Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Test: test: Cheaper FullHD preview monitor - ViewSonic vx2260wm of rudi - 29 Dec 2008 17:39:00
> A FullHD display (16:9-21,5 inches) with many connections (DSUB / VGA / HDMI) is significantly less than 200 euro? Since we already wanted to know exactly where the ViewSonic vx2260wm the hook is.
Antwort von Genevare:
We know at least in this price range currently nothing comparable. I did. The BenQ 2200HD. I run this full-HD monitor via HDMI via Blackmagic Intensity card s.meinem MacPro and can not complain. No. Ruckler, clean colors, synonymous with HDV 1080i.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

I can fully confirm.
No matter what I do via DVI-D or HDMI 1.3 input (HC3, PS3, GraKa Sapphire HD 2600 Pro), always a perfect picture.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

The angle dependence "is not the" small "but extremely large, with TN panels! Therefore, it IS indeed a "critical point"!