Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Berlin - Symphony of a big Thursday 22:45 18.January 2007 / RBB A cinematic experiment: 1927 Walter Ruttmann filmed the movie "Berlin - Symphony of the city" in which he is urbane life of the'20s maintained. Face of wall case and the resulting upheaval and awakening in Berlin, has the documentary Thomas Schadt 2002 s.eine daring reinterpretation of the substance. Like Ruttmann are Schadt synonymous with images of the Spree metropolis symphonic basic structure of the subordinate. The music was newly composed, and the synonymous topics shown are of course a little different than before about 75 years.
Antwort von Bernd E.:

The truly Featured Original of 1927, incidentally ran exactly one week at the same time slot. Who's missing, or it wants to see again, you can here the silent movie in DivX format (489MB) Download: / details / BerlinSymphonyofaGreatCity
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Chief_Wiggum:

besten dank!
gruß cj