Frage von Slashboy:
I want to use a photo cutout (whole head, or child) in a rotating washing drum have. Geht sowas überhaupt? Have unknowing even zero. Work with MSP7.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

MSP7 I do not know (what does the abbreviation?), But basically this is of course no problem if your program a little compositing and layering support.
I assume that you are rotating washing machine drum with still camera to have, because otherwise you have to be added to the mask and the levels still Zusammefügen motion tracking, so that the perspectives converge. Also: Fixed camera position, ok?
Approach (regardless of the application):
1. Find out how fast the drum spins (eg 1 x per second = 360 degrees per 25 frames).
2. Insert your header image (could better synonymous static video of a face to the Reaction Rumgewirbeltwerden shows up) on the first video track / level of your Editier-/Compositingprogrammes On.
3. Animating the header image / video so that it spins parallel to the washing machine (parameters from point 1).
4. Add your washing machine on the second film track Editing-/Compositinprogramm level in the Kopfclip On.
5. Masking the round window of the washing machine drum so that you through the hole at the top level, see below.
6. Set the rotation center of the header image / videos on probably the chin or around the mouth and place this layer in the middle of the washing machine drum window.
7. When you add finishing now maybe a little motion blur on the header level and other Tonwert-/Schärfenanpassungen s.beiden tracks / levels, so that it looks as though everything together. Done!
Have fun!
Antwort von Bernd E.:
MSP7 I do not know (what does the abbreviation?) Ulead Media Studio Pro
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Fascinating ... ;-) And this is actually someone?!
Antwort von Slashboy:

Oh, I thought to myself, MSP7 would be a concept already familiar.
It is, of course, MediaStudioPro 7th
Antwort von Slashboy:
MSP7 I do not know (what does the abbreviation?), But basically this is of course no problem if your program a little compositing and layering support.
I assume that you are rotating washing machine drum with still camera to have, because otherwise you have to be added to the mask and the levels still Zusammefügen motion tracking, so that the perspectives converge. Also: Fixed camera position, ok?
Approach (regardless of the application):
1. Find out how fast the drum spins (eg 1 x per second = 360 degrees per 25 frames).
2. Insert your header image (could better synonymous static video of a face to the Reaction Rumgewirbeltwerden shows up) on the first video track / level of your Editier-/Compositingprogrammes On.
3. Animating the header image / video so that it spins parallel to the washing machine (parameters from point 1).
4. Add your washing machine on the second film track Editing-/Compositinprogramm level in the Kopfclip On.
5. Masking the round window of the washing machine drum so that you through the hole at the top level, see below.
6. Set the rotation center of the header image / videos on probably the chin or around the mouth and place this layer in the middle of the washing machine drum window.
7. When you add finishing now maybe a little motion blur on the header level and other Tonwert-/Schärfenanpassungen s.beiden tracks / levels, so that it looks as though everything together. Done!
Have fun! hallo Debonnaire,
Thanks for your help.
A video clip with rotating washing machine drum, I have not yet. The need I have yet to google. I will then try to follow your information.
I have to create a photo show with Ulead Photo Distillery head of a child ausgeschniiten a Waschmaschinentür placed and the overall picture in the photo show zoomed. It already looks good. However, it would be nice if the washing machine drum rotates (with the Still Image) and a cozy soft s.Ende child is to be seen.
You can certainly do. But it must be easy to have professional knowledge.
Greeting Flashboy
I once read that one synonymous to a rotating ball (globe zZ) a picture can be set, which is then mitdreht.
Antwort von Debonnaire:
A video clip with rotating washing machine drum, I have not yet. The need I have yet to google. Boy, you're in a video forum. MAKE Browse Videos Here! You "google" they are not together! If so embarrassed if you do not even manage itself, a washing machine (which is neither an illegally possess, nor particularly rare in Central Europe, yet particularly shy or even dangerous ...) abfilmen to go, really!
I have to create a photo show with Ulead Photo Distillery head of a child ausgeschniiten a Waschmaschinentür placed and the overall picture in the photo show zoomed. The above is synonymous for children (heads)!
At your place, with your attitude and your skills, I would actually just a clip, where a child's head in a washing machine drum rotates, go to google. And, in an era of almost tagesfüllenden Ups-The-or-Even-The-Other-Or-then-stop-the-third-Superduperhypergigamegawahnsinnspannenshow, you need only quiet NEN finger near the button of your host s.den Television VCR connected and a little patience, then you will have your Waschmaschinengör safely in the box soon! Good luck to the filmmakers ... uh ... FilmeGOOGELN!
Antwort von DWUA:

And no washing powder from Switzerland to use!
The foam is immediately over.
Antwort von Debonnaire:
And no washing powder from Switzerland to use!
The foam is immediately over. Lol! He was pretty good! :-D
We are just a massive temperamental tribes!
Antwort von Slashboy:
And no washing powder from Switzerland to use!
The foam is immediately over. Crap! but now have accidentally washing powder made from Switzerland.
Instead the head of the child, I see now a big
"Hello" on the washing drum.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Is it hammermässig! What could be better than such a frothy acidophilus "Hello" (in my area would be "Grüessech" say)?
Antwort von Markus:
I want to ... (Whole head or child) in a rotating washing drum have. Geht sowas überhaupt? Klar is das [I can not, of course, how to write, is illegal] - Sorry, I had just tuned think that I've ever seen ... TV series CSI. ;-)
Antwort von wurmac:
I want to ... (Whole head or child) in a rotating washing drum have. Geht sowas überhaupt?
Klar is das [I can not, of course, how to write, is illegal] - Sorry, I had just tuned think that I've ever seen ... TV series CSI. ;-) Oh! Oh! With such statements, I would be careful, then you have a display of "inciting ..." in the mailbox ...
... because the question (slashboy) the seriously * g *
@ slashboy Mark of the statement was
not meant seriously ;-)
So in this sense "good" success ehm ... sorry I meant Google!
Antwort von Markus:

Hach, increasingly violent fantasies ... this just where are my pills? ;-)