Frage von scornrocs:
I have the following problem, am going to film a wedding tomorrow, had lent me this one Steadyrig, now I have diligently practiced the last day, but I do not want to succeed in stabilizing the steady to the last detail, so it really comes close to a dolly. Now I wanted to ask whether there is a software solution to make the trip completely fluent. I turn on a 7D and have beeen at a ne 5d Tripod. Since the output would be only in Pal Resolutionerfolgt towards the edges a little leeway, especially since I anyway with 17mm films s.der 7d.
Can someone tell what to steady his hand, allegedly intended to be such a software. Cutting is on Premiere Pro CS5.
Thanks in advance
Antwort von Clemens Schiesko:

I guess
Kleiner Tipp: Camera auf Tripod (möglichst leichtes), Schlaufe um den Hals and mithilfe of zwei Stativbeinen Kamerafahrten versuchen. Klappt with meiner 5D super.
Hier ein Beitrag wo man sieht wie ich das in etwa meine. (Die 5D-Aufnahmen die dort gezeigt werden, wurden bis auf die letzte (Kussszene) aber noch nicht with Tripod rotated.
LTV contribution: Blue Hour (FLV) (at 2:10 minutes)
Antwort von nicecam:

@ Scornrocs:
When I'm not just push aside your real question ...
The first wedding that you film?
DSLR's, I think good for scenic shooting. At a wedding you lead, however, no Directing. Unrepeatable scenes (which are most important and at a wedding) and conventional video cameras in my view, at a wedding (even) better. And certainly no room for experiments à la:
A little tip on Camera Tripod (preferably light), loop around the neck and use of two tripod legs camera movements try. Works with my 5D super. "Try" is the critical term in the quotation.
Clemens Schiesko describes namely scenic shooting.
With regard to the Mercalli he is probably right.
Antwort von FrankFaster:

Hi, I have yet not so much Maybe with DSLR's rotated hence my surprise. You turn with 17mm and at a steady Stick and shake the picture still? Fact alone ought to bring calm to even the Wide Anglegenug Picture, or is there a difference from conventional cameras?
Gruss Frank
Antwort von scornrocs:

oh great thanks for the answers! Meanwhile, I have found a good tutorial on how to remove the jerkiness in After effects. The program or plugin that you recommended it, I will lead me right time to heart.
So there are no synonymous jerkiness in the conventional sense a la Blair Witch Project, it is more about rauszubekommen the very slight shifts that make synonymous max. 5% of the edges off, rather less.
For the wedding, well I have three cams, one olle DV Cam, which runs through simple, ne shot and takes a kind of backup, is what I could do without really, but you never know. Then be tapped on a tripod with NEM 5d 70-200 and Funktstrecke to the sound (+ Trauspruch Rev.). And the Steady (Glidecam X-10 & Hd-2000) with nerve 7d and NEM 17-50 for the rest, and memory cards look as far as I can:) (120GB)
The results will be 10-15 min. including speeches and interviews come out.
Antwort von frm:

Since I can only recommend you synonymous Mercalli. The AE will probably take a long time in Comparison!