Frage von alexanderdergrosse:
S.besten How can I find out what music styles to a WerbeClip fit?
This is the music not based on speed, but according to Art
zb Lachyoga to what fits for this genre?
Perhaps there is relevant literature or Tips!
Antwort von darg:

Litherarisch because I do not really know but the music should be primarily for the speed of the video footage and adjust if necessary synonymous represent some of the product. At a product, suggesting that relaxation should not deposited with techno music and its the other way. It must simply adapt.
Antwort von SebiG:

Music is a very special art, because you can not really give tips.
If you have the right music is the music on this cut usually a breeze. I am often synonymous hours Music s.durchhören. You need just a good feel for it.
Textbooks wirds not exist, you can synonymous at first glance totally inappropriate to use music and it's still great when it is properly cut. You have to be easy in the sense of what fits. Music you hear in your head and matching pictures raussuchen.
Hard to say but you should hear music du
Antwort von KrischanDO:

Listen, listen. listen ...
And not just radio FFM, but all available styles.
The Internet Radio (via iTunes because you can help.
Rules a la "red wine with red meat, white wine with poultry and fish," which is so synonymous have been questionable, I can shoot with bad music to imagine. A Werbeclip for an ayurvedic beauty salon with suitable trash-metal to create, should already be an art piece, and the video image from the engineering factory with Shade ...
Depends yes synonymous of the target group - the image from the video to Maschinebaufabrik Apprentice Einschwörung must be different than what the buyers of customers served.
So nix with rules, but work (hear, hear, hear) and intuition.
Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:

Okay, thanks for the tips. As your said, I had made synonymous.
Covered the sbestimmte Eck rules could give.
Have own experience is that almost any music can fit if cut right. But other feelings arise when you view.