Frage von protten:
I am currently in the process of ne application folder for the FH together ... A series should look like as if they were photos from his film. Since I almost x-file fan am I of the aesthetics Picture her in that direction. Mat color, low contrast, ...
This morning I was ever Test half with his buddy (but not limited to the "richtgen Photos) s.einer Location and have since made a few photos around times to see what angle I should control and so (Later, the then synonymous with second, have probably s.and coats are slightly geschminkt, etc. ..).
The whole is not so simple. I have a feeling that I can picture the composition of Film and Still Image can not compare. My beloved head trim, I must believe I can be. Also a photo of Tonwertumpfang I think you should better not ausreizen. I have therefore deliberately slightly less space. Otherwise, I am for tips, as I have more after the whole film look or suggestions appreciated.
Previously, it should be said that I was not great at Minik've respected the person, because as I said afterwards eh others. I went rather Bildaufbau (ran closer? Away next?), Color, focal ... sowas eben. I have still not much to do with shooting, but I thought to myself where it is at these photos to this topic should go, so I would be quite good.
Or is there to move me to the yet unknown fundamental differences between film and photo cameras, which make my project?
zum Bild zum Bild zum Bild zum Bild zum Bild
Antwort von rush:

So should nThe quality photos look like film?
or synonymous in the sequence as in a film be? So in terms of montage of images?
if so should be, you could try more with the attitudinal variables to experiment ... quiet time or a large receptive detail, because if you cut the pictures now, would the whole a little "jump" ...
Antwort von wahlheidi:

if it is
really good photos will be, I believe you check the following:
- You have to be closer s.dein main motive
- The light is not optimally distributed (his face zb)
- Too often you use the same perspektive
otherwise you're on the right away, I think
Antwort von Axel:

The X-Files, I have never seen. Make it a few screenshots of takes from the series, which you very well liked. Then imagine it as accurately as possible. You can then compare and see where your shots when something is missing.
If you like the silly happens: It was a challenge s.der FH Dortmund. My friend chose a particularly nice setting from Wong Kar Wais
In The Mood For Love. The first shooting (with KB reversal film) they were not nearly s.die mood of the original approach. The second time came a lot of light to use, and Polaroids on the light levels were recorded.
Three men and two actors took three nights to succeed - a series of five slides. A one with asterisks. Not only had all now enormous respect for the work of Christopher Doyle, they had an idea and a sharpened eye for this, with what resources a particular effect.
Antwort von protten:

erstmal sorry that I answer so late.
@ rush: to be both: jo. I will try to ne little "story" to build. let's see how it works out. thanks for the tipp with the "jump".
@ guest: jo ran closer I know of the photography synonymous une synonymous actually do it always, only here at I had the ghefühl that there are more to the "portrait" is because there is nothing more of the environment provides. the light .. joa .. made the stop, what was there. but next time I will probably still take with reflectors.
@ axel: jau. screenshots I have quite a lot and look at the eighth synonymous ziemich on the prospects. I have directly copied but not yet. would be superior. =)