Frage von NoPro:
hello in the forum.
I recently read here about the TGA format, and then I just made something clever. will probably be used very much when it comes to the post-processing.
I was told that this was the standard, so to speak, with which professionals work (if that is at least quasi-swelling material digibeta). clear all depends on what you want to do and in what form the project will be further processed yet - but I want to let such a time.
I even find myself at the moment would be (still) at hobby level, I say, but already the target with a "benefit to be (eventually).
The advantage of TGA seems to me that it is uncompressed, and offers the possibility to integrate alpha channels.
now I just wanted to ask her or look like the professionals among you. TGA can be as a kind of "pro" format for processing in compositing programs understand?
Many thanks synonymous
Antwort von Jörg:

You can set traps! Who answers here came out as a professional?
Let's make it innocuous. Whether professional or amateur Cutter: He does well
make a single image sequence if it exports the highest?
Would have little quality and rendering losses if the project needs to be further processed in other programs.
Whether the tga png, tif or psd format is sometimes depends of the program from the project properties.
Hobby-greetings Jörg
Antwort von Karl-Heinz:

the advantage in the rendering of image sequences, of course, is synonymous to
that you can use multiple Calculator to Your Project
to be expected as a result.
Antwort von NoPro:

thanks, joerg
hehe, I was already clear that the question is saublöd packed, but I knew I did not fast on what else to do. I have therefore synonymous as often as possible "set gänsefüsschen.
I just wonder what exactly lies the sense, that a Targa sequence einzelbid is indeed a sequence (or the synonymous gibts different, I do not think so)?
But probably the first place makes the integration of an alpha channel possible.
that would be probably a crucial advantage over uncompressed AVI. ultimately no preference whether the alpha channel does not need, or, it's good to know that we use in MAY.
And with AVI is a project to start and then finding that an alpha channel now would be quite handy, but then have to convert it to TGA, would have always taught this lousy taste of deterioration.
Now that would be my presumption, which is why the "professionals" to copy material from the factory as often as allegedly giving TARGA. Perhaps I am wrong but synonymous.
reply for more (synonymous of "amateurs" and "semiprofis"), I am still grateful.
Antwort von NoPro:

But there was when I was just answering ne s.schreiben yet.
s.Sevrina: how exactly is it with the rendering of multiple computers to understand, if I may ask?
Antwort von PowerMac:
the advantage in the rendering of image sequences, of course, is synonymous to
that you can use multiple Calculator to Your Project
to be expected as a result. With all due respect this is utter rubbish.
With each "video" if Einzebildersequenz or reciprocally nested video geht das
Antwort von Jörg:

And with all due respect this is not said one nonsense.
At least if I assume that Sevrina the statement relates to after-effects. Since synonymous render you render to clients only EB Seq. And nothing else.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von PowerMac:

All right, After Effects can only EB sequences.
But "professionals" take no After Effects;)
Antwort von Karl-Heinz:

Antwort von PowerMac:

I accept Shake and Motion.
Antwort von Kameramann:

LOL ...
With all due respect ... Professional attention o. forth. Shake certainly is not bad, but still on the same target group as Wire.
I know professionals who work even with PPro and PCs - and nu??
Since it will coincide hopefully not another world? ;-)
Antwort von Wiro:

whether one AE or Shake and Motion or XYZ takes has nothing to do with the TGA format. TGA was developed in the mid / late 80s and was then the first format, which could save at all then existing and Alpha platforms running. That is why it is in the image data (synonymous prof enforced in the broadcast area).
So Who wants to exchange video images (image sequences), does well to keep s.diesen quasi-standard - then there is no compatibility problems and no unnecessary Hin and Her just as well could replace TIFF sequences, which now sees synonymous every platform. But TGA is just the standard when it comes to alpha channels. So why partout what you want else?
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von Hildebrandt17:

s.Sevrina: how exactly is it with the rendering of multiple computers to understand, if I may ask? I mean that in relation to the render in after effects:
you specified in the render settings of your finished Project developed a
folder where you want your output files will be saved.
(it will be of the render clients constantly monitored):
then you distribute them to multiple render the computer, ie.
computer 1 may assume the first frame of your project in the previously defined output folder,
computer 2 checks, which a computer has rendered the first image in the monitored output folder has, and takes image 2 before .....
This of course works with single images only
gruß, sevrina
Antwort von NoPro:

s.sevrina: okay, many thanks. So operating division, so to speak.
I was here actually understand any discussion about the "benefit sparking.
I mean by "professionals" (the word for one last time to use) does not necessarily people who hold only highend effect spectacle, but simply people who: 1 so that you earn money and securities 2 therefore synonymous s.gewisse broadcasting standards need to keep (or should).
if they tinker now 3D animated ships sinking or encouraging, just basic white text on black, I think, first time no preference. And if the result is the desired s.end synonymous, it does not matter, whether it was done in after effects or shake or something.
after the recent discussion, I would therefore conclude that Targa is data exchange programs, on average each case probably the most common standard for broadcasting between different platforms (PC, Mac), and compositing.
Antwort von Frage:
But "professionals" take no After Effects;) How's After Effects classify respect your opinion?
Thus, on ner scales of hobbies> Amateur> semi-professional> Pro or something like that. In other words, what programs they coming from and to After Effects? If the purely s.price festzumachen (which in turn, logically, of the functional diversity of the software depends on)?
Antwort von Avidcutter:

[quote = "Question"]
But "professionals" take no After Effects;) you what are you professionals or Zankweiber?
The so-called professionals use as well Afx man here can work in any resolution synonymous HD
man can furthermore 3D animation files of other programs to integrate and and and
I do not believe that it PROFESSIONALS Afx have been exhausted.
And the following Programs are followed Combustion and Flame Inferno but are extremely expensive, because you need here synonymous with the right hardware.
Antwort von Riffs:

After Effects vs.. Combustion
the old "point and Her".
I have not met yet who has actually worked with TWO. I know people that are working with combustion and) after effects curse (without knowing it, and vice versa.
maybe someone can finally time to bring clarity to the Case ...
Antwort von Jörg:

oh reef
these religious wars you will not be able to switch off. Product blindness in this subject has always been present, as synonymous in all other areas of life.
But the definition of professional is impossible. Who says that someone in his "profession" is good, just because he earns money order? We only had super-politician of professional craftsmen and so on.
We should be glad to have such a great product selection.
It would be a shame if synonymous in this forum's niggling "my
Program is better than yours "would keep thinking feeder.
I think there is no better or worse Programs by definition. It arises when you work out what fits. This may then be with anybody on something else.
I do not have to work with the best program prescribed if the user my ophthalmologist Zornesröte the drives in the face. What do I benefit from real-time capability of a Progranmms if I have the time gained with the search for hidden capabilities perfect lose again?
Dangerous and annoying it is, whenever occurring product evangelists, others Programs attempt to bring discredit to downplay the weaknesses and mistakes of their own while skillfully Programs.
Gruß Jörg