Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Code Unknown Wednesday 22:25 18. April 2007 / 3sat The Austrian film maker Michael Haneke (most recently with "Caché" in German cinemas) can be different persons during an unfortunate incident and meet unfolded following their fates before our eyes. Certainly, the various life mainly by failed or non-existent communication, so as the title suggests.
A fairly accessible film, especially by an excellent actor ensemble is worn. You can see usJuliette Binoche and Josef Bierbichler. (Code inconnu, France 1999)
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

I can recommend synonymous.
Also coming tomorrow at 23.00 on HR synonymous "Paths to Fame" of Stanley Kubrick. Despite Kirk Douglas and worth seeing in the outskirts of Dachau rotated (Castle Schleißheim).