Newsmeldung von slashCAM: TV-Tip: Patterns in space and time of heidi - 7 Nov 2006 20:44:00 Here again a small TV-Tip, admittedly quite short: today at 23:00 showing of a documentary 3sat Gabriele Voss relating to "What is fitting?". The announcement sounds interesting (you follow the link above), ie of the screen over to the other box!
Antwort von jojo2203:

Unfortunately, I have the contributory read only this morning, someone has recorded the film and it would make available to me?
MfG jojo
Antwort von Axel:

Have I missed. In general, I suspect that cutting in the imagination of most of this sorting out bad shots and one an "assembly of the sensations" as the effect to specify other means. An experienced editor only once at the cut of 45 seconds for a contribution magazines and watching shows that cutting with a parent concept
begins. The almost uncanny effectiveness and safety in their approach, compared with the mostly only on the current efforts of the Recording limited cameraman says exactly this ability to sense the connection. I know the item again earns only a shrug.
Antwort von Frank B.:

I have seen the broadcast and recorded synonymous. Since such recordings for personal use only are permitted, I would like the program does not give s.andere next.
Very interesting, I found the different philosophies and-cut änsätze leading to extremely different results in the activity.
Often, even those interviewed were in fact no cutter justifications for its approach and philosophy will find more than they could explain. But what was far from unsatisfactory.
Especially impressive, I found the juxtaposition of different cut of the same material film or the statements directly s.Filmmaterial. Of this I would have hoped for more.
I'm going to get the program is probably even more often look for as I have understood correctly not all, of what certainly synonymous microsleep has contributed to me several times during the consignment seized.
This, however, had no case on which the consignment with s.sich, but rather with a hard working and transmitting to the late date to do, o).
Gruß Frank
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Patterns in space and time ... of Gabriele Voss Under the same title of the film is synonymous author a book published: / books / articles / voss_gabriele_-_schnitte_in_raum_und_zeit_-_notizen_und_gespraeche_zu_filmmontage_und_dramaturgie.shtml
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Kal111:

has anyone recorded the film and it would be possibly willing (of course, against expenses refund) s.mich forward?
Individual private copies of my knowledge to others is not illegal.
Antwort von Kal111:

This consignment was top! 've Rarely learned so much and am now really has become thoughtful. An editor used the word "information section". So it's a scene that shows things, so okay, now we have all seen what is important, and Cut. But in the end, no feelings transported. That gave me a lot of thought to what it actually arrives. This should include the inner cutter then s.Ende movie synonymous position again, what's important, and they all had different aspects. Highly interesting.
Overall, it was all very enlightening, although I already synonymous was damn tired. But there has been a awake in any case worthwhile.
Antwort von AndreasBloechl:

What I would be interested, can be extreme Cutter synonymous nor a movie for example or similar watch movies instantly without any errors or draw conclusions from their own editors to do. I really think a movie is to be relaxed for such people is no longer inside. Or, as you see it?
Antwort von Frank B.:
What I would be interested, can be extreme Cutter synonymous nor a movie for example or similar watch movies instantly without any errors or draw conclusions from their own editors to do. I really think a movie is to be relaxed for such people is no longer inside. Or, as you see it? Yes, it could even be that they're doing, such as gynecologists in Table Dance.
But times seriously - it is certainly many experts or artists as if they are the works of the competition or their own works after some time again, that either things are found, which would have done better. Or they are so good that the professional development viewer to animate.
Gruß Frank
Antwort von rakzak:

synonymous've seen the show, and she found now as a film not so exhilarating, but what the cutter as all have said, was very interesting. almost entrancing was the editor of lola rennt. each section is a small soldier in a large Battalion. military metaphor or not, very great.
pensive and has made me a little synonymous. there was a slightly older cutter from the old school, I did not know and whose name I no longer synonymous know who claims has really cut could only be synonymous to the old analog systems has cut, with test-screening on a large canvas and so. and: the building s.pc monitor would not be the genuine, unadulterated picture, but there would be a surface, so to speak, on the surface. but this can really only be customary, is not it? next, he said that in analog section with quite a different reverence s.jeden is cut, because the raw material is actually cut.
For me, it sounds tempting in gewisserweise because magically, but soberly considered, but is synonymous mist. who do not have ne-wahnsinns imagination, it is as yet aufgeschmissen. so admirably when something new, crass, exciting arises in this way. but if we now have the medium, just try different things zukönnen - what should it be bad? as the run-lola-cutter synonymous said: random is sometimes a blessing, if you do not mind. or another example, synonymous from the broadcast: in a smart-alexander-film probably had a pretty exceptional cut version, which then made umgeschnitten was a precaution, but then we discovered that the first, wilder version was much cooler. but they have not managed to re-establish this ...
Antwort von rakzak:
What I would be interested, can be extreme Cutter synonymous nor a movie for example or similar watch movies instantly without any errors or draw conclusions from their own editors to do. I really think a movie is to be relaxed for such people is no longer inside. (I had forgotten ...)
synonymous I think that a film must be very exciting for a profit on the cutter does not cut respects .. or a cameraman, the camera-synonymous, etc. ..
have heard that it even happens that the cutter sleep cut their dream:)