Frage von umwelt:
I have many pictures with GIMP, which I with Video Deluxe 2006/2007 would like to play in a row.
with VD Although I can import images, but each picture will be displayed for 10 seconds. A manual modification of the display time would be all over ...
VD comes with either a possibility, the length of many images together to adapt or there another program that allows this?
Although I have now been searching, but I found the program of support does not work with PNG graphics but usually only with video cameras.
Antwort von A380:

Good evening from Bremen,
because there are 2 simple ways.
1. If you
do not have
pictures importierst,
You can the standard length of 10 sec to change. Type "Y" for the program settings. Go to the tab "System". Here you can picture the standard length. All imported images are then just as long.
2. If you have
very many pictures importierst has
go in the Storyboard mode. Here you can see each picture as a small slide.
At the bottom of this slide is the time. In your case, 00:10:00
Go with the mouse and to press the RIGHT Mousetase. Place a time and selekteiere "apply to all".
Otherwise, much success
Antwort von umwelt:

thanks for the help!
have been completed with manual adjustment.