Frage von jwd96:
Certainly, the one and other of the young people here (; as I for example) ever With Premiere Pro, Media Composer, After Effects or other "professional software flirted.
If this were not so sh *** Programs would be expensive ...
Now I have the Page All you need is a pupil or student ID.
Then I noticed first that the Programs in an EDU version (; reasonably affordable price) have many.
eg: Suite with Autodesk 3ds Max, Maya, Softimage, Mudbox: 140 ¬
Production Premium CS5 370 ¬
Media Composer: 300 ¬
all pupils and students here on,'s watching you at times!
So no software crack, rather Unimall check! (; OK, that sounds really stupid, but no preference)
Also you should time the PLE (; Personal Learning Edition) Nuke and Vue Infinite / xStream look of. These are free, but render with a watermark, but to get perfect.
That's it already synonymous.
Antwort von crassmike:

Yes, EDU versions are already in practice, but I think
Production Premium CS5: 370 ¬ synonymous somewhat steep. This is a monthly one Nebenjobbers - if I (still) do not even earn Money with the program, which is already a lot of money - the first place
I would rather invest in a proper camera and other technical equipment.
The EDIUS 5.5 Education version is ¬ 149 with as still affordable. More Money, I would like to learn as a student for software production and hobbyists to spend not really.
... So, enough gemotzt;) ...
Antwort von Manuell:

370, - is really what the price performance concerns saugünstig. Especially so now is the huge advantage that you even allowed to use the student version being commercial.
Because everything is important have it, for s.Photoshop and After Effects to get by actually hardly synonymous with one another when editing program than Premiere, works and if you then have a regular DVD, or Blu-Ray, have you want for or Encore.
The relationship is so synonymous very similar I think:
370, - ¬ for students (about 1 months salary)
1700, - ¬ for the workers (about 1 months salary)
Antwort von rush:

I can understand as crass mike on ...
When one considers the filming etc. being only a hobby, then you do not necessarily want to spend vast sums for software -
Other hand, one would naturally like to snip synonymous not only with the Movie Maker:)
And when students are ¬ 370 nunmal some s.Money .. at least I felt at that time as a student for a lot of coal .... you have other expenses and needs so synonymous :-)
I do not know how nowadays with the EDU's ausschaut ... but often they were not upradeberechtigt.
If we had something like that is brought as a student and then later - when one is no longer a student would want to upgrade - it was stupid there.
Edius and seems about to be synonymous not commercially available, according to the above Page ...
Otherwise, the Prices in Comparison to Full versions are of course already attractive - no question.
Antwort von Alf_300:

So when I've looked right then does the CS5 Master student at Amazon 20 ¬ 639 ¬ so even less.
EDU versions Who cares really as a student anyway if it is every 18 months a new version.
On the subject of whether the explanation is (is expensive) - It is very expensive when you have to fork out of there spending money.
Antwort von crassmike:
Edius and seems about to be synonymous not commercially available, according to the above Page ... According to this page:
"The EDIUS EDU version is upgradeable and may be used commercially. The only difference from the regular version is that no Programs of third parties are included (neither Title Motion Pro, yet ProDAD VitaScene and Mercalli still Ulead DVD MovieFactory and additional Audio and video filters and effects). " > In contrast, Adobe provides halt for almost 400 Öcker the full package with all the bells and whistles ...
EDU versions Who cares really as a student anyway if it is every 18 months a new version. Hmm, because I'm not straight, but true - Adobe is the editing software, with which I now learn, later, when I might want to earn money anyway be "outdated" when eh comes out every year a new one. So I use the possible "commercial use" of Programs not synonymous great deal. Besides, I use it constantly an "old" version.
Currently, if one observes the developments in the AVCHD acceleration, it will probably be there anyway for some improvements. Although CS5 in the area synonymous already very good and stable work ... (Now I have still something good said about Adobe;))
Antwort von jwd96:

Are the Adobe EDU versions actually upgradeable?
The CS versions obsolete actually pretty fast, but the price is still quite good (you get for 370 ¬ including a whole suite)
Well yes, but the Autodesk Suite is in any case very appealing. 3ds max, Maya, Softimage, Mudbox and Sketchbook Pro for 150 ¬, and the license runs for ever, I find a good price when you consider that for example the EDU version of Final Cut just ¬ 100 cheaper than the normal, or I got myself verschaut?