Newsmeldung von slashCAM:City of God 22:50 Monday 5.February 2007 / MDR Furious, multi-award winning feature film debut (USA / Brazil / France 2002) of Fernando Meirelles and his co-director Katia Lund: With a documentary style handheld camera and filmed from off tells, spans the history of extensive kidney s.die a period of about ten years. The focus is on young Buscapé (Alexandre Rodrigues), a favela in Rio s.Rande grows up and has only one dream, to become a photographer. But in the city of God is violence s.der agenda and career to do there best be described as drug dealers.
To enter the favelas to be allowed to rotate, Meirelles and Lund had the local gangster bosses to ask permission. They had nothing against it, but the directors had to promise not to "American" film. And that's Cidade de Deus does not become synonymous.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Geil! I had to analyze unlägst academically.
Antwort von Genorade:

are no different eras differently filmed ('s just the look or otherwise synonymous footage)?
Antwort von Uwe:

... I still know how a few years ago a friend of me with the DVD s.kam with the words "you have to necessarily see." I had my prejudices => from Brazil? Hmm ...
But the film with Locke (Löckchen). Cabeleira, Bene & Co is lonely class ...
Antwort von rush:
are no different eras differently filmed ('s just the look or otherwise synonymous footage)? no idea whether the COG's for instance is ... knows that this is only at 21 program has been made .. slightly different "color / sizes for the different parts ...
cog in habsch it is not as respected, but quite possible:)
Antwort von PowerMac:
are no different eras differently filmed ('s just the look or otherwise synonymous footage)? Yes.
Antwort von Axel:

On the DVD synonymous interesting information about the cut. Aside from the intro (knife: cut) through the entire film genial. As the narrative strands are assembled together, that's a lot of organic and interesting at the same time with Tarantino as it pushes its gimmicks.
Antwort von JMitch:

Yeah my absolute favorite movie. There is really no better in terms of story, narration and editing. Even at the 4th look at it, we notice more and more new minor details. Hammergeil.
Someone knows what hardware / software or cameras available? Würd am very interested.
Antwort von Valentino:

Someone knows what hardware / software or cameras available? Würd am very interested. The film was shot in 35mm and S16. What kind of cameras is not known to me but probably the usual suspects with probably a 16mm Arriflex SR2 or SR3. For scenes in which a high Resolutionbenötigt was (shots etc) was filmed on 35mm and in the Actoin scenes with 16mm.
Even the colors of the film has a clear structure, for example, the beginning is very warm and has held almost a Western Gelbsticht, later, the then slowly look cooler.
That was interesting but that the cameraman at the scene in the 16mm to Video Videoausspielung glasses looked, so to be closer s.Geschen.
If you are interested precisely, I think it would have in a version of the cameraman of 2006, a report about the film can be found.
Antwort von Schleichmichel:
What kind of cameras is not known to me but probably the usual suspects with probably a 16mm Arriflex SR2 or SR3. Nope. The cameraman said output can be seen in the completely-jpeg-ten title and picture on a photo to the cameraman filming Cesar Charlone with an Aaton XTR (or LTR ... it can not recognize). With an Aaton A-Minima, he has at the "Constant Gardener" worked. The Aatons are synonymous yes really better in the hand, and especially on the shoulder!
Antwort von PowerMac:

- Aaton A-Minima and ARRI SR III at S16 in the moving scenes
- 35mm ARRI 35BL on the static, wide settings (such as in the first stage of childhood)
Antwort von Schleichmichel:
zum Bild One can not see well, but it is definitely not A-Minima or SR3, but a LTR or XTR.
Here again the synonymous Picture from the cover, but not necessarily from the "City of God" must be turning ...
zum Bild Of the cameras you mentioned were for "Constant Gardener" is used. But ultimately, it is completely cold, as are all the same pictures.
Antwort von PowerMac:

The upper picture is from the City of God turning. The lower rather not.
Top, it looks to me from A-Minima, not below. And because a picture may be a different camera to see, is still not mean that only these other camera was used. In CAMERAMAN article on City of God and in another to Cesar Charlone, the camera never named. On the Internet express director Mereilles and Charlone but in several interviews that there is an Aaton A-Minima is. I think synonymous with the upper Picture.
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

You wrong yourself. (I edited because I've researched a precaution ... and actually refers to Fernando "Constant Gardener" under