Frage von rebell-film:
we rotate the beginning of the year at his own fist a comedy show pilot for the tv. With this pilot we want to apply for various transmitters us-tv.
do the following points:
1. someone has experiences in the area? someone has tips how should we tackle the whole?
2. format on which we should turn? it makes sense to turn on hdv? digibeta?
important is that it is a pilot supposed to be) on mtv bewerbung bei tv transmitters (etc..
I thank you in advance for anyone who helps out.
Antwort von Markus:

Now there are only two ... please let this stay! The users usually only ignore your question.
Antwort von maniero:

Inquire s.besten you to accept the format of the station, where you'd like to present the material.
Most of it is beta (DigiBeta) and DVCPRO (eg ZDF). MTV and other stations but can be even partially DV material (of course, comes on the quality of the Cam and vsdes operator * to ;-)) things like Arschl ch class at VIVA are even aware of DV rotated to the amateur look to preserve.
I even schonmal DV-recorded material supplied s.The ARD (with my JVC GY-DV500 and even synonymous) with my DVX100A. However, I have had it before dubbing to DigiBeta ... was accepted without objection.
So simply ask for what is demanded.
PS: In the Bavarian Television, for which I run of time to time contracts, with HDV you need - materials do not arrive at all ... There was only recently ordered a huge margin SD optics and cameras. Because HD is still not an issue, and HDV is not taken seriously ...
Antwort von PowerMac:

1. You make on your own ne broadcast and are applying for you at MTV. I myself am still young enough to ranzugehen visionary and idealistic s.sowas. But: that you can forget sowas of. The production constraints are so great. MTV will not take you. Certainly not a public service broadcaster. Even if the implementation and idea should be super. You are young and not an established production company. Basta. But I will not stop: a shitty dumping price you will have to take a provincial station behind the seven mountains. An honest answer: You'll get no big tips. The market is too tough. Personally, I would be synonymous, and you would not give tips that I had to develop long itself. Experience and a knack at marketing are unfortunately a capital in our industry. Make the experience itself, but be careful that you do not tuck too much money, because you will reinbekommen none. The m. M. after only realistic way goes beyond the editorial offices. In ne Clips come in a few years of work and then produce external. And please do not even start a production company.
2. DV, of course. Also Digibeta abgibst whom you know the saying that you produce on DV. Better would be HDV, which is neatly runtergerechnet to uncompressed SD and on Digital Betacam is issued.
Antwort von rebell-film:

thanks for the reply!
Antwort von Roland Bergadler:

Has been synonymous with this documentation, marketing difficulties, or if the essence of your answer in the field of direct questions (series production)
Antwort von almosely:

Mhhh, I want to produce a movie and sell it worldwide. Does anyone know maybe stick with which such devices can be moving pictures, I galube times as I've got an idea for one son Bildereinfanggerät I heard but does not know is whether the right: camera or video camera. I once wanted to know where you were because now herbekommt known actor and a director since the times s.einem weekend can join. How is it really demonstrated in the Movies and TV, there really is synonymous already ..?
Antwort von rtzbild:

as a pilot in the private recreational flying, I can serve you. Not in commercial travel and cargo aviation.
My devices available, sails, UL and motor.
Prices S.150, - Euro / h.
Antwort von Sondiq:

Hi rtzbild,
come as quickly s.einen pilot's license ...?
Antwort von rtzbild:

Come on, yes.
Come inside club, make your notes.
HTH Olli