Frage von Orpheus:
Hi, since weeks I'm looking for a simple way to bring my PC with the included TV films with reasonable cost on a DVD. The movies are saved in mpg format - and now what? Advice, I should first de-multiplexed and then again afterwards and author, proved to be too complex for me and for "difficult". Attempts to do with a suite like WinDVD Creator, led to poor results (after 10 minutes sound was not synchronously). Would be about the toolkit TSUNAMI of TMPG the right thing? Or how do you do it?
Thanks for any viable tip!
Antwort von Chris2:

lad dir doch mal the free version of Adobe encoredvd down ... The software takes you from a lot of manual labor in such cases.
Free video tutorials encoredvd's available here:
Antwort von Fritz:

You can cut the file after an initial familiarization with Premiere Pro1.5 (I have not tested yet vers2.0). To create a compelling DVD with menus, I recommend you synonymous Encore DVD. I already got along after the first creation of a DVD with two great programs.
;-) Valé