Frage von smooth-appeal:
Hi Folks, I've just received a huge problem with Premiere. I need to get a job done and suddenly, without which I would have pressed something or something special is happening is lacking in almost all traces of the audio signals.
The mixer will be the rash appears, but you hear nothing more. With one or two sequences, the sound is still there.
Please please scheiss with a lot of sugar on top - Help me ;-)
What could be the reason?
Antwort von smooth-appeal:

I understand the world more ...
Spoke briefly with Disturbed 10,000 Fists in the air in the music player and hewn at once am back ...
Does my PC Metal so it works?
Antwort von WWJD:

Yes, unfortunately I know this problem synonymous to satisfy ....
completely incomprehensible
Antwort von smooth-appeal:

I do not synonymous - I think Adobe Programs genial and you give with features on the creative journey even more expensive products may not have ....
But why is Adobe's product will have any children with illnesses on the way?
I mean, when their products are finally grown up? * g *
Antwort von catchafire:

What happens if you have the clips makierst, copy a new project and insert? The audio is then synonymous away?
Antwort von catchafire:

What sometimes helps is synonymous ton turn offline, and then re-connect. sounds funny but it is