Newsmeldung von slashCAM:The Downfall Saturday 20:15 19. April 2008 / ARD The controversial, award-winning drama (2004) of director Oliver Hirschbiegel says game-like chamber and from the perspective of Hitler's private secretary Traudl Junge (played of Alexandra Maria Lara) of the last days of war and the events in Führerbunker. The script comes success of producer Bernd Eichinger.
Bruno Ganz in the role of the choleric psychopaths to see him act alongside numerous stars of German cinema: Corinna Harfouch and Ulrich Matthes as Magda and Joseph Goebbels, Heino Ferch as Albert Speer, to name a few.
Whether the film succeeds, the mechanisms of the Nazi dictatorship, or identify the mass slaughterman trivialized, because it does not as a monster, but as a disturbed man demonstrates, can one in this TV Premiere judge.
Antwort von seedee701:

"TV Premiere "???? Neee ... The ran a long time ago on TV. As far as I remember, synonymous longer than the cinema version.