Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Shining in the night to Friday 00:35 4.May 2007 / ZDF It was Stanley Kubrick's horror movie after a Stephen King Book of the criticism of slating, today he is one of the classics of the genre, s.dem especially harmful to pregnant dolly rides through the secluded hotel impress. (With cinematographer John Alcott had already been in Kubrick "Barry Lyndon" (1975) and "A Clockwork Orange" (1971) worked together.) The tension builds up only gradually, but steadily on shock effects and are only used sparingly. Moreover, should Jack Nicholson as a schizophrenic hack, pursues the ghosts of is nice and steam. The stay of the Torrance family in the abandoned mountain hotel will be pretty scary. (The Shining, USA / UK 1980)
Antwort von Axel:

Dolly not only rides, but synonymous one of the first deployments of the Steadicam - by the inventor Garrett Brown himself. Good, that in the ZDF are no commercial breaks. Nevertheless, the disc has more to see, namely the first and only Making of, which makes it a Kubrick film there. And if someone is upset that he sees a 4:3 picture, so it goes perfectly in order. The film has been rotated.
Antwort von Valentino:
Nevertheless, the disc has more to see, namely the first and only Making of, which makes it a Kubrick film there. And if someone is upset that he sees a 4:3 picture, so it goes perfectly in order. The film has been rotated. Yes, the making of is really cool, it was credible in a number of times over Starnley Kubrik shown on Arte.
He has around 3 years for the entire film is needed, what it was, inter alia, the Kubrik almost every take only up to 15 times on the then newly developed Videoausspielung has had.
What I do not quite understand how he had come up with the idea is in 4:3 Bildfromat to rotate. The film originally was rotated for television, I can not synonymous with Kubrik imagine.
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

The film is for 4:3 and widescreen conceived, although it was probably desirable, the movie in the movies as possible in the Academy format to show ... but that probably make some movie theaters are no longer. Under 1.66 is supposedly nothing more. Maybe know a Projektionist order from? "Full Metal Jacket" and "Eyes Wide Shut" are also synonymous in the Academy format. The only truly widescreen films of Kubrick were synonymous only 2001 and Spartacus, as synonymous to 65mm have been rotated.
One sees synonymous in the 4:3-short version of the shadow s.Berg helicopter rotor blades and the flicker when approaching the hotel.
The HD-evaluations of "Full Metal Jacket" are unfortunately only in widescreen format.
Antwort von Axel:
Under 1.66 is supposedly nothing more. Maybe know a Projektionist order from? Yes, create a new cinema is no longer, it needs too. This creates problems sometimes synonymous if, for example, Gus Van Sant for
"elephant" in either the Unteritel or the heads are raised.
One sees synonymous in the 4:3-short version of the shadow s.Berg helicopter rotor blades and the flicker when approaching the hotel. Jo! Finally an explanation for that stupid helicopter. Although I am still amazed that Kubrick has used this scene.
Antwort von Eva Maier:

I'm tempted to believe that Jack Nicholson is garkein actor but the real is.
But can someone tell me what an Academy format is so stupid I do not die.
/ E
Antwort von Schleichmichel:
But can someone tell me what an Academy format is so stupid I do not die. Why this? If Google and Wikipedia grad down?
I'm tempted to believe that Jack Nicholson is garkein actor but the real is. The one hears again and again in relation to this movie. I do not understand it. You like the look on Youtube to MakingOf. This is a professional, not a madman.
Nochwas for comment. In the German dubbed went loose 75% of the dialogues Itensität lost. Anyone can look at the film to the original!
Antwort von usul:

Another tip for people from the area of Zurich: The Sihlcity in Zurich, there are currently Kubrik exhibition of the German film museum.
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Schleich @ Michel
Wikipedia had this not ergibig, but Movie-College
Kuckucksnest is incidentally one of my favorite movies because I know of course that is not really wrong, but he bringts just being really good.
/ E
Antwort von Lars Lange:

where is this hotel? inside and outside s.verschiedenen locations were rotated, right?
Antwort von Axel:
where is this hotel? inside and outside s.verschiedenen locations were rotated, right? Exterior is in the shot, the Timber Lodge in Colorado Line (which recently still in a geography-documentary was shown), is completely inside the studio. The light comes through the "window" (scattering foil), behind which were mounted Scheinwerferphalanxen. Only this lighting plan, and the fact that the rooms and hallways were actually connected, it allowed the full Steadicam auszureizen. The same is true of course for the night maze. The film again to see, worth it alone to the "lighting" (what an old-fashioned expression) to be assessed, then again for the camera, production design and sound (mono in the original).
Antwort von Falko:

wow - thanks @ axel (again!)