Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Test: Test: Nikon D7000 - Nikon's best throw of the video rob - January 8, 2011 20:03:00 > Irony of the video DSLR-face. The Nikon D90 Nikon introduced the first time a video at all functions in DSLRs. But instead of sitting down s.die forefront of development, one is of a subsequent (and Canon) run over competition in terms of DSLR video functions promptly. But with Nikon Nikon D7000 in the video department is very much true and proper ground so well done - how much that will clarify our test ...
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Antwort von cutty:

Does that mean now that Panasonic is synonymous of GH2 still better than the Nikon or D7000?
Antwort von pilskopf:

The GH2 but offers much more that needs a videographer that GH2 is basically more than Cam clippers. This can not be said for the Nikon yes.
Antwort von jwd96:

@ Cutty
Then, when GH2 is better
than the D7000 (: only in terms of video. But for the photos is not supposed to beat D7000). (Says CHIP FOTO VIDEO digital
Antwort von Front242:
Does that mean now that Panasonic is synonymous of GH2 still better than the Nikon or D7000? In terms of video films well. But marginal .. The D7000 is making primarily mal ne tips DSLR, for for photos. That can make the movies still beautiful now synonymous's a great additional feature.
Antwort von rush:
The GH2 but offers much more that needs a videographer that GH2 is basically more than Cam clippers. This can not be said for the Nikon yes. Well that is not quite so hard I see .... the can the two cameras already due to the body of difficult to compare. To me they (the GH2) is simply too small - others said the size and compactness, probably more.
But yeah ... Nikon is primarily a pure-bred DSLR with 100% viewfinder, a fast-AF Still Image and lots of great features ...
But Nikon is classically dependent aus'm photo area ... while Panasonic has done a lot longer in the video sector - and thus it is probably easier to combine the know-how of both worlds ... .
Nevertheless, it is now synonymous terms for my Nikon so slowly "up" having arrived, of course, with some compromises in the sound department and the variety of formats. Still, there is now synonymous with the last film Nikon clever.
Antwort von prime:
The GH2 but offers much more that needs a videographer * Laughs *
How about with clever audio .. or a global-shutter or or or .. ;)
Antwort von pilskopf:

You know, the least of GH2 takes home on In Stereo, the Nikon just mono. Lol. And ever the Alias | Wavefront Mayaing seen the Nikon? Is not as strong as the Canon but a good place, again a DSLR with which one can not filming any subject. Moire as available. No swivel display has that ever 720p50? The iso is synonymous auto regulated and you can not save these settings? I do not agree about whether the latter two but not your seriously compare the with a GH2 and we please talk only about the video mode. The photo mode interested in a forum for filmmakers not a pig. Comparison of AF and the AF for the 14-140s to mention, worlds.
Antwort von prime:

And? Your original statement is still absolutely ridiculous.
Antwort von pilskopf:

Nope. not a bit, the GH2 and the manual control is the dream of every ambitious filmmaker. Beginning of the full control to the image quality and the possibility with the depth of field and for the small price and a more manageable to none. You have the times with 1 or 2 years ago to compare where the boys had to get an expensive 35mm adapter then swallows the light and you had to chop his cam to perform a flip. On something like the GH2 the world has been waiting easy. In general, the filming DSLRs synonymous just if some still have diseases. The GH2's not perfect but close.
Antwort von prime:

I look at my discussion pointless.
Antwort von pilskopf:

I have to make before next pay, no problem.
Antwort von rush:

People do not argue ... which brings zero;)
For me the Nikon is primarily (m) a camera ... I have a turn to handle man-camcorder.
Therefore, the D7000 a nice addition, if you'd like some more bokeh and needs another look.
Achso and the ISO value can be set manual - synonymous throughout the movie - 50p contrast, there is not - but I've not been missing;)
I therefore think it promotes the D7000 little down here to do just ... The GH2 is certainly a very good Videkomaera - think this is the ninth in question.
The Nikon is just a bit special ... must see it;)