Frage von Uwe:
... with very attractive + original effects in his work. Just to watch => something else .....
He works primarily with Final Cut Pro, AE + PS.
Antwort von Beatfabrikant:

Somehow, the video I can not .-.-
Antwort von Uwe:

The loading times are unfortunately quite long (QT Player must be installed of course) ...
Antwort von lokipoki:
The loading times are quite long, unfortunately no, I can not 10sekunden
Antwort von Uwe:
The loading times are quite long, unfortunately
no, I can not 10sekunden True - but I noticed lately more and more often that I have with my DSL 1MB just too slow for some things I ... How much do you have?
Antwort von rush:

very interesting and nice pictures to ...
but dan is annoying me a little this sort is only possible with a Mac "phisolophie afforded by the whole film moves:)
Antwort von lokipoki:
Echt 've just exactly on the clock compatriots, it is 6 seconds (by clicking on the left to play)
5MB pipe
Antwort von lokipoki:

Wow, damn nice what he does ...
Antwort von Uwe:

but dan is annoying me a little this sort is only possible with a Mac "phisolophie afforded by the whole film moves:) ... which must not be so seriously. But you know, Mac users, the nose a bit higher;)
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Even if I like it I would have viewed:
Have no Quicktime 7: Is it synonymous with youtube, etc.?
Free Quicktime 7, I can not download or update, or?
Many greetings
PS: Well, I need the trial version (14-day trial version) download ... I hope it pays for the video ;-)
Antwort von rush:
Even if I like it I would have viewed:
Have no Quicktime 7: Is it synonymous with youtube, etc.?
Free Quicktime 7, I can not download or update, or?
Many greetings
Constantin but ... you can:) Just look at the page or after quicktime google
Antwort von Dragon:
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

yeah, the demo version I have! Only the Pro version costs :-)
(When in my "PS")
Thanks anyway
Many greetings
Antwort von Dragon:

This is not a demo version! The default player is available free of charge + without time limit ...
Antwort von Dragon:

You do not need Pro version, to let you view this video.
The player is free, and not just for 14 days ...
Antwort von Dragon:

ups, one minute too late for the answer ;-)