Frage von iMac27_edmedia:
In DWDL are fighting for jobs for actors and the producers do not get jobs, now synonymous times cameramen sights now on the.
Quote of DWDL: The third part of the series examines the internal s.das lower end of the production chain. The pressure to save money for broadcasters and production has a massive effect on the self-employed, under which the competition is going up.
"Friends marvel that I can not afford not to increase my Prices for 20 years," said Stefan Nowak (Picture). "But the fact is: I have to afford it, not to increase my Prices, otherwise it is difficult to get new orders." Stefan Nowak has been more than two decades, a freelance photojournalist and cameraman - and is thus as below the end of the production chain. Like many of his colleagues - synonymous in other trades such as light and sound - Nowak complained to the growing price pressures and the increasing arbitrariness of the program manufacturer to the free choice of their employees.
"There are now camera people who travel for a daily fee of 200 ¬ of Hamburg to Cologne - without a refund of travel expenses is understood," said Nowak of his experiences. The daily rates for the services of Nowak and his colleagues seem almost in freefall. Between 650 and 750 of the current daily rate swings for a team that consists of a camera man or woman, assistance and equipment. "At best, this means: 200 ¬ gets, the wizard, 300 ¬ the camera man - but for the remaining 150 to 250 euros I can not get equipment," Nowak's calculations.
"Since it takes a damn good contacts with sympathetic lenders saving equipment, as can otherwise only s.Honorar," he says. As a single cameraman, he could not hope to discounts in orders of magnitude, as major producers be allowed - and negotiated a discount, it must be passed in general s.den producers to make a reasonable offer price can be reported Nowak.
Depending on the orientation requirement and can order it especially for single professionals, producers and service providers are wise to buy a separate equipment. Because the market price of the art, after the depreciation of times the cost price. "However, we must make synonymous reserves for acquisitions," warns Uli Veith, director of the documentary producers daylight. "In addition, the camera technology improves so rapidly that we are as a producer no longer able to stay up to date to be."
Veith met the cost problem in the team selection with an attempt to "friction profits" to produce. "The result, if we work together with good people, the operation of which we know very well," says the producer. But here synonymous clear limits. This time not by the budgeted border stations, in the sense that this approach would actually be, but by existing social security legislation.
For in the employment of professional staff, caution, we will not come into conflict with the social insurance, which also the independence of their colleagues - and thus their permission to write bills - doubt. "So I miss working with excellent colleagues and counterparts," says cinematographer Stefan Nowak and still leads to a further aspect: "The classic in our profession 'Training on the job' with newcomers is certainly no longer as possible."
Above all, see below the edge of the educational situation of the industry is preparing a headache sometimes. "Right now we dismiss unclear to many students with perspective in the market. Excellent producer are sought, in principle, but the market is saturated," says Jörg Graf, Head of Production at RTL. The reason: After a long period of growth of the advertising pie is distributed now and s.Inhalten the demand is matched by a wide range. In addition, more degraded capacity.
Full coverage of the effort can be seen without the loss of market share to cheaper produce. It starts with the abandonment of large-scale productions and re
Antwort von Alikali:

Yes, interesting series of articles.
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Antwort von navetatis:

tja so that if there is an oversupply of manufacturing. Such a trend's been around for years. And he probably worse next synonymous.
We (3 men) were sometimes hired for a weekend (2 x 6 hours) to film an event and combine it afterwards to about 60 minutes.
The client - a community - our Best ignored.
We were made for a generous offer of 150 ¬. The second and final offer was then 200 ¬. More would not really know and also what's so synonymous that would make it for even less ...
We looked s.and said with thanks.
In the end, took over the job two pensioners. In vain!
They delivered on a DVD, where one's eyes watered and his ears were bleeding ...
But all felt good. Everyone dufte copy itself to your heart's content.
And everyone was happy - almost all of them.
Who will still quality?
Quick and cheap it must be.
Where is the world coming to ... ... ... ... ....
Antwort von iMac27_edmedia:

EB team with iphone!
Picture reader reporter working for free - just the publication
Gage is enough!
TV is one thing, film productions again another thing!
Antwort von stefanf:

I have to be there at the moment, unfortunately, represent a negative example, but only to show how one is ever synonymous come to this situation.
Eigendlich I am a computer, but I own studio for photography. My hobby is a few years ago got a little out the oars and grown zeimlich. There was already public enemy # 1 for photographers in town and around it, because I have left my studio synonymous for rent, so rental studio, and because s.Anfang hobby, only to have TfP geshooted.
The studio then worn so incidentally quite usable by rental, training and workshops. From there, of course alls with business license, because out of hobby. Came synonymous with Studio orders, more than expected. So everything is very positive. Then we drove to the fact that customers are not only pictures but videos of synonymous wanted your products. So s.Anfang worked with the DSLR and then bought another camcorder.
All in all a good combination for my purposes.
Since I travel a lot, I've synonymous photos of events (positive and negative) made after synonymous videos. I let the market about a contact, what works synonymous.
Over the years, consequently there is a solid pillar that would carry me become synonymous Siebe.
So start slowly and then as a hobby and after no time pressure was built up. An extremely comfortable situation that is not a photographer / photo studio or file maker. He needs to invest directly and get straight to 100%. I had / have my main job in the neck.
White had some of that because of me and my "hobby" lock-praise. But honestly, this is not normal business?
"Reporter" or as the other way for other media channels and hot - much worse the "Picture" are. I realize synonymous.
Or offer the industry synonymous, curse and blessing at the same time, the really cheap devices with top performance. Every amateur buys then I get the equipment for semi-pro pee in her eyes. Examples are when I've seen NEN old man in our village, who had with gefimt a mega profile camera flowers for your home's video archive, or the guy on the ship, and with snapped a Hasselblad 3D II and 50MPix back than it would be a compact .
But Chill has every 2nd a 5D II and NEN cupboard full or a Canon L-Lenses XF. As a hobby, the price seems almost to have no preference.
Antwort von iMac27_edmedia:

Read in the current camera man (11-2010) a report that there was that earlier in the music video field only up to 80k, then 40 - cost 50k a video, they shall be now for 10,000 ¬ have been, well there are synonymous, most with DSLR now commenced.
Dumping is not a normal business, but only a cut-throat competition, which begins with the avarice of the German Aldi and eventually leads to the loss of many jobs at suppliers.
Of all European countries, it seems the greed and everything to get cheaper over in the Nachbärländern to be pronounced in Germany.
Why is there a collective agreement for the media (while others think they need to exploit yourself) and why other industries on strike! In the media there is no such exorbitant Löhnerhöhungen as in other industries, there are the most to get no less glad.
Could just as well say yes synonymous, ok if you want more U-Bahnfahrer/Lokführer Money, Feel free to go - and then put people under a tariff. Just as people can be set by collective bargaining in mini and midi-jobs, pay only must the general public there again for their support - and the company You'll save money at the expense of all other citizens!
Antwort von deti:

In my view, the problem is that pretty much any unskilled can perform a job in the media industry. s.Begabung With a minimum and sufficient routine is already the industry's typical level of quality achieved. That is synonymous same time the greatest fear of anyone who must earn his money already in the industry. The equipment is now so unimportant as never before, as simple consumer devices are sufficient for the majority of the orders over.
I'm all well-educated people with above-average talent and below-average pay in the media really suffering. For all others, there are a lot of alternative employment opportunities that may not be as trendy, but guarantee an adequate payment.
Antwort von iMac27_edmedia:

It can synonymous in many other industries, unskilled workers are used after short training. For example, the crash courses in the railways, as clerk in 14 days will be retrained to the Driver, external in 3 to 6 months to Gützerzug train drivers, unskilled work in the board Bistro, as a steward and the like.
But if the (so far) in the media working at all other (well paid) jobs to be gotten to be seen, in spite of all technicians are urgently needed in the industry!
Antwort von handiro:

The trend is exactly the same as that of Music. Only delayed by 20 years ... one day it is simply not worth more ... I have been synonymous with RTL reduced the Price, it had so far with the s.besten payable (except ARD). With such as muck stalls Sat1 I refuse to work for a long time. The worst are the middleman in the form of production companies that hang between. There is a 5 min magazine article in the WDR authors only 500 are still - remain, camera crew 480th - 400th cut -. No fun!
Antwort von penkeler:

Since the collapse of the Kirch group s.Boden the entire television industry. Competition in the Internet!
Antwort von 0711video:

It's all quite simple.
1) every day can do.
2) anyone can now s.besten everything.
3) even the most stupid depp can now s.besten everything.
4) even the most stupid depp today can all s.besten alone.
what it looks like, you can see every day a thousand times everywhere.
That says it all.
Antwort von

there is always a student of the job for less than half makes with his 550d.
Dabi is the problem that is increasingly accepted with the scrap from the audience.
I watch you, but to the whole dokuvelas, except that the idea is crap, the technick is dreck, and the leutre would be there to call for extras extras even an insult.
Second, I puke when I hear the sender must save. this is absolute bullshit. just want to make winning even more.
it is now but with any large company. they save fire everywhere, people, but earn on the other side more and more and more. be smart, system undermined.
Hopefully that create escalate all the popular uprisings and a status quo that would be interesting times! The Starter Wife, I am saying only hehe
Antwort von deti:
Hopefully that escalate all the popular uprisings What revolts to escalate it? What will happen to consume except that stupid people stupid content and multiply it until it the intelligent part of mankind have replaced?
Antwort von handiro:

We gene Italy means: la mamma e dei imbecilli semper in cinta :-)
and if this shit looks scripted reality and the odds seem, it was probably to be.
Antwort von deti:
la mamma dei imbecilli e semper in cinta :-) Just isses, which belies not know that academics probably out of fear for their privileges are a bit lazy generation synonymous ;-)
Comes to mind only the movie Idiocracy (see
Antwort von Kino:
... What will happen to consume except that stupid people stupid content and multiply it until it the intelligent part of mankind have replaced? Thank you - on shortly and flush to the point. The fact that the number is more sustainable, show us the print media since generators, uh gladioli, nee radiators or how hot does the 8th grade word.
Antwort von handiro:
la mamma dei imbecilli e semper in cinta :-)
Just isses, which belies not know that academics probably out of fear for their privileges are a bit lazy generation synonymous ;-)
Comes to mind only the movie Idiocracy (see
Deti But that's already so! not in 500 years! RTL SAT and a look that is original but the same here (and in USA it is still 10 times worse).
But to come back to the subject: the decline of values, adopted by the music industry with Midi and Studio dying undergone plus napster is now late for the video industry! I can not listen to recorded music more, soon I'll want to see anything more synonymous? Fortunately, we have Arte, 3sat and Phoenix and s.and to the third and s.and ..... .. so rare exceptions like "thieves in law" or "hippie masala" etc.