Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Blow Up in the night to Friday 00:50 2.February 2007 / ARD If the arrogant star photographer Thomas (David Hemmings) is now in the park by chance abgelichtet a corpse? He wants to find out the truth. The magnifications of the images of the alleged crime scene is always grainier - and not necessarily clearer.
Alienation, Beziehungslosigkeit and the question of the reality of images are thematically Mttelpunkt in the cult film of Michelangelo Antonioni. At the same time he was a distinguished undercooled Picture hippie moving from London to the 1960s. For many gabs Prices, USDI "Golden Palm" in Cannes, the 1967th
Behind the Camera stand Carlo Di Palma, with Antonioni in the "Il Deserto Rosso" ( "The Red Desert," 1964) collaborated.
Antwort von Axel:

Not to be confused with
Blow out of Brian de Palma, in which John Travolta plays a Tonmann who inadvertently records an accident that is, what else than murder turns. Brian de Palma's movies are often "tributes" and interesting for people who are concerned about the issue of
plagiarism, his head shattered.