Frage von sebastian.mainzer:
I would like to adjust a Special Effect of eg Lord of the Rings with Adobe Premiere. Look at the effect (to be in Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship), one sees a person and the background always runs next to the back, as if the wallpaper will s.der person vordergrung weggezoomt but nothing changes. How does this effect
Antwort von jens:

It seems to me you mean the good old Vertigo Effect.
Men make one already in the recording.
Antwort von silentzero:

The easiest way to go but with the Blue Box, right?
Antwort von Chickow:

Either Bluebox or if it does not exist, you can, if you film a person, cut them with a graphics program laboriously each frame. Then I would stop your person without effect in short and simple film, it is that you can just zoom, or connect two separate scenes with a transition.
Then you can cut out the person lie down on the zoom effect and ready.