Frage von the_arsonist:
Hello, everyone.
I would like to first say hello:)
Had as synonymous directly a question / topic explains the question already.
I cut a movie in Premiere CS4 farbkorregiert (Footage resolution 1920x1080 / 5d Mark II material) and in AfterFX CS4.
Now I want to create a DVD. I have Encore CS4 sowieo nero9
I have rendered out using AfterFX the entire movie with 720x576.
Now I'm totally confused because unfortunately, the film on the DVD player (42 "TV) display correctly only in 4:3, but then of course does not fill the whole picture. The TV has a function which is called WIDE. But this is easy Zoom In the Picture. And the function should have the FULL picture correctly in normal 16:9 show. Then, the picture is squeezed above and below.
've Already read several things that the pixel aspect ratio of 16:9 in connection with is not the same for PAL and HD. Thousands of confusing statements. 7 attempts ... DVD-R tend to view the end. :)
So: What to consider? How do I set it properly, so that my picture on the TV via DVD player is not compressed? (Above and below)
I've read in various forums several bills relating to the pixel aspect ratio. I look through but not quite, because I suffer from fatigue. :-)
A kind HOW-TO: 1080p video AfterFX in the finished DVD would be great:)
Best wishes and I hope my comments are not too confusing.
Antwort von Mylenium:

Because there's nothing to say next ... You clap the clip into a PAL widescreen composition in AE and fit it on and render it out of him. Unless already seem to be. The only weak point may be: do not you will notice the correct pixel aspect ratio and a 4:3 preset instead of using proper 16:9. Since that is embedded as MPEG-Flag, Encore would interpret it correctly, but clearly it looks wrong. regardless, I'd check the times Eisntellunegn the DVD player. Many light it will shut synonymous incorrect bumper to ... Should occur so ...
Antwort von Soulfly:

since Mylenium was faster, here's a hot tip for you:
There are way synonymous rewritable DVD-R, DVD-RW is the name and saves a lot of coal in your case;)
Regards, Soulfly
Antwort von the_arsonist:

So I've taken on it that I select in the export options 16:9. Apect ratio was 1.78.
The DVD player you can look for nothing :-(
TV manual must be changed.
Am at a loss anyway.
Yes the blanks with the RW is s good tip ;-)
If only non-expected that it creates so much problems.