Frage von raymaker:
I need a tele-converter for my HV20. It's just a matter of brute telephoto power, whether it is a lot of chromatic aberration, barrel distortion etc. is only of secondary importance. It is a distant object filmed, and that documentation purposes only, so there is no film, etc. thereof. What can you recommend? What is the maximum humane?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Would not a 35 mm and a telephoto adapter here do the best job?
Page Raynox telephoto adapter were you look, you could inspire None?
At what distance do you think should be the object and "zoomed" to be?
B. DeKid
** OT: "Can you through a spotting scope" abfilmen? "So with quasi adapter for microscopes like?" **
Antwort von raymaker:
Would not a 35 mm and a telephoto adapter here do the best job?
Page Raynox telephoto adapter were you look, you could inspire None?
At what distance do you think should be the object and "zoomed" to be?
B. DeKid For 35mm, there is no decent Teles - everything about 100mm is more appropriate, because there are hardly any good Lenses with low fstops there. From 200 are even high fstops priceless.
Raynox is too expensive. It will only record the tapes will be discarded if there was nothing interesting.
Distance can not be far enough away. Think a 3x lens would fit.
The HV20 would Maximalzoom (61mm) on KB-level then it would be about 7.2 times * tele * 3 = 1317.6 mm KB. According FOV Calculator 200m would be nice I would have to be removed to some extent what raufzubekommen.
Only the question: Where can I get cheap 3x - 4xer lentils come from?
Is still okay? Link from the Mod shortened.
Antwort von weitwinkel:

we must ask what that is (monitoring / paparazzi or something)?
gruß cj
Antwort von raymaker:

Rather, control of a person, but it is so totally agree. (talking about the deal of promotional material, as if what happened, etc.)
Antwort von Bernd E.:
HV20 Maximalzoom ... ... times the Tele * 3 = 1317.6 KB mm ... If you are with the HV20 in DV mode -4:3-turn, holster you much more s.Focal out.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von weitwinkel:

but surely no more than if the resolution of the HDV material
zb and exploits it. sd pal in a composition (AE) 1zu1 reinholt ...
gruß cj
Antwort von rush:

Just a simple tele-converter for the appropriate filter thread fetch on ebay ... which should - if not skilled at important enough for your purpose ..
the larger the number before x, the more effective telecharger ...
Antwort von raymaker:
Just a simple tele-converter for the appropriate filter thread fetch on ebay ... which should - if not skilled at important enough for your purpose ..
the larger the number before x, the more effective telecharger ... Thanks, that was already clear to me;)
Only I would like to know how it is linked with the 3.5x tele looks that I've linked.
Antwort von rush:

so'n part should fit, I had a similar 2x times ... :) The link was probably overlooked, it was getting late * g *
allerindgs is because of what dirty ... may therefore not be the brüller.
Antwort von robbie:

na then I do not know what a promotional material is * gg *