Frage von Filmzwerg:
now after I've created several movies and I am more and more dealing with the issue (indeed even the ambitious, a few films I have made double and triple), I am now a problem has come.
Good that I did leave ... to 4 clock at night, I sat s.Calculator.
So, as always, I have finished the work on disc verewgen want but after 10 sec. broke from the program ever. No exact error message. Just stopped and I was able to click on Finish.
First I thought it would s.dem movie, so an older project up and synonymous here the same mistake.
Since I am not Wust what I still do it so the program is closed and restarted the calculator. But that was not synonymous ...
Now I have good luck at times a completely new project built and tried, now it is.
But what can that be? The old projects, I can no longer use, here it comes to the same error. Although s.diesen def. nothing has changed.
I'm glad that I can continue, but I would of course, the old projects have been quite happy to use.
Antwort von Rolf Hankel:
now after I've created several movies and I am more and more dealing with the subject (yes even the ambitious, a few films I have made double and triple), I am now a problem has come.
Good that I did leave ... to 4 clock at night, I sat s.Calculator.
So, as always, I have finished the work on disc verewgen want but after 10 sec. broke from the program ever. No exact error message. Just stopped and I was able to click on Finish.
First I thought it would s.dem movie, so an older project up and synonymous here the same mistake.
Since I am not Wust what I still do it so the program is closed and restarted the calculator. But that was not synonymous ...
Now I have good luck at times a completely new project built and tried, now it is.
But what can that be? The old projects, I can no longer use, here it comes to the same error. Although s.diesen def. nothing has changed.
I'm glad that I can continue, but I would of course, the old projects have been quite happy to use.
Matthias Look at times a different editing program, eg in Edius NEO
Gruss Rolf ...
Antwort von Conducator:

Why the switch editing program? In my Pinnacle Studio 12 does not cause any problems. I'm very satisfied!
The problem described here must be very well s.einer individual users are the cause.
Antwort von Filmzwerg:

I stayed first at Pinnacle 12th
For me as an absolute noob in this subject are important experiences rapid success;)
Now I have another problem, after 8 hours of "expected" when the program is to create an AVCHD DVD stuck. After the program I had to force its service set, I wanted to work again. But Pinnacle expects me 2 min. The whole program seems to DVD (DVD-9) to burn and then throws the disc.
Unfortunately there is no content on it and the blank of Pinnacle will no longer be accepted because it would not be empty (???).
Then I wanted to with Nero (7) burn the image, but that is not synonymous because Nero does not recognize the files it could use.
Och mensch ... Pinnacle and DVD is no longer an issue for me, I can without any problems. But AVCHD DVD's irgentwie not want :-(
EDIT: SORRY DAS ICH HIER ALLES spam! I have the problem resolved itself now.
Antwort von Conducator:

och je, du Armer!
But good that you now get to grips with it.
8h render time? mmmh?
Has your film "length" held calculator, or is your hardware a bit schwachbrüstig equipped?
The latter almost always leads to instability.
Antwort von Filmzwerg:

I think the hardware is ok and enough.
Intel Dual Core (6400)
I do so synonymous only been 1 1 / 2 weeks and so for me to learn from. For a crash course in Pinnacle I think I'm quite far. Boris Graffiti synonymous already works quite well. But I'm still an absolute noob what this whole issue is concerned and slowly stop working me into it.