Frage von Jürgen:
I have a TV - card (Terratec bought 250 USB) to burn movies directly to DVD directly from the PC to be able to. I get the Fersehsignal of a cable operator. After setting up the transmitter can be seen in some very good quality) others in worse (more or less distinct stripes on the Picture. I have tried different software versions (Cinegy, WinDVR, Magix), the problem remains the same. If I bring a normal Television s.den such connection, the pictures are all consistently good quality.
Where could the problem lie here. On the equipment of my PC `s can not be good.
Thank you very much
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Jürgen,
You can not hope to compare a first-class equipped TV Television with a simple adapter for the PC? - TVs are equipped with technical facilities to improve the picture on. I Hook up all these Bildverbesserer on my TV off, then I look at various stations noise, streaks or stripes in the Picture.
Now, the Cinergy 250 USB TV solution is relatively inexpensive for the PC. I once say, for the image enhancement as in a television was no room in the compact case and no money anymore.
Antwort von Jürgen:

Hi Mark,
erstmal many thanks for your answer. The acquisition of the Cinergy 250 USB is not what to do with lack of space even with Money. The external card I have bought so in order to alternately use s.einem yet another PC. If the performance of the card, the cause of my problem might be, it is certainly a typical mistake is to pay for it dearly. I could and I just can not imagine why the channels come in as a different quality, especially since I did not receive the broadcasts via antenna, but over the cable network.
Gruß Jürgen
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Are the transmitter in the same / similar channel range?
Possibly. can be the TV card as a "DEFECTIVE exchange" yet.
Antwort von chrisgau:

Where could the problem lie here.
The problem is the USB box of Terratec. Unlike Mark, I do not think that television stations reach about "Bildverbessernde" circuit has a better result, but only through a high Odent and reasonable shielded construction. These small USB boxes are already often of different magazines (I remember because zBsdie c't) has been savaged. How beautiful it is theoretically synonymous with the flexible use of s.Laptop and PC ... Quality is usually horrible. I'm not saying that this is common knowledge ... me there is no real surprise.
Antwort von Markus:

The lack of screening is a good argument! In the TV card in my PC, the Internet (obvious) shield looks just like a VCR. This (Faraday) in that metal cage would be no place for USB toys. ;-)
@ Jurgen: That with the "no money any more," did not refer to your readiness issue, but overall the trend that technical devices are becoming cheaper - in both respects (price and) quality!
Antwort von Jürgen:

The dealer where I purchased the USB - map, has withdrawn her kindly. What are the internal card is recommended to get your opinion to get good results?
Gruß Jürgen
Antwort von chrisgau:

The products of
Antwort von Jürgen:

Hello dear Foriker,
I hereby want to thank you for your advice, I've now bought a Hauppauge PVR 350 and the recording quality is just as I had expected it really. There are just a minor fault, Magix Movies on CD & DVD, which I had bought some time ago, does not recognize the card. The recordings that I make a map with the included software, but can be easily imported, so I'm satisfied with the current solution.
Gruß Jürgen
Antwort von crumpet-co:
