is ineffective in copy mode)
Best regards and thanks in advance.
Antwort von tommyb:

Problem 2:
This is normal and could only be changed when you convert the file to another character set. Perhaps you are editing the batch file in the editor? Well, there is a program which is called "String Converter".
If the batch file to convert to OEM, work synonymous umlauts and special symbols. However, it is not really practical (not recommended anyway).
You might as synonymous with mass renamer AntRenamer all the ö and ü to rename OEUMLAUT UEUMLAUT etc.. Later you can replace it back UEUMLAUT ö - by AntRenamer.
Problem 1:
Yes, ffmpeg somehow ignore all the possible switches are noted in the doc. Even changing the field order funktiniert not easy.
Have you ever tried with the Mencoder? Which is available together with MeGUI in the package.
Another tip:
For a continuously identical volume is suitable ReplayGain. Especially for MP3, Vorbis and AAC, there are small tools with which to "patch" the replay gain value set in the file. The-playing device must support it.
Much safer but the file is to change directly. Since you anyway rekomprimierst the sound (SoX is way better in my opinion, if more complex way than synonymous BeSweet) you could just leave behind as well with "wave gain" lower or raise the volume to the average of 89dB.
WaveGain there are here (and it works really well as long as the files have a similar volume compression):