Frage von milo:
I strongly aufskaliertes DV material (of a DVD into Final Cut by MPEGstreamclip loaded), I want to export with compressor and I get not strip away. Despite trying various filtering with interlaced just - odd, flicker or deinterlace function in compressorprogramm.
gibts there are other possibilities.
am very grateful for any help.
lg, milo
Antwort von tommyb:

The source material was, therefore, SD and interlaced?
And when scaling was not well respected on interlacing but the picture was interpreted as "Progressive" and then scaled up?
If this is true, then it becomes very difficult to strip "wegzubekomen" because they are now a part of the picture.
The only option now is to share the material through properly scaled.
Antwort von milo:

hm, then I can raufskalieren new all over again how to do it properly then, so how can scale the eighth to interlacing?
Thank you!
Antwort von milo:

And then I have been thinking: when you see these strips but not in the final cut, but only after the export, then they should already be lem getting, no?
Antwort von Jott:

"I strongly aufskaliertes DV material (of a DVD into Final Cut by MPEGstreamclip loaded), I want to export with compressor and I get not strip away."
Why aufskaliert? DV and DVD have exactly the same resolution.
If you are the result on a television (no preference whether you want to see tube or LCD / Plasma), leave it interlaced. If you want s.Calculator and NEVER look at TVs, tick when converting to MPEG Streamclip simply de-interlacing.
Antwort von milo:

So I'm just one excerpt from the dv material used and the three hundred percent greater play .. Thus "aufskaliert. in the final cut that still looks totally ok, only when rausexportieren loses s.qualität ..