Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Stolen dreams in the night to Thursday 00:05 22.February 2007 / BR This thesis director of the Munich Florian Gallenberger was a resounding success. After the short film in 2000 uswith the "Student Academy Award" was, he immediately marched through and won the Oscar for best foreign short film "2001.
The film tells the story of two brothers who are without parents on the streets of Mexico City through life beat. The two together hold to them the love in the form of a Eisverkäuferin comes in between.
Also, the first feature film of Gallenberger was successful. For the drama "Shadow of Time" was the director of the 2004 "Bavarian Film Award".
Antwort von Uwe:

... and who is around 20:15 (Tele 5) is too boring - which I can "blow" recommend.
Rise and Fall of a drug dealer after a true story. Excellent play of Johnny Depp. But synonymous + Penelope Cruz Franka Potente are not to despise ...
Antwort von gaggi:

der film ist echt klasse! one can only recommend it!
Antwort von sue:

where can the movie on dvd & financial?
or does the TV again soon?