Frage von Kone:Hi folks,
I'm looking for a program with which I am on a movie I can see a new sound raufsprechen can. The program should be freeware. I hope my description is not too tight and thank you already in advance.
edit: I want something like lord of the weeds or harry potter and make a stone.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
That should actually any video editing software afford. Perhaps at times the
Antwort von Kone:
Perhaps at times the
Antwort von Quadruplex:
By "stand alone" - "video programs" look ... For first attempts, I would Avid Free DV or Jashaka recommend ...
Antwort von noch ´n Gast:
or do it differently Forum: besorgs' you a Sequenzerprogramm (Cubase, Live, Audacity, Logic), in which the films can invite, and make the new sound there before you would only give the Sound-/Sounddateien back into the video editing program, where the final rendering to make.
I would always Programs for the purpose for which they were designed, ie with a video editing program, sound with a sequencer, because of their specialty areas are usually more suitable.
But I would do so (did the corresponding synonymous Programs), for someone who is just beginning, is the required training period, perhaps even a criterion synonymous. But how is it's beautiful, good thing to have now!
In that sense - my only!
Antwort von Kone:
Jo danke ich glaub ich hab erstmal now enough suggestions and probiers times ...