Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Short Circuit - The Magazine in the night to Thursday 00:10 18.January 2007 / Arte Moving Images rolls not just on movie screens or on native monitor, but have their permanent place synonymous in museums conquered.
On the subject of art vs.. Movies come here for two representatives of the two strands to speak. Ulrich Köhler makes films for movies (including "Monday, the window"), Jeanne Faust produces films and videos in the museum context of visual art. Why do they each have chosen this topic and what new opportunities, but risks synonymous with the visual presentation of each shape are connected, it tries to explain the contribution.
Antwort von Johannes:

Someone knows when the repetition that comes s.Tag runs?
Antwort von Cutaway:

The program is in every magazine or on the Web
Someone knows when the repetition that comes s.Tag runs?