Frage von Dreikommazwo:
Hi, for a video installation (; screening in the private sector), I search for sources of television broadcasts (; sports, news, advertising, ...) from the 70s and 80s on DVD. Who knows what da? Thank you very much!
Antwort von patrikbirkenberg:
Antwort von Dreikommazwo: Thank you for the efforts that you made with your answers you. I hope you do not need test "google"?
Maybe someone else knows something relating to?
Thank you very much!
Antwort von patrikbirkenberg:

YouTube actually has the greatest abundance s.70er & 80s TV shows. In particular, if not the full Resolutionvon 720x576 pixels is required (as in your case) can be uploaded to YouTube as Flash movies to download and re-finishing.
Sometimes the simplest solutions are simply the best ...
If you want's expensive: The relevant series, there's almost all on video DVD. Shopping opportunities that you should be known. ;)
Antwort von Dreikommazwo:

Thanks for the answer, so what can I start. Series and movies I have on DVD so, I just went to news, sports, advertising, etc.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
I just went to news, sports, advertising, etc. In the third run programs - most mornings - "Tagesschau 20 years ago." Recording?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... I just went to news, sports, advertising, etc. ... In the third program is running ... "Tagesschau 20 years ago" ... Something similar, the Bayerische Rundfunk in his program "Focus on Sport", every Monday evening: "In the spotlight 20 years ago."