Frage von Vegas forever:
Jaa is a friend and I have our first stop-motion film finished. We have used Lego pirates ...
We have the animation, story, music, effects and recorded everything ourselves created.
Maybe you could look at the yes and tell them what you do so. Criticism is very welcome, because we obviously want to improve. ^ ^
(The film is divided into 2 parts because of youtube 10 minute limit)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Hat mir gut gefallen .... Thumbs Up!
Da gibts nix zu mekern, really nicely done.
Now times ne question
How long have you used for the 8000 + photos?
What camera did you use?
B. DeKid
Antwort von Vegas forever:

jaa thanks for the praise .. ^ ^
So we have the film with an estimated half a year before we started but then of course, synonymous for weeks so had phases where we had no bock really synonymous and then a few weeks where every day we have worked on it next .. totally difficult as long as the then ultimately took ..
But on the whole relatively expensive but the Project .. ^ ^
We have with its Finepix f11 just pictures ...
In the professional procedures so film cameras are being used to advantage here, I can not see .. ^ ^
Antwort von Axel:

Charmant and always welcome!
We have with its Finepix f11 just pictures ... I hope you had at least the ease of work, a special stop-motion program. This may one synonymous Finepix used, the difference is that the images of the same - on a program window as a control screen - as the film's images and capturet any time past the end of the animation can retrieve.
In the professional procedures so film cameras are being used to advantage here, I can not see .. ^ ^ Synonymous, I believe that the only partially true. At least
Wallace & Gromit were with massive software support animated. Attractions on The Making of "giant rabbit".
Antwort von Vegas forever:

woohooo how does that because with the stop motion program? connect the camera then immediately s.den Pc s.and makes because of the photos?
programs such as hot because?
I've just pictures in a sequence after effects to import and then velocity and sowas adapted and subsequently the effects and so forget it ..
Antwort von Axel:

Well, maybe not the latest is
this, I just randomly gegoogelt. Have times with a Mac program rumgespielt was fairly simple. Just google it yourself, there are certainly alternatives, synonymous freeware.
Antwort von Vegas forever:

synonymous if I own relatively independently in bin sowas .. ^ ^ I do not know what I should look ..: D
whether mac or windows would be in principle no preference mac .. but I almost prefer if I would soon transfer ...
Antwort von Axel:

Only about Querverlinkung the first Google page with the query "Stop Motion":
Windows / Mac:
Antwort von Vegas forever:

The problem is the one with all these programs have a webcam or a camcorder needs ... The quality of webcams is obviously not sufficient and camcorders are too expensive ...
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Problem is the one with all these programs have a webcam or a camcorder needs ... At least iStopMotion does the information on the linked Page According synonymous with cameras. The other programs I have not viewed, but there should be similar.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Vegas forever:

mmmh .. I've tried istop motion and whether a samsung, a panasonic or FujiFilm .. digitalkamera is not supported ..
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... whether a samsung, a panasonic or FujiFilm .. digitalkamera is not supported ... Making sure everything works, the camera, the "Picture Transfer Protocol support (but is actually described on the homepage?). Whether your camera is one, can be either through a look in the manual or the list of supported cameras on the homepage of iStopMotion noted.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Vegas forever:

jaja .. and unfortunately support these cameras is not ...
FujiFilm would only support for Windows .. then I'll have a Windows program to try stop motion ..