Hi Folks, I have a video with a capture card which is included in the DV-AVI is interlaced. After a deinterlacing can be seen just a nice change every frame, and a rosy picture. The tape is already Uhralt. If I but now the entire Lower Field First deinterlacing, then I have little pictures mixtures, but the flicker is no longer there.
I've rauszuholen da ne chance eh?
Antwort von Stefan:
When it comes, then capture the tape again properly. It seems that the capture card at the capture was set incorrectly.
If the tape is no longer the erfügung, you can remove the damaged fields. This goes eg with Avisynth.
More if you've decided on a way ...
Good luck The fat Stefan
Antwort von error:
but this will be removed by a heath information lost, right?
Antwort von Stefan:
What do you think - this rosy picture? Yes you throw that away. Does it hurt?