Frage von AFX Kid:Hello SlashCammer,
I'm looking for "templates" that is, templates for AE.
Often sowas is ja Tutorial CD-ROMs in there - but I would be interested if it sowas are synonymous as freeware for downloading. In principle, therefore, AE project files, including footage, but just different effect combinations and settings have already been prepared. And you could then take over the effect settings and replace the footage with their own material.
for example, a script on the left drüberfährt to the right of a spotlight.
Fände especially interesting because one could then keep track of even the way to a finished effect and to learn from it.
I use AE 6 Pro, but the project files are backward compatible but determined.
Wenns sowas gibt so, and anyone knows where please, give bescheid. Using Google, I found so far only CD-ROMs included templates.
Thank you very much
Antwort von Gary Young:
Here I found was:
one must register, but apparently cool tool gets there.
Antwort von mint400:
Link For creativecow tutorials are often project files here.