Frage von Andreas_Kiel:
... under the title
Antwort von Login_vergessen:

That the contents of the consignments of ö and private re-aligning more and more, is just nothing new. Somehow, as a public television should be good to be financed. If a broadcast format no spectators will be a problem. The audience wants s.sich but no culture and no synonymous information he wants with stumpfsinnigem shit "entertained" are. Because he is dumb. Because our society verblödet and will next verblödet.
If soundsoviel People at RTL or SAT1 at 15:00 clock s.ihrem relevant set "stuck, then this can not be an education program for zapping move only by an equally stupid program. Because the absolute number of consumers of television is no longer. You can only move one of the sender to the others.
This will only change if the "citizens" out of his trance and wakes up to say: I no longer let me muck around, I can no longer see show court, and whether the housing of the Firngiebels devastated by Mietnomaden, tells me s.Arsch over!
Where, however, there will not come. My TV stays sometimes for days, I can not see garbage, although I consider this part mitfabriziert even have ...
Antwort von salinger:

"Somehow as a public television should be good to be financed. If a broadcast format no spectators, will become a problem."
Unfortunately, exactly at the ÖR stations are not given. Where no preference may be, how many people watch this. Then they could make logical program synonymous ...