Frage von ciko:
Hi have the following problem,
If I import the material was recorded only one channel, I find no possibility of this two-channel output.
In Premiere 6.5, you could in the timeline "right click" on the left or right to choose Duplicate.
How does this work with now Premiere Pro 1.5?
Thanks for any help
Antwort von Acer:

How are you going to do it? Wenns was recorded single-channel, dual channel and you'd do it, what would it be because of another hearing Feeling? - Exactly, none at all ...
Net I do know how to do it (the solution to your problem, sorry), but I check 'net, why do you bother to do your recording in stereo
apparently wiederzgeben?
Erklärs me büdde, and sorry for my incompetence (that is, so what do I do?)
Antwort von Tom2020:
Net I do know how to do it (the solution to your problem, sorry), but I check 'net, why do you bother to do your recording in stereo apparently wiederzgeben? Makes no sense at Music in Language and noise already. Include the "better" and certainly the professional manner, language and sounds, is in mono, namely through a directional microphone. In the editing program you will only hear the sound of the left. Now suppose that the dog that barks, sits in the center. Then the
"panning" control just recede into the middle until the barking and the muzzle are on the point. What if the ruling stands and is now left "quiet whispers Bello? Well, then do you have a problem with only one Monoaufnahme. Therefore, the mono recording is
only truly perfect if you have separate sound sources: either multiple microphones or recorded music. If the situation described a game situation, one could move at short notice by the keyframe slider to the left (but only if the dog just does not bark). Better would be well, Mr. Chen, the "quiet, let Bello" again separately to say, while Bello chewing his biscuit reward.
Stereo recordings (especially with the built-in mics) are on principle only for recordings of environmental noise such as traffic, forest atmosphere, or suitable concert applause. Clean, intelligent miscible images require separate sources.
Antwort von Acer:

Then we could but at runterregeln stereo recordings to mono, right?
Antwort von Tom2020:
In Premiere 6.5, you could in the timeline "right click" on the left or right to choose Duplicate. Unnecessary action, because a mono track of all the players, car stereo at the same time anyway Links and justice will be encouraged. A doubled mono track is a mono track, which means that nothing changes in hearing. Unnecessary action synonymous, because you see the
margins (my post before) only a trace of need. Unfortunately, I do not know is where gepannt at Premiere since I work with Final Cut Pro.
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Unnecessary action, because a mono track of all the players, car stereo at the same time anyway Links and justice will be encouraged. Since when is it? When I print a mono tracks stereo, then that is called either the mono tracks on the right or the left channel. Then I hear this, of course, synonymous only mono on the right or left signal. Otherwise you'd have to duplicate the mono signal and place them on the second channel. Then mono sound from two speakers. Therefore, it is of course, no stereo.
Let me see stereo s.deiner a stereo RCA-Male s.der amplifiers rückseite away: now in mono, this signal is synonymous played on the loudspeaker, the cinch of the times lies still.
Antwort von Tom2020:
Then we could but at runterregeln stereo recordings to mono, right? Everybody wants to stereo. It's not about that Mono is beautiful. Except that a stereo recording to some extent a panorama represents everything in a radius of about 180 ° as coughs and wheezes. You want but that the Marking of the match will be of Humphrey succinctly than half left the highway that roars in the background through the whole picture. The noise would be better than gepannt centered on, say, minus 15 dB, so very discreetly in the background. The match will be very close, the stupid is not synonymous runterregeln Automatic suddenly in that moment, the dominant traffic noise. You understand what I mean. When I open Final Cut Pro, for example, a mono tracks, double-click again in the viewer. There I have two controllers then automatically "level" and "balance". The latter is the panning knob.
Antwort von Acer:

Thank you "guest", ultimately, on average, you can embellish everything manipulate us. I am so synonymous Mach. And: The sound makes the music
Antwort von Tom2020:

Unnecessary action, because a mono track of all the players, car stereo at the same time anyway Links and justice will be encouraged.
Since when is it? When I print a mono tracks stereo, then that is called either the mono tracks on the right or the left channel. Then I hear this, of course, synonymous only mono on the right or left signal. Otherwise you'd have to duplicate the mono signal and place them on the second channel. Then mono sound from two speakers. Therefore, it is of course, no stereo.
Let me see stereo s.deiner a stereo RCA-Male s.der amplifiers rückseite away: now in mono, this signal is synonymous played on the loudspeaker, the cinch of the times lies still. 1. Recording of a mono-Micro will play in the control during the recording only on the left. Right, right?
2. After capturing the editing program there is only one track. It is defined as mono. Mono means, without spatial preference. Mono does NOT mean "left".
3. If you make a DVD and the monotone as AC3 adding that comes in the Television signal simultaneously from both speakers. If you are in one kappst external speakers, the same signal coming from the other. You could call it "duo Mono.
Antwort von prem:
When I print a mono tracks stereo, then that is called either the mono tracks on the right or the left channel. Then I hear this, of course, synonymous only mono on the right or left signal. Otherwise you'd have to duplicate the mono signal and place them on the second channel. Then mono sound from two speakers. Therefore, it is of course, no stereo. Misconception!
You talk of mono tracks, with the stereo recordings are mixed. Through the balance of a Monoaufnahme this is treated as a (artificial) stereo recording. Downmix of all the tracks will be distributed in proportion to the sound on Left-Right. With two mono tracks would be no change.
Antwort von ciko:

It's true, the whole really is mono, but if I play from my entire timeline, or on tape, I was spending and thereby turning the balance control in my mixer, I've only left a halt OT and nothing right. Irrespective of whether same is synonymous to the mixer, I'm in between or not (eg. DVD) edition.
The whole thing is of course synonymous with television and so it sounds easy to just funny.
So I want the left "mono tracks (if they are technically synonymous actually does not exist) on the right" to duplicate mono tracks.
In Premiere 6.5 you could select in the timeline "right mouse button to duplicate audio options" on the left.
How does this work with now Premiere Pro 1.5?
Antwort von Wiro:

Complete audio effects> Links duplicates the information of the left channel of audio clips and placed them in the right channel.
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von beiti:

I know the problem of only left-Recording with mono microphone very well. Amateur is a classic problem and has to do with the assignment of the microphone jack and a lack of support in the mono-cutting programs. One of my old S-VHS camcorder did so even two microphone jacks, one for stereo mics and one for mono mic (which was then wired so that the mono sound on both tracks came from).
Professional editing programs allow a choice of individual channels as a mono track, but for amateur video editing programs, it looks so bad. The distribution on both tracks in Premiere, is a useful stopgap.
Longer-term remedies, I would recommend to either use an adapter (mono jack to stereo mini jack coupler) or when the microcode is used not synonymous otherwise, the mono jack replaced entirely by a stereo jack to.
The trick is to bridge ring and tip, so that the mono signal is on both channels. Is stuck in mono plug stereo phone jack is the right inputs (Ring) by designing the plug almost bridged car with mass, resulting in a silent right channel.
Antwort von Axel:

Seems to me a real premiere issue to be. You're not angels dialogues in stereo, you take some noise (match, car door, telephone, etc.) not in stereo, but in mono. The editing program should produce one mono tracks by default. So if I, say, three mono tracks on top and have a stereo track with atmosphere or music, then I have to duplicate in Premiere just about every mono tracks, so as not generally just the sound of the left have?
MAY NOT BE THE PEOPLE, you are mistaken! But if I all of my timeline, or on tape, I was spending and thereby turning the balance control in my mixer, I've only left a halt OT and nothing right Sure, you is not synonymous with the program not to say from which corner you want to hear the sound. That the sound is mono, is the mix and margins, the RULE, not the exception. And to the margins, it MUST be a simple controller AND a keyframe editor!
Your Monotone would remain so forever Mono, if you'd have to duplicate it to the right. Only as a stereo pair you could balance him otherwise. Or must you cross this thread about both tracks when the car goes to the left of the right?
Please mal's checks, sometimes pannt one mono tracks in the middle (synonymous in Final Cut Pro, they're sitting first left), if your Project-default "Stereo" is that they now come from two speakers. Must be so, you're doing the mixing by ear.
Antwort von Wiro:

I just turned on a link from another discussion attention again to this thread and have read through it again. Being a long time Premiere user, I'm in such discussions sometimes so my difficulties.
The thread creator had but a very simple problem: he has used s.seinem camcorder, a mono-Micro, and after the capture he had, therefore, the only sound on the left "ear". A very routine and normal story. Now he simply wanted to know how - to duplicate since it is a stereo track - the left channel on the right can. So obviously he wants to keep his stereo track to hear only just left and right. To this end, he simply puts "finished filling out links" on the track and. So we went, yes. A mere trace of the stereo panning makes no sense, since it mixes so this only left and right - on the right is nothing, only silence.
To obtain mono tracks to be used at the premiere feature split on mono tracks. This, together with mono tracks to stereo tracks lie quietly in the timeline - it crashes are still mono tracks and can be up to the blackness. Is the view of the middle, the mono tracks on both logically hear channels. And to pannen to moving the pan control to stop where he should be - this is no different than any other mixer synonymous. In blender, the tracks are represented as synonymous as they are in the timeline: with 2 stereo level meters, with a mono. This makes Premiere completely autonomous right.
Because I see no problem.
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von Axel:

Salut Wiro.
A mere trace of the stereo panning makes no sense, since it mixes so this only left and right - on the right is nothing, only silence. Oh, good heavens!
I hope that this is a misunderstanding, otherwise all the videos, for which I'm just mixed stereo
mix mono tracks on the left and right are. Since I'm pale.
Because I see no problem. By panning "on center", the timeline is not only more readable, because there are no more absurd than doubled tracks - apart from the fact that moving a slider or entering the value "0" is more elegant than this other procedure. And in the exported downmix tracks to stereo, the mono sound events as space, where they are.
A mixture of L (sound) with R (cut in half rather than silence) the level, if the person concerned.
Hey, I will not argue, Premiere can pannen. You said it,
Antwort von Wiro:

Oh dear, oh dear oh dear, and you kindness.
There are moments where you should set an urgent discussion.
Which I hereby do.
Greeting Wiro