Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Test: Test: Nikon D90: Video revolution with pitfalls of rob - 24 Dec 2008 00:05:00 > Meanwhile, all should be clear that with the video capability of DSLR an entirely new chapter in the history of technology of digital video is written - this is one of the few occasions when the fact of revolutionary innovations may be spoken. Nikon D90 is the first DSLR with HD video function for this - now, and perhaps somewhat synonymous with forced, followed of the Canon 5D MKII. We had the opportunity now, the Nikon D90 precisely to explore and a lot of joy, but something synonymous with your frustration had ...
Antwort von meawk:

Thank you!
Jo - so I have my part so already synonymous with corresponding lenses (manual aperture ring) about two months ago bought. Yes, the procedure of Kholi really works - synonymous here again my special thanks s.diesen "inventors".
Here my last work - ask for leniency because I've only been with the Nikon did the shooting started - with a 1,8 / 50mm Nikkor and the procedure of Kholi included:
And here, where you Lowlight capabilities so a little can recognize:
Antwort von baerenbold:

So, if the revolution in the film business to be synonymous revolutions are then no longer what they once were!
Apart of the extremely small depth of the images on the quality level of an AIPTEK 99th - ¬ Cam, in any event, what the three sample films from the contribution relates.
AIPTEK When, however, one would lack the brilliance and sharpness of criticism, here it is called artistic quality softness of the contours.
And the point with the lack of depth of field exploits are synonymous quickly.
When shooting in controlled studio environment, where I take each elaborately set up umpteen times and can rehearse a Schärfeassi nothing else to do than to worry about image sharpness, the iO
In documentary situations but, where I quickly to what is happening around me must respond, I look at each depth Quentchen more grateful that I do not constantly have to work on the Focus.
This manifests itself so clearly synonymous with the "Pumpkin-film", where the constant blur no longer wanted artistically rather annoying.
For me, the current 2 / 3 "format professional cameras in the best of our daily work.
Antwort von meawk:

It is synonymous of "what can not be can not be" so overwhelmed, that you no longer see / watch. The Comparison with the 99 euro-Cam shows what thoughts have determined your text (as in Do you have a bad horse invested?).
Here is what I fine synonymous cool:
Antwort von ruessel:

The Comparison with a 99 Euro Cam fits not bad, here you can nix synonymous great s.der Camera settings. However, the results obtained with the D90 strongly dependent on the lens used.
My first attempts with a strong light Optics me away almost at F1.2 the LowLightfähigkeit is surely better than any camcorder today offered up to 10,000 euros. With a good Nikon Lens KIT, which usually begins at F3.5 it looks worse. Therefore synonymous bothers me a little bit the image depicted LowLight Still, without specifying the use Aperture, it is not meaningful as LowLightbeweis.
Antwort von Jan-Paul:

Hm, I think it is very mixed. On the one Page is of course the price and the optical potential is enormous.
But a camera s.der I Gain / ISO and the shutter / shutter speed can not adjust, is borderline.
What the test is too short is a more accurate analysis of the MJPEG mechanism because that is again synonymous with one or other nasty surprises there.
I'm rather curious about Canon's answer in this price segment, if only because I take photos with Canon and accordingly have no Nikkor optics.
Antwort von meawk:
Hm, I think it is very mixed. On the one Page is of course the price and the optical potential is enormous.
But a camera s.der I Gain / ISO and the shutter / shutter speed can not adjust, is borderline.
Who said that? Of course, I can the ISO and the shutter influence. Before you so what in the world, you should check times (procedure of Kholi: I hereby set aside Automatic video and determine the aperture ring on the ISO, aperture and the shutter - and then googled times but synonymous read everything).
Above, the second video, which with the low-light note: Looks like the ISO automatically. In the night without any additional lighting. And since I have practiced, it was my first video with the camera. I have still, as we almost all - I think times -. It takes but necessarily Lenses with manual aperture ring with light and possibly 1.4 or 1.8 - well 2.8 is still synonymous after next top wirds but harder fully.
Merry Christmas.
Kholi process by:
1. Nikon D90 in manual mode without switching LiveView enabled to have
2. AE-L button press
3. Aperture diaphragm in the glossary (s.Objektivring) to a value to 5.6 or 8 shall include (additional meawk: not the aperture of the lens ring, which must first to auto-aperture stop (otherwise funktiniert the LV-button does not work), but with the dial below the shutter set)
4. Camera on a uniformly illuminated surface glistening but not addressed
5. Enable LiveView
6. Aperture diaphragm in the glossary at 2.8 or 1.4 to open and has a shutter speed between 1 / 30 and 1 / 60 with moderate gain (ISO) are pleased
And it funzt - such as the tester yes write properly.
Antwort von Kingkam:

Nikon D90 as a lone revolutionary
For a great DSLR camera, the D90 revolutionary videos. The operation brings me to the nostalgic swarms. In the film class, we practiced with a Bolex 16mm crank the settings. Each scene had to be after 30 sec to the end and the whole in camera-produced film was 3 minutes long.
Who ansehbare make films, you need to work carefully. That is fine with the D90 on a tripod and set light. And with a fisheye can be synonymous, "wild" action film and experiment.
If I had not automatic, they are synonymous, I must not cheat.
For a revolutionary film!
Antwort von baerenbold:

Antwort von meawk:

Well - this not a comment.
Just this: The automatic transmission is sometimes synonymous not so bad. To that extent this is just so schöööön. If you just want to keep it, take the automatic (although I did then in bad light vergrieseltes Picture, etc., as with almost all of the latest generation of camcorders, well) and if you are "creative" wants to be, then one uses the full potential. And almost all the old Nikon Lenses with manual aperture ring experience a new golden age, thanks Nikon.
Antwort von cebros:

Conclusion This is somehow in contradiction with the previous review. The only advantage - a wonderful DOF - is a number of serious weaknesses compared to the possibilities of the camera for moving images but extremely limiting.
Antwort von Zizi:

Now I wish to Christmas only the 5D test!
When is it so far?
Antwort von domain:

My first attempts with a strong light Optics me away almost at F1.2 the LowLightfähigkeit is surely better than any camcorder today offered up to 10,000 euros.
Well Lenses with this light are not exactly standard equipment of Nikon users and are also have the disadvantage that they never really show sharp can not synonymous dimmed. Was the NOCTILUX (1:1) of Leitz incidentally not synonymous.
This lens delivers still remarkably high contrasts with an open aperture, but the resolution has always been rather modest.
What I said at the D90 does not quite understand is the poor resolution in video mode. That can not be true that it is even worse than the mere 1 / 3 "sensors fails.
Solo on the ground says: drink tea and wait until the next model.
Antwort von Uwe:

Lowlight The capabilities of the D90 is excellent - already synonymous with a 1.8er. See here:
The Guardian photographer Dan Chung has been tested with a 1.4er + was synonymous with enthusiasm:
Antwort von meawk:

So it is - the D90 is really class (And AF 1.4 D you get for under 300 euros, 1.8 AF-D for 125 Euro setback; spent 1.4 AI gibts already p.90 euros - if you lucky. Honestly: a 1.2, he really needs no man, but who has it - it must be kept).
The only drawback from my perspective, the Mjpeg Compression. Here I would have wanted me synonymous h.264. But otherwise you can not grumble. The manual descendants want for moving images is practiced, practiced, practiced and practiced, but is to accomplish. One is by holding the "otherwise" fast AF very spoiled.
Now, after two months of contact with the cam: The I would buy again and again!
Small note: "Shoot in HD, SD Deliver" is synonymous possible. In this context, do the results of the D90 Comparison with no professional PAL Camera shy (!).
Antwort von rob:

Have a nice first Christmas holiday s.alle Slashcam readers.
The chapter "video with the D90 is the first time off is not correct on the server arrived - we now have the Vimeo links by hand again below. (; The sensor size Comparison will also be re the days off.)
Have fun while watching the ever D90-D90 examples of dedicated users and beautiful rest holidays.
Antwort von Jan-Paul:

I write that I'm streaky think I parameters like ISO and shutter can not be SET. Under an influence and an attitude are probably differences again. What will I do with a camera when I use a shutter speed between 1 / 30 and 1 / 60 did.
And what should please the "moderate gain" be?
What I have other cameras with 2 handles make here is beautiful as you've noticed a procedure, a very complicated ...
Hm, I think it is very mixed. On the one Page is of course the price and the optical potential is enormous.
But a camera s.der I Gain / ISO and the shutter / shutter speed can not adjust, is borderline.
Who said that? Of course, I can the ISO and the shutter influence. Before you so what in the world, you should check times (procedure of Kholi: I hereby set aside Automatic video and determine the aperture ring on the ISO, aperture and the shutter - and then googled times but synonymous read everything).
Above, the second video, which with the low-light note: Looks like the ISO automatically. In the night without any additional lighting. And since I have practiced, it was my first video with the camera. I have still, as we almost all - I think times -. It takes but necessarily Lenses with manual aperture ring with light and possibly 1.4 or 1.8 - well 2.8 is still synonymous after next top wirds but harder fully.
Merry Christmas.
Kholi process by:
1. Nikon D90 in manual mode without switching LiveView enabled to have
2. AE-L button press
3. Aperture diaphragm in the glossary (s.Objektivring) to a value to 5.6 or 8 shall include (additional meawk: not the aperture of the lens ring, which must first to auto-aperture stop (otherwise funktiniert the LV-button does not work), but with the dial below the shutter set)
4. Camera on a uniformly illuminated surface glistening but not addressed
5. Enable LiveView
6. Aperture diaphragm in the glossary at 2.8 or 1.4 to open and has a shutter speed between 1 / 30 and 1 / 60 with moderate gain (ISO) are pleased
And it funzt - such as the tester yes write properly.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

* Yawn * 4 months later .....