Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Funny Games in the night to Saturday 00:05 12.May 2007 / Tele 5 Whether this difficulty by not yielding to the shocker of the Austrian director Michael Haneke is a necessary contribution to the problem of violence and its representation in the film, it might be doubtful. Nevertheless, this looks merciless nightmare his peers and was (of course) controversial. Is the new movie ideas or graze it s.Entsetzen of the spectator?
It is interesting that the dramatic story of two young Sadoschnösel which a family terrorized for hours, and then massacring the cynical to the audience in the Camera speak again is filmed: Haneke himself turns being a Hollywood remake with Naomi Watts and Tim Roth in the leading roles. In December 2007, it is in the U.S. cinemas. (Austria, 1997)
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

Who has seen the film (until the end)? :)
Antwort von Beatfabrikant:

the film is good?
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

In movies, there were people who are outraged at the idea of leaving the room. A few of us left in the foyer will then have a long talk about the film and have concluded that the film is great, but synonymous, that it is okay, the movie is not up to the end view.