Frage von Auf Achse:
Keep in touch!
How do you actually keep on your miniDV tapes? I'm tired of the shoebox, I'm looking for a beautiful and practical storage system. It now needs to be anything expensive, maybe even someone practical commonplace - plastic boxes with lids that fit found for the MiniDV cassettes are. I have recently found Cutlery - Drawer inserts, which were almost perfectly! Unfortunately, they are a little too niedig and the cartridges only fit together and not consecutive :-(;(;
On the one hand what I'm looking for archiving home, go for the other shooting. I have searched for many models of various stacking boxes manufacturers, but I find anything suitable. Since I'm traveling a lot in dusty environments, they should have a proper seal. Miscellaneous Tupperware boxes are generally not useful because first, the format does not fit, and they have rounded corners and no other strong parallelle side walls. Ammunition boxes are made of metal and did a superb poems, but are a big bisserl ....
I'm curious to have your suggestions + solutions!
Thank you for your suggestions and regards,
Auf Achse
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Tupper cans or mini Pelicase
Antwort von etv:

Welcome to Axis!
Look for this thread = # 265,587
there is a link to this Page Think that is the solution for at least the Lagerproble
Antwort von derpianoman:

Boxes of ammunition ... ... well, that probably depends of the type of weapon from??
My evening has been saved! ,-))))))))))))))))))
Antwort von etv:

... great that my last post was empty ...
well, again the link: = In this article, has already been discussed and views about it here: is the link to the supplier ...
Antwort von Auf Achse:

[quote = "derpianoman"] ammunition boxes ... ... well, that probably depends of the type of weapon from??
Keep in touch!
Yes there are different sizes, I know of three different and the least profitable for the bands. In the medium I rumgeschleppt in the last seven years, my camera + other stuff (;'ve got a strap mounted). Unfortunately, my Canon XH-A1 does not fit strictly into the largest, the camera is wider than the Munkiste :-(;(;(;(;(;(;(;(;(;(;(;(;
I love this Munkisten because they are completely dustproof and waterproof! After I got it in Italy in the early histories nearly difficulties, I have repainted them of Military Green Gray on inconspicuous.
One possible source:
@ etv: JAAA, SUPER, I'm looking for exactly sowas THANKS!
Greetings, On Axis