Frage von -ssSonyY-:
have now for a short time a Glidecam V-8. Thus my first attempt and was relatively happy. The Steadi is synonymous relatively well balanced. Synonymous Of course I know a lot of exercise is one of them. Now I have one problem when I go running or shaking the camera (-> Picture), but only to the top and bottom ...
Now my question: is it s.fehlenden weights? Primarily wrong attitude? Or s.fehlender experience or practice?
or you can just not say by declaration? Then I make a video and place it on You tube ...
PS: How much weight do I need down? Camera weighs 3kg then I need s.ich below synonymous 3kg ...?
Antwort von oberstyl4:

PS: How much weight do I need down? Camera weighs 3kg then I need s.ich below synonymous 3kg ...?
Try times with less weight. Was not a Glide-Cam, but I've read in the instructions that the counterweight approximately 1 / 3 of the camera should be weight.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

You lead with both hands? (Your Cam)
So I put all these effects with my system is only determined when I go fast and with only one hand, the system lead / lead.
B. DeKid
Antwort von -ssSonyY-:

I think the Steadi as it should be so with the right part-Gimbal
and with the left "do" I Steadicam
Antwort von -ssSonyY-:

PS: How much weight do I need down? Camera weighs 3kg then I need s.ich below synonymous 3kg ...?
Try times with less weight. Was not a Glide-Cam, but I've read in the instructions that the counterweight approximately 1 / 3 of the camera should be weight. okay, the feather and strong or easily adjusted? I have it now at full strength
if the blödsinn, then please write because of ausbalanzieren I have almost no idea ^ ^
Antwort von -ssSonyY-:

Glidecam which wants to head over to 2kg, so try with one kilogram ichs not only cook, p
Antwort von jazzy_d:

The heavier per calmer. Above and below must naturally be the same weight (very little fusslastig). Show the Vest s.den hip bones do not go to the tribunal. The Federarm should be horizontal if it is everything. The drop-time should be of 1-3 seconds. Work with both hands. Jump in a surreptitious art courses to mögichst little vibration to obtain.
Antwort von -ssSonyY-:

okay thank you
Antwort von -ssSonyY-:

So now I have 3.2 kilograms below the top (camera) 3kg
the vest touched my hip and not the Federarm to full strength! but he is not horizontally sondernist almost completely below! I do not know exactly how much the Glidecam V8 bear but if somewhere is 4-5kg is only meant Camera or inclusive weights?
Antwort von jazzy_d:

Excerpt of to V8
cameras weighing up to 10 pounds
I would assume that the weight data refer to the Cam.
How to Drop Your Time? (horizontally of vertically after "commute" can)
Do you have any additional springs which you can install? It is not good if the bottom is Federarm. I have the Smooth Shooter (successor to the V8). It has 2 springs in the arm. My whole construction (2000Pro + Cam and accessories) has 6.8Kg
Antwort von -ssSonyY-:

have only a Federarm
the drop time, I have not measured, grad now have no time but unfortunately it is about 1 second ...
make a video with my problem purely ...
Antwort von Debonnaire:

The Auf-/Ab-Zittern camera usually comes while walking, therefore, that the Federarm See above or attack is lower. He should rest approximately in the middle of his rash maximum so that the camera while walking / running to the top and bottom in roughly the same extent and may fall gently.
This can reach you as you adjust the spring, or the total weight of the fly-section (everything on the Federarm will aufgesteckt) alterable only.
The drop time of the fly-Gimbal part to be 2-3 seconds. If they are significantly less long do you have when standing in a supposedly easier-to-use system, but in accordance with the curves of the inner self tends Camera.
The Ausbalan
C ieren is a tricky line to bring a variety of parameters, and rarely succeed on the first try! Patience and determination will be appreciated!
Antwort von jazzy_d:

"The Auf-/Ab-Zittern camera usually comes while walking, therefore, that the Federarm see above or below stop lies."
So for me it was especially the vest to be low on the hip bones that I was trembling at every step in the Picture had.
Antwort von -ssSonyY-:

does it come up and not down, because I think it ...
but I still mount the vest next top ...
Antwort von Debonnaire:
does it come up and not down, because I think it ... Thou shalt not do it "hold" so that it does not anschlaegt! It may not strike, even if you do so privately. The Fly-part must be simple springy to the mean resting position swing.
Antwort von -ssSonyY-:

The Institute does not ...
although the spring at full strength is set
Antwort von Debonnaire:

But ?!??! What does it DO?
Antwort von -ssSonyY-:

maybe it is completely below s.Anschlag!
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Yes and what this tells us? The fly part is too hard!
As long as you are not in an arm-swinging center (not hold!) Bringest, the part you need not even umzuschnallen.
A Steadicam rig is a hochfilligranes, difficult formations, which only works if you clean it perfectly balanced and you practice so viiiel're gone!
If these two basic conditions are not met, runners prefer you with your Cam rum in his hand, and go into the springy knees (what you are synonymous with the way it should Steadi!)!