Frage von Yheeky:
I have before me a long time a firewire card and a cable fetched. This has hitherto synonymous always worked reasonably well. When you first start was the firewire card synonymous and the Canon HV 20 recognized. The Canon HV 20 shall I now garnicht more in the device manager. Well, the capture has in recent times always works correctly (until last week). Now today I wanted to capture a video (on the Mini is just DV, HDV and then back DV material ... but I have put everything on DV and am s.der correct location on the tape - it can play the synonymous . I have everything connected correctly, as always, and the camera is sometimes synonymous recognized, sometimes not, however, synonymous. IF I'll get everything set and I did not premiere crashes, the sound recording, but if I then move the camera a bit and shake the cable, interrupts the recording (and probably synonymous the connection). What can that be?
Did the cable s accident? The card? Or maybe even the Camera? Quite funny, sometimes I put the cable and out and it is not recognized on Vista - does it all at once then again, if the camera has a certain position. If I then turn breaks the connection - advocates for a loose contact, but what's to blame?
I hope not, that the Camera is: - / is it known that the HV 20 is vulnerable? How did the way, because I guarantee? Did they are now just over a year.
Additional Info: Windows Vista and hab ne Noname firewire card with cable nem low - but as I said, it has so far worked well.
I hope someone can help me and it has someone ne idea.
Greeting Yheeky
Antwort von Yheeky:

None I can give any advice? :-(
Antwort von thos-berlin:

What should we advise you? You've got your troubleshooting has really started. You write yourself that it is depending on the position of the camera and with Gewackel s.Kabel times and does not work. At which end of the cable (Camera or PC) gewackelt did you?
My suggestion: invite a friend with DV Camera and cables and tried just a cable and its Camera s.Deinem PC. If all 4 combinations of cable and camera have been tested, is expected "the guilty" be found.
Antwort von Yheeky:

I know, unfortunately, nobody who has a camera, otherwise it would be synonymous been my first idea.
Meanwhile I have the PC set up in the hope it was a driver problem, but unfortunately without success. Yesterday I linked garkeine more right. It seems neither the "HDV / DV" in the Screen, a sound in Windows. Sometimes "HDV / DV" but it still does nothing s.PC.
So I had the camera in his hand and then times when it ran and I was able to capture, I wanted the camera off and then remained stable and the picture is from the connection broke.
Sounds like I said after his loose contact, but I do not know whether the camera or the cable is. One cable I could buy new, but since I do not synonymous, whether the "good" is ...
Incidentally, the cable synonymous wobbles slightly when it is in (ie it is not properly fixed). Is this normal or is it perhaps a bad cable? Smell is doing nothing, of the board should be ok or yes?
Antwort von thos-berlin:

DV cable contacts have very small and so is the risk of malfunction when the smallest of dirt or damage. Times we want to hope that it is not the kameraseitige port is the problem. As something to repair is not easy and therefore not synonymous cheap.
You'll smell as synonymous nothing to s.den agencies are current and voltage is too low in my opinion. Either is an IC which is broken, or jack s.der itself - such as a hairline on the PCB, where the socket is soldered s.die board. There are large mechanical loads. (Time on the big occasions lateral pressure? Somehow got stuck or something ... This is a defect of the socket fitting enough ...)
Let's hope on the cable. (Since iist Incidentally, the critical point just behind the times, where the cable from the plastic handle comes out.)
Absence of other tests you want just a new DV cable to buy. Whether it is good or bad, will show the future. To these possibilities at all to check, you have not the ¬ 30, - high-end cables from the hi-fi Still Image dealers buy. Something to ¬ 10, - ranging from completely (eg 8.95 at large "C" or for about ¬ 5, - at K & M).
Antwort von Yheeky:

Well, lateral pressure, I have not exercised in size. Gewackelt I've been off, but only when it no longer worked. Wanted to stop looking, so if I somehow get back contact.
What is usually given with the warranty from? If there is no short circuit, but should contain the fix. I guarantee there probably two years, so I could send loose yet.
Mhmm okay, I did when I was a MM fetched. Was I think the best, but they are generally not favorable for cables. I look, because what I can find.
Thank you in advance for the help!
Antwort von thos-berlin:

If the cable is not, you can still send. I think the cable cost is for the first test still acceptable, you need more cable ;-)
Did you at least someone with a different in your PC or a second independent Firewire to the problem "PC card" be excluded?
Antwort von Yheeky:

Unfortunately no, but my card is displayed on Windows and so if I uninstall the drivers and "New hardware search" doing the firewire card is found again. Is of course not certain that the port is synonymous to work, but yes I have two pieces outside s.Gehäuse, and that both break down, I think that is unlikely ...
Antwort von Yheeky:

So, I've now bought a new cable - even of 20 euros to 10 euros respectively, since the MM cable from the line wants to take ... cable plugged and lo and behold - everything was immediately recognized and synonymous capturing the works again! That reminds me actually a stone from the heart! Amazingly, it was really only s.Kabel.
Thanks again for the help!
Greeting Yheeky