Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Test: Test: Nikon D90 with video revolution pitfalls of rob - 25 Dec 2008 09:42:00 > Meanwhile, all should be clear that with the video capability of DSLR an entirely new chapter in the history of technology of digital video is written - this is one of the few occasions when the fact of revolutionary innovations may be spoken. Nikon D90 is the first DSLR with HD video function for this - now, and perhaps somewhat synonymous with forced, followed of the Canon 5D MKII. We had the opportunity now, the Nikon D90 precisely to explore and a lot of joy, but something synonymous with your frustration had ...
Antwort von illd:

Sounds really interesting s.das part. Thanks for the good test.
What I now s.negativem on the D90 have read: When the video cameras, some frames duplicated or have skipped. Hopefully only a few bad units ...
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

No pivoting monitor ..., the biggest obstacle to me buying this camera as videographers as a second camera for Still Image / Video zuzulegen.
Comparing our 1200 Lux Picture with those of other HD camcorder will soon realize that the Nikon D90 s.unteren end in sharpness works. Now, absolutely no more ... spend, Nikon, please next time be good practice ...
Antwort von domain:

We say yes, this has taken place Revolutiönchen now needs to be a decent follow evolution.
Antwort von Jan:

Good test!
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

Very one-sided "test". The fact that the non-HD 720p24 resolution, is completely downplayed. The fact that the camera extreme stair formation in diagonal lines, is not even mentioned. And since when do you have to forgo sharpness? This should be a test? How is this for me to read, write, I better not.
Each of the camera encounters a critical look must seriously ask how a cam such a large sensor, may be blurred, as a Cheap HD Cam by Blöd market with a fraction of the size and resolution? The tester must be ultra aback every make!
The compression can not be, because when you look at the picture in a 720p HD Camera with MJEPG compression at the same stores, it still lengths better than the D90. Even if the data rate halved looks even better, so the cause must lie elsewhere.
The stairs are already betrayed where the wind is blowing: An upscaling! The Camera can probably not HD, it saves only in HD because it is better to market it! As in another thread wrote: Take a Siemens star, his movies with the D90 and in parallel with any other HD-Cam. Then we scaled the two images on SD size down and then up again. Normally it would have to now have suffered extremely. The Picture of the D90, however, shows no perceptible change, while the picture of the true HD camera according s.Schärfe lost and now it looks like about the D90 Picture of beginning.
If the other really no on except me?
Antwort von domain:
"Phenomenologist see the origin of intelligence in the immediately given phenomena" The fascinating but before that, actually. If you can not see anything because it can not be what you see and it is therefore with blindness beaten not want to watch, then at any evaluation and assessment of our pixel count in the conventional HD field is questionable.
In short, if it lasted long, the glaring weakness of the D90 at all perceive, then eliminates almost all of my previous discussions on cunning Resolutionund HD sharpness in general.
Antwort von meawk:

The compression can not be, because when you look at the picture in a 720p HD Camera with MJEPG compression at the same stores, it still lengths better than the D90. Even if the data rate halved looks even better, so the cause must lie elsewhere.
If the other really no on except me?
MB But - but that is only when the camera was incorrect and therefore "bad" was filmed. With the right lenses and full manual control of the whole thing already looks different.
And when is it not working correctly in conjunction with the "bad / outdated" MJPEG Compression (do not understand what the Nikon people with Mjpeg thought that was nonsense!), Then it is not good - but not .
If via firmware update - I hope at any rate - a MOV h.264 compression comes, then that is part erste Sahne, which has been fixed. From the creativity with regard to depth, etc., etc. and "used correctly (most of the part can not operate properly, jo...) Is the Cam now erste Sahne. Lowlightfähigkeiten And are brutally good. You can film of the night - with the right lens of course and again "when properly applied," because I see all the known bad camcorder.
Who just wants to keep it, it needs not to buy - should prefer a through and through "sharp" camcorder to buy. Also must / should be basically manual Sharpen, otherwise nothing will be synonymous. And without "the process of Kholi (synonymous again correctly) is synonymous not so good.
For all which is too complicated - remains with the camcorder!
Antwort von domain:

And the Lowlightfähigkeiten are brutally good. You can film in the night -- True, that was synonymous always been the goal of any photography and Filmerei. Let's go out into the darkness and who like the pictures look like by day, where we must sleep.
Each beam of the rising sun, we vampires night of horrors, any magic hour before sunset sucks.
Finster must be friends, we are creatures of the night.
Antwort von meawk:

Jo - so isses, so you want synonymous in times of dusk and the evening hours and into the night filming and not only in good weather. And then it's not so vergrieselt look. In this respect, despite a bissal irony - everything right.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

Now, I come from the scenic area, I normally make a Assi it only for the sharpness and pulling to pay a Gaffer that he himself makes no fingers crooked and only his electrician lighting aka lossschickt;)
No seriously, I know what I'm talking about. I normally shoot with a RED or HD + with Pro35 or Letus or Movietube. I have the D90 of course with decent lenses, such as a 35 mm f/1.4 or 50mm f/1.2 tested, and very much appreciate the Lowlight skills, the Germans have a better look than an EX1 with 18 dB gain, but I have several synonymous Cams held side by side and the only reason I come to this end. I originally wanted the D90 only LowLight for situations where it is not worth 30kW light up. But I had to sort out because they simply can not nearly what it promises. Next, a Canon EOS 5D MKII come and hopefully the job.
Be critical, make the test with the Siemens star and judge yourself
Moreover, I do not think there was ever a firmware update will give the h.264 support. Quite simply, because the processor is not created. The encoding in H.264 is about 5-6x as computationally intensive as the encoding in MJPEG. I think rather it is a different camera or a revised D90 + Processor with other software.
Antwort von meawk:

Moreover, I do not think there was ever a firmware update will give the h.264 support. Quite simply, because the processor is not created. The encoding in H.264 is about 5-6x as computationally intensive as the encoding in MJPEG. I think rather it is a different camera or a revised D90 + Processor with other software.
MB Why?
The processor of a Canon SX1 IS creates synonymous.
The D90 of the processor so synonymous should have no problems.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

Can I simply can not imagine. The processor is already so completely overwhelmed at all a video recorded, which one sees so s.allen corners. And so bad MJPEG synonymous garnicht when the starting material is ok, it is especially very good finishing natively, which is H.264 so readily does not go, at least not with less computing power.
As I said, the codec is not synonymous to blame s.miesen Picture, the rate is absolutely sufficient. The dog is so very different where buried.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

The video features of this camera are really for a ton, see Wolfgang's Blog:
Antwort von meawk:

Yes, as I said - I repeat still works but is in "what may not be, can not be" necessary Group.
Most can not operate the camera and then complain about their bad results. Is like the stupid PC that does not work - only that the problem usually sits in front of the PC.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

Super !!!!! Thanks for the link. There is indeed almost exactly what I suspected and thumb had identified only vieeel better! Finally. That's what I call a test, and not the people this article to it in this thread goes!
Who is the author of the article?
Antwort von Jan:

I appreciate very Wolfgang normally, but here he exaggerates already considerable. I have several test videos a Panasonic GS 90 (test winner in several video magazines in the consumer MiniDV class for almost 200 ¬) in exactly such a Christmas reception in the market seen these pictures were very dark and noisy completely.
The camera creates in such a situation rather 200 lp, a webcam image would again significantly lower.
Some pictures of the D 90 (particularly the first pictures) are very nice, but here were completely the wrong Lenses used (either on film or cheapest Setoptiken expected).
What's it like with 18-70 DX, 16-85 1:3,5 - 5.6 G ED VR, 17-55 1:2,8 G or 70-200 1:2,8 G, the first-mentioned is of remarkable quality and yet affordable.
Ok, more or less non existing manual exposure is in the form of a ton.
Hopefully I have the Canon soon ....
Antwort von meawk:

Guckst here:
and here
Jooooooo. . .
Antwort von meawk:
Ok, more or less non existing manual exposure is in the form of a ton.
Hopefully I have the Canon soon .... Grober nonsense! The D90 is full manual control if it can.
The AF of the Canon 5d II is a disaster, says Canon itself, somewhat slimmer, but still. Also I do not have a good amateur film by a 5D II and the seen. The part of Laforette is not the scale and had even Nikon Lenses with adapter to use, so that he could intervene manual. This is in the video area is a testimony of Canon poverty with a view to the 2500 euro body of the 5D II A good photo clippers, it is.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

@ Marc ball home,
You mean the blog owner Wolfgang?
Check it here:
Wolfgang has been a lot of good and meaningful tests done!
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Who is the author of the article ... On the linked page "About me" button.
Antwort von PowerMac:
Very one-sided "test". (...) My friend, your technology and Pixel-fetishism in honor, here he meets a self-purpose. You forget that this camera a new aesthetic reasons. Scheiss to resolution, it is one of the great picture. Of course, this camera a bunch of garbage: the Resolutionliegt tend to PAL, krasser Rolling Shutter, it wobbelt much in low light, it is scheisse, violent Moire effects, the handling extremely shitty, because just a lactation image camera, poor sound .
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Canon 5d II .. That part of Laforette is not the scale and had even Nikon Lenses with adapter using manual intervention so that he could ... Since all the sources I have encountered only Canon optics List, I would be really interested to know where you this information herhast. How s.anderer body ever said: Given the close connection of Laforet with Canon, I can use of Nikon optics in such a project with the best will not imagine. But I like to learn.
Antwort von meawk:

The video of Laforet is not a scale - is a Canon promotional movies, nothing else. And something I will have nothing more. And with the Nikon lenses is a fact. Using genuine Canon lenses can not be partially manual intervention, does not.
But what is really a good hybrid of Canon is the brand new CanonSX1 IS, has a sauschnellen The AF, manual can be served if it could (?) And is in Lowlight area very well, etc., etc. is demStrich the better they look on camera with video mode - yep!
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) And with the Nikon lenses is a fact. (...) Then you have certainly evidence.
Antwort von meawk:

Because documents do not need, that's a fact. Did I in any U.S. forum read. Can you with the Canon 5D II un manual lenses - I do not think so.
And I habs fewest ever tried. There is nothing - only the automatic. That is how it is. Therefore - if hybrid of Canon, the Canon SX1 IS Super setback for 500 euros, which can be almost anything - except changing lens.
Antwort von PowerMac:
Because documents do not need, that's a fact. Did I in any U.S. forum read. (...) I do not think so. (...). Very well, I need evidence. I do not know what you think of "fact" do. I do not know what you think. I want evidence of your claim. "in any U.S. forum read," is nothing.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Because ... do not need evidence that this is fact. Did I in any U.S. forum read ... Well then it must vote yes yes ;-) Is synonymous obvious that Canon's "commercial movies" with Nikon optics can produce. Look at me please but after that I have other sources - including even Laforet - give more faith.
Antwort von meawk:
Because documents do not need, that's a fact. Did I in any U.S. forum read. (...) I do not think so. (...).
Very well, I need evidence. I do not know what you think of "fact" do. I do not know what you think. I want evidence of your claim. "in any U.S. forum read," is nothing. I do not - did read several times and the fact is, with Canon lenses kannste no manual intervention - Poverty by Canon, sorry.
Antwort von Jan:

In many forums will be much rubbish written, I suppose because Slashcam not enough. Is U.S. Forums synonymous no different. Often a user makes a panic Mache, not infrequently with false statements, only to get revenge on s.dem Manufacturer.
Since you are at Nikon DSLR cameras and older Nikkor lenses in M mode has, and then partially some current measurements (distance and exposure) and parameters are not usable, it is not entirely clear to me whether s.einer Canon Camera (we assume the 5 D MK II) with adapter Nikkorobjektiv fully supported.
I have the Canon still can not look (only at the fair), I will still look closely at what is going on there will allow it and in what modes.
Yes, the SX 1 IS is interesting, it is synonymous with ISO 800 is still quite good, their series picture function is synonymous impressive, but had to be so good as it is with the HD of S 2000 Fuji is a good competitor.
The Casio EX FH 20 sheet of paper is synonymous interesting, but it is for me so s.ISO 400 champion with the noise ...
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Yes ... says times, the SX1 IS but has only a 1 / 2 ,3-Inch CMOS Chip ...
Where should because of the many here expected great Lowlightfähigkeit come from?
Antwort von meawk:

Also again, if the camera can use manual. . . we should keep the ISO low - jo how the ????, then quite as much. Not so much as with the D90, but still.
Guckst here - so S.2: 30 min Lowlight in super qualified (do not forget; Language of German in English (U.S.) and convert the video right on "watch in HD" icon, is the best HD picture if the Calculator for grabs):
Since the camcorder, all I know s.Ende - total vergrieselt - jo how does it ???!!!!
Antwort von Jan:

No idea what Canon manufactured there, but the new CMOS (or whatever s.Ende rauskommt) is quite impressive. The camera has a very good noise performance (at least if one compares the competitors). Canon gives as a reason the new processor DIG! C IV.
Something must be in the wrong D 90, the video may be a smaller space taken (yes, the topic we had). The SX 1 should normally associated with the small sensor with 10 million pixels a much worse figure make.
Very unusually for Canon digicams, the MPEG 4 (H.264) in the film container Mov encoding - that was probably not synonymous unimportant.
Antwort von domain:

The technically dealing with the electronic problems touched upon here, I think for easily solvable including XLR connectors and noise-free servo motors for focus and zoom.
What especially interested me, however, the ergonomic addressing some upcoming problems. DSLR are now mainly used for short times to hold the object and not designed for prolonged by keeping film, perhaps with a focus on well before the handhold with telephoto lenses.
So, without prior relocated after at least 45 degrees handhold without retaining strap and it will not go in my opinion.
Furthermore, the display will probably fold in any case or at least s.der either upper or lower edge of the display must be pivoting.
All these changes will have to come and finally we will have a film camera in question have, although much of a camcorder are different, but synonymous many characteristics of this one will.
Could an exciting time, all these ergonomic adjustments to experience, because the present shape of the camcorder is not as baseless as they arose, but the consequence of many experiences and the same is true of course, synonymous for cameras.
Antwort von meawk:

In Ergonmie things I agree with you, but for us, the photography of the pure come and now synonymous to begin filming this is not the big problem, we will make clear, since we know nothing else. I do not need a camcorder to ne form and fit the parts Steadycam synonymous with no problems on it, etc.
But Sony did not form at times of the F-soundsowas, thus prior to the R1 - if I am not mistaken - which had a rudimentary form of a good movie and synonymous with folding screen, or you could the body independently of the lens tilt, etc. could not only good film I think something with 320x, or even less in poor quality grotto. In the direction it might be better off, the ergonomics of her (BTW, the Super Hybrid Cam SX1 IS has a tiltable screen and is synonymous in my view, again a model for future DSLR with video function).
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

Grober nonsense! The D90 is full manual control if it can.
The D90, yes, but the video function of the D90 not. You can then value the ISO setting just like the manual shutter. All settings in the presets do not. Do you have a D90?
Edit: I have your film seen on Vimeo. I find it very strange that when your film, which - sorry - allegedly with the D90 to be rotated, at no rolling shutter effect shows. Also there are no stairs to see. If the D90 had a really should be, what I give you just really do not believe at the moment, then I would be much genuine interest in how they can go ??!!!
Who here of the pro-discussed has to have a D90? I had one for four weeks, and then she went back because of hopelessness. I did several tests with it and shot it synonymous times s.Set had to be at the same time a sequence from a different perspective to shoot, while a EX1 adapter with the principal has made. The difference of the images was almost embarrassing.
Some pictures of the D 90 (particularly the first pictures) are very nice, but here were completely the wrong Lenses used (either on film or cheapest Setoptiken expected).
What's it like with 18-70 DX, 16-85 1:3,5 - 5.6 G ED VR, 17-55 1:2,8 G or 70-200 1:2,8 G, the first-mentioned is of remarkable quality and yet affordable.
Also s.dich the question, you have yourself a D90 or spekulierst you? I have the D90 uswith following lenses tested, and the result was always just shit:
Nikkor 18-135 kit Optics (ED?)
Nikkor 35mm / 1.4
Nikkor 50mm / 1.4
Tokina 11-16 / 2.8
Nikkor 24-85 IF ED 2.8 - 4.0
I have the names are not all exactly in the head, but there are all the lenses we someday in extensive tests on the 35mm adapter out because they have minimal vignetting, ie the highest and best illumination had sharpness, high brightness and low CA anyway.
The pure DX lenses anyway, you can forget it because you have no aperture ring and thus can interfere garnicht more.
The video of Laforet is not a scale - is a Canon promotional movies, nothing else. And something I will have nothing more. And with the Nikon lenses is a fact. Using genuine Canon lenses can not be partially manual intervention, does not.
Is it possible, but of course, and although with FD lenses. With the newer Nikon lenses, you can lack aperture ring just like to start with the new Canon optics. But just for the Canon is better with the old FD mount lenses, and for it in there is an adapter to mount FD s.EOS operate them, just as there is an adapter for old Nikkor s.EOS operate them.
Antwort von meawk:

Dear Mark homemade ball - jo ich hab it and probably longer than you. And I can the ISO with the procedure of manual Kholi influence. If you can not - and usually try a little bit. A tip of me but because you get your arrogance is not sorry. You should really everything but times read - process of Kholi synonymous times and then the camera so operate, then klappts synonymous with you and you can with the Stänkern against the D90 stop, so will even the Fan Cam - maybe.
And see my videos with the "process of Kholi" - properly applied - synonymous all good.
I repeat myself - who do not operate the camera can not synonymous get good results in the video mode.
The D90 is, in spite of a very good Mjpeg Video Cam (I would still be a Firmeareupdate towards H.264 wish - logically), all I know and tested camcorders loose in the shade (we must in any event, no 35mm adapter or s. similar for 6000 euros to buy, etc. - the possibilities of the D90 are awesome).
You can not incidentally with Canon Lens manual intervention, is not synonymous with the Of-called Dir. Go into a shop and screw one in and try again.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

I think since you were little fast. See above, have an added Edit, unfortunately before I saw your post.
Antwort von meawk:

Edit Your s.meiner statement does not change anything in the last post.
Incidentally I've in the first weeks after purchase the video mode synonymous deuced and really just wanted to take pictures with the cam, but then did Glesener much about what you can do so with Ojektiven with a manual aperture ring and lo and behold, at once has gefunzt it. Most - I say 90% times the owner can select the video mode, the D90 does not operate, either in the absence of Lenses with manual aperture ring, or other errors in the handling.
But that a good result only of the lenses with manual aperture ring is synonymous depends only partly correct. In good light, even very good recordings with the 70-300 without a manual aperture ring is possible. Maybe I make a video tomorrow morning times inside - only with the 70-to 300. Yeah, I added, after a camera-the Guru had incorrect assertion that it could with the D90 and a Telzoom not good shots. But - is synonymous possible.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
Edit Your s.meiner statement does not change anything in the last post.
Let me not be malicious, but I think I can still get over grad so without your valuable tips to live;) Unlike you, I did not two weeks ago with the shooting started, I already do a little bit longer;) Come again down. I have the D90 synonymous Kholi without this thing on 1 / 50 Shutter get quite silly, I'm not. Yet what is never good when escaped.
Unfortunately, I can not believe that the film with the D90 has been made synonymous and tell you why:
1. The Bokeh is not 35mm, but after setting a Teligen Kleinchippers
2. If the D90 manual is adjustable, and the supposedly fundamental prerequisite for a decent picture, why hast thou not manual set the way you write all that going? At 00:48 (swing high), I see clearly an automatic exposure potter.
3. At 00:25 Optics 50mm is not a thing like drangeschrieben, 50mm is equal to the human eye in chip size. That is, with every meter the closer you come, you have to be bigger synonymous equivalent. Thou art but after 5 steps, that is 4-5m, just grown by 50%, although the Cam at the 50mm setting with Optics in about 7-8m wegstehen have that does not fit together. Your Picture features a telephoto lens. Furthermore, the focus should be on so many steps to change drastically, but it does not synonymous, which does not fit, is not synonymous with Aperture 5.6. Of course is vague to me ...
4. I accept zero Rolling Shutter, when the chip size with the Camera impossible.
5. I recognize no stairs to the extent as they were with me and synonymous in Wolfgang's test.
No subordination, pure conjecture. I enjoy being a better teaching, but I know the D90, and I know that they are de facto not looks.
For those who do not know the movie: What say you about this? I am doing it wrong?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... 50mm is equivalent to the human eye in chip size ... Your Picture features a telephoto lens ... The eyes feel it would comply if the D90 had a Vollformatsensor. Since it has not, however, the extension factor into play: The 50mm lens delivers a picture of a slight effect Teles portrait of 75mm (relative to small).
Antwort von vertov99:

maybe I formed a - however slight, characteristic approaches of rolling shutter can I know, for example, against 0:40, the swivel with the skaters. light "wobbeln" in the facade in the background. I suppose times have indicated that the D90 material is, why should meawk the faken? (nikon street team?)
I think "revolution with quirks" is actually a very fitting title: in particular, the clips of the sx1 is leave a lot to an unbeatable price hope. various childhood diseases (rolling shutter problems with fast pans, handling, etc.) are still included.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

No idea what his motive might be behind it and whether Nikon is a synonymous to me - no preference and b - not value for a subordination to comply, which brings me nothing.
But, guck dir mal den Rolling Shutter with other recordings from D90, the effect is so intense that one with the D90 does not even without tripod filming, because there always pudding, and although more extreme. And here he suddenly be only marginally and at such a swing? Never ever!
So that at least this recording will not swing of the D90, because I bet on it. There was even the Red or the RS effect SonyEX1 more pudding. But, I think it's nothing to discuss, he will not admit it anyway.
When I use the EOS 5D MK II was synonymous, I will be a couple of renowned experts and mobilize a proper comparison between the D90, EOS 5D and the Red (as reference) displaced. Then this nonsense to an end times discussions. I think however, that Wolfgang is already pretty well made. He should then times with this strange way of repeating Kholi, the objective set can pasenden he likes of me for it.
The SX1 think I was not relevant because they have a chip with only about 1 / 2 inch size, this is synonymous an EX1 or HVX, and the video can be better. Interestingly, the D90 and the EOS 5D yes only because of the large chips and optics to send you can unscrew it.
Antwort von camworks:

I find that very Slashcam hysterical on the DSLR video-hype-train jumps.
a camera, I would not live in the video for sale. what you all s.nachteilen for many cash purchases, but you can hardly list, so many are das and 35mm depth of field is not all synonymous.
Antwort von vertov99:

So, I take seriously at times that a hvx, let alone the red, better films than "irrelevant" sx1 the D90 or synonymous - there are worlds between them ;-) priced and at least that's fakt, and no presumption or insinuation. synonymous nobody had claimed that the new, low-priced video-red DSLR & co superfluous.
with gentle pans seems the "rolling shutter" effect of cmos-cams far less pronounced. juddering when panning is it really bad, very bad examples, there's footage from helicopters at (vibration). pitfalls just ...
Antwort von meawk:
Edit Your s.meiner statement does not change anything in the last post.
Unfortunately, I can not believe that the film with the D90 has been made synonymous and tell you why:
For those who do not know the movie: What say you about this? I am doing it wrong?
A. Yes - synonymous if you can not believe it, the movie is recorded with the D90 and consistently with the 1,8 / 50mm. The camera, which I specify in my shooting, with the I filmed synonymous. And that's the difference, I can use - the D90. What could I expect if I am with another camera and the film would be considered Nikon D90 product would spend. That is nonsense. That you give me something insinuation is very suspect, if not impertinent. Hopefully someone sees of Nikon, perhaps benefit I again of my commitment - Fun! Oh, at 0:48 I nachgeregelt of hand, but goes with the aperture ring. Is very simple. I can settle permanently in accordance with the aperture ring - because if I want.
And when you consider how you really write so synonymous that I've only been around, four weeks filme - imagine, a real professional, the D90 in hand. And as I said, I want another Firmewareupdate - then the Post Office only really matters video mode with the D90.
Here port Schierstein with the normalo 70-300 with no aperture ring, dial AV, Aperture 4.5 - 5,6, closure is Auto and Auto ISO is:
The photos are reingefriemelten during the filming with the D90 emerged. The part I've shot in 45 min and photographed, with 12 in Pinnacle rendering mpeg and now again in *. wmv rendered with Vegas wg. the smaller file - just the way, because any camcorder-Guro suggested, one could with the D90 and a Telezoom no reasonable verwacklungsfreien film sequences and target. Is not become intoxicating - I think, but it looks so bad now synonymous again not enough.
The gulls video is synonymous interesting - as I think; jo with the 1,8 / 50mm:
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
And that's the difference, I can use - the D90. Good, You can do it ... with the "process of Kholi" ...
This whole Vimeo and YouTube videos personally do not tell me much about this video camera features.
Explores some of these limits video-camera out with a suitable test chart, freehand shots, swing and Zoomfahrten, Backlight, weak light and Lowlight. Recordings with festbetonierten Tripod come travel with me as a filmmaker virtually before!
Video recordings documented the times with original clips and frames.
Only then you can make an objective picture.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
Oh, at 0:48 I nachgeregelt of hand, but goes with the aperture ring. Is very simple. I can settle permanently in accordance with the aperture ring - because if I want.
You can do it almost the halfway Tripod noted, let alone clean pan and then turn suddenly synonymous yet at the same time s.Blendenring so smooth that it does not see ... yes, it is clear.
And with the rolling shutter is the best proof. Indeed, no preference which CMOS Camera, you can adjust what you want, the Rolling Shutter with what has neither ISO, nor with anything else Shutterspeed still s.Hut. And you, as the bloody Beginners can do what thousands of professionals in the world with their cams are not getting done. Also clear.
And that's the difference, I can use - the D90.
Good, You can do it ... with the "process of Kholi" ...
This whole Vimeo and YouTube videos personally do not tell me much about this video camera features.
Explores some of these limits video-camera out with a suitable test chart, freehand shots, swing and Zoomfahrten, Backlight, weak light and Lowlight. Recordings with festbetonierten Tripod come travel with me as a filmmaker virtually before!
Video recordings documented the times with original clips and frames.
Only then you can make an objective picture. That is nonsense. This overvalued-Kholi procedure is only meant that the automatic so outwitted, a shutter to 1 / 50 style, that's all. It does not change the slightest s.Auflösungsvermögen the Camera or its other quirks.
This test chart there are of Wolfgang, he shows how the material looks, namely with an Unsharp Resolutionvon actually only 700x600 and pudding until it no longer.
But, as already written, it is pointless to discuss. I film has no idea how long, moreover, not just in the amateur segment, and think that what little I can do more than someone who just two months or weeks has begun. But this is suddenly somehow not relevant to anything ... I find a bit embarrassing. I have bought the D90 because I had hoped they can help us in situations where it Lowlight times must be supported to go fast, but the D90 is in the video segment which is unfortunately synonymous garnicht only annhähernd would be useful.
And all this only because my cameraman and I are the silly thing to use? Na klar.
(...) Just the way, because any camcorder-Guro suggested, one could with the D90 and a Telezoom no reasonable verwacklungsfreien film sequences and target. Is not become intoxicating - I think, but it looks so bad now synonymous again not enough. I say yes, nobody in the world can use this cam so how du Are all too stupid for that.
The gulls video is synonymous interesting - as I think; jo with the 1,8 / 50mm: Yes I find it interesting because there is the rolling shutter can be seen, as he is synonymous of the D90. In the "Swing" at 0:15 you can see what really makes the D90. Because the cam is already pudding if you do wrong, just looking. But in your "Main Movie" at Vimeo suddenly stop working. Funny funny.
Antwort von meawk:

Yes you can view your next, even though the film is complete with the D90 and the 1,8 / 50mm rotated, I need to know, because of me is yes.
And the process of Kholi: You not only influenced the shutter, as you write, but keeps / can thus synonymous to the ISO low. But the approach to slashCM test procedure is not complete, is sufficient to view the car auszutricksen, but there's a trick, how to process within the ISO low can hold.
I quote you: "... All this only because my cameraman and I are the silly thing to use? Sure..." If you do not Sö evil and would spread false accusations, I would help you so, so synonymous thy husband Camera Cam finally use it. But my tips for a procedure of notice that there are what is should take to stimulate thought. Perhaps this is so that we, who come of photography has always been very much with change in aperture, shutter and exposure to other influences have worked. As I've said it about two to three weeks for the camera to operate properly and, above all, the automatic mode in the video "completely" off / auszutricksen-This is the way to go. . .
And again, with the influence of the aperture while recording is probably fair game. This had to work so get the right exposure, if necessary according to them, because I am completely off the car hab.
And - I really did not want you with this topic next abzuhandeln - sorry. When your blinkers, the fact does not make sense. Is not evil intentioned, but meets the core.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
This work had to be yes to the right after exposure, if necessary, to give ... and everything on the basis of the LCD monitor ...
zum Bild
Antwort von meawk:

No comment!
Here a lovely synonymous Video:
This is synonymous beautiful.
So - if properly served, then we go. The fact is I am now even a used 28er with a manual aperture ring increased and used more "old" will follow. The old things with the D90 to experience a true heyday - denk ich mal.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

This is synonymous beautiful.
Is really nice, especially photographically, but technically complete manure and as I see it, in fact synonymous with the D90 filmed. Here you can see the stairs and the whole D90 typical mud ... only with the stuff your not the slightest to do.
I quote you: "... All this only because my cameraman and I are the silly thing to use? Sure..." If you do not Sö evil and would spread false accusations, I would help you so, so synonymous thy husband Camera Cam finally use it. But my tips for a procedure of notice that there are what is should take to stimulate thought. Perhaps this is so that we, who come of photography has always been very much with change in aperture, shutter and exposure to other influences have worked.
You know, you write saying that you only with the D90 to have started filming, do you seriously, you could teach people what the Camera and Directing studied, and for years in your profession every day s.Set stand? Do you know about the difference between a DoP and a cameraman?
I mean, you watch your stuff look even at your level is really under the gun of all, in every respect, but are you doing here, on top Schlau and arrogant. I shall not.
Take me calmly bad, but you're simply not credible, and therefore is synonymous to me the discussion really stupid.
Antwort von meawk:

I find it amusing how you're here aufführst just because you have the D90 can not operate. Keep it in your Red or so. Nobody forces you have reached a D90 to buy.
I have no artistic or other entitlement - I am currently trying out only with the new hybrid Cams - nothing else. I must make it fun and I like that, what I was doing. And - what you or any self Film_Gurus say I Sch ***- no preference. That you can believe me.
This is now not in the direction of "GhostPic..." Discussion continues, I'll answer no more.
I now go into the city and shows me a freshly arrived just "old" 1.4 / 80 on.
Nice day for you
Antwort von Uwe:
You know, you write saying that you only with the D90 to have started filming, do you seriously, you could teach people what the Camera and Directing studied, and for years in your profession every day s.Set stand? Do you know about the difference between a DoP and a cameraman?
I mean, you watch your stuff look even at your level is really under the gun of all, in every respect, but are you doing here, on top Schlau and arrogant. I shall not.
Say Freundchen what comes to you because? Too hot shower or profile neurosis? If meawk says that he filmed with the D90, then it will be so. The only people here on the "Upper + smart arrogant" makes that you are. For everything you've written so far professionally, you had Wowu (Wolfgang) + Others improve. So Behave yourself a bit, if you know how to do it.
The D90 has no doubt a whole series of weaknesses. But it's like it has written meawk => you must learn to deal with it. There are workarounds + Project files for After Effects, Final Cut Pro + AVISynth regarding stair steppings. Nevertheless, it remains to be done for Nikon - either in a firmware update and / or in a new model. The shooting brings with her still fun - that's it ...
Antwort von meawk:

Thanks Uwe!
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
... we must learn to deal with it ... True, but first, the camera manufacturer to learn what the videographers need. The video camera manufacturers can indeed not a particularly intelligent synonymous Photo function in your devices deliver.
Antwort von Uwe:
... we must learn to deal with it ...
True, but first, the camera manufacturer to learn what the videographers need ... In the cases of D90 + the 5DII, it is so that it is primarily Fotocams are naturally digital. The video capabilities are just an additional feature. Who needs a pure camcorder should a buy. Personally, I guess, but the photography + Filmerei, ie not to say that the devices such as camcorders now be built.
But do not worry Bruno - Your beloved swivel display is already in the MFT version of Panasonic (G1 HD) in the next Frühajhr come;) - is perhaps something for you ...
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

Say Freundchen what comes to you because? Too hot shower or profile neurosis? If meawk says that he filmed with the D90, then it will be so. The only people here on the "Upper + smart arrogant" makes that you are. For everything you've written so far professionally, you had Wowu (Wolfgang) + Others improve. So Behave yourself a bit, if you know how to do it. For that we do not know, just assault you in the very sound. Lass please. I've in fact synonymous not addressed, so you need not be synonymous here to play the police. I know thee synonymous indicates that it represents an insult to someone as neurotic to describe. I strongly advise you to be more cautious.
Edit: deleted the rest.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Ballhaus, let not on the same level down. Your contribution affects me more polemical and aggressive when you respond to.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
Ballhaus, let not on the same level down. Your contribution affects me more polemical and aggressive when you respond to. Right. Thank you. Synonymous'm only a person who had the rest removed.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Why should we quarrel as synonymous ...
It is clear that these clippers video cameras still far from mature.
But it is obviously progressing and it will certainly something useful for videographers synonymous sometime this coming out.
Until then, let us halt "Still filmed" s.auf YouTube or Vimeo ...
Schaun'mer times ...
Antwort von meawk:

Well, you're not the person who the allegation has, one might with a Telezoom not verwacklungsfreien films or mistaken because I am now. Well - is synonymous no preference and if you were not there - sorry.
Plays no role synonymous yes, everyone should buy what he wants and still see your filmed yes i. usually not better. And you're partially with the RED or the EX1 or what I rotated always synonymous. We who are usually in the main photograph and for fun times along with the excellent D90 filmed, have no entitlement to "Spielberg" osNachäfferei. We do this for fun, look at the results on YouTube or Vimeo, replace if necessary, from us and look forward our days and our hobbies. And if the biggest Sche ** is - from your perspective of the "rounder" - makes us want more fun and we are not synonymous. If a good film I want to - then I go to the movies, but our / my Sche ** I like synonymous. So simple is this
Strange thing is that some self-Stars, the D90 can not serve and is present only as defeatists.
With your skills you have which is not necessary - RED remains of your nerves and we do not - please.
Here is a thank s.alle to me with tips, etc. have helped the least so-editing program for household use. More so I will not. Only unwarranted attacks on the D90, and also without the part that you will ever properly served, I can absolutely not! I say yes is not the synonymous RED is Sche **, because I've never properly served.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
... Telezoom no verwacklungsfreien Movies ... Nöö, have nothing to write ...
Antwort von meawk:
... Telezoom no verwacklungsfreien Movies ...
Nöö, have nothing to write ... Ok - then sorry, I confused.
If I've Bock soon, then buy me ne decent Steadycam for the D90 and wenns ne Steadycam Merlin must be proud, unfortunately, it cost 900 euros. Then I'm anxious times, such as walking and running in the images are made - as did quite a bit on Vimeo GOOD seen, unfortunately, the films do not, otherwise I would have them synonymous times reingestellt.
Antwort von Jan:

Some pictures of the D 90 (particularly the first pictures) are very nice, but here were completely the wrong Lenses used (either on film or cheapest Setoptiken expected).
What's it like with 18-70 DX, 16-85 1:3,5 - 5.6 G ED VR, 17-55 1:2,8 G or 70-200 1:2,8 G, the first-mentioned is of remarkable quality and yet affordable.
Also s.dich the question, you have yourself a D90 or spekulierst you? I have the D90 uswith following lenses tested, and the result was always just shit:
Nikkor 18-135 kit Optics (ED?)
Nikkor 35mm / 1.4
Nikkor 50mm / 1.4
Tokina 11-16 / 2.8
Nikkor 24-85 IF ED 2.8 - 4.0
I have the names are not all exactly in the head, but there are all the lenses we someday in extensive tests on the 35mm adapter out because they have minimal vignetting, ie the highest and best illumination had sharpness, high brightness and low CA anyway.
The pure DX lenses anyway, you can forget it because you have no aperture ring and thus can interfere garnicht more.
It is not about your looks, but proboscis used.
The cheap Setobjektiv 18-55 - with the Plastikbajonet - is with the lowest category for good pictures, the 55er Uralt without ED lens (ie, CA Technically bad) times was good, but the current and present high technical possibilities does it his tribute . In the case of open aperture performance is the sharpness (or the impression Picture) synonymous questionable for APS-C sensors, it is synonymous not expected.
In any event, proboscis completely exaggerated his webcam comparison is untenable.
Yes is more clear, I've never said that the D 90 the measure of all things was.
Ok, no aperture ring by disqualifying several of my lenses for manual use of clean aperture values.
I have the D 40, D 60, D 80, D 90, D 300, D 700 and D 3 in the store as many synonymous Nikkor optics - because I'm the seller.
Antwort von Uwe:
... then I buy me ne decent Steadycam for the D90 and wenns ne Steadycam Merlin must be ... Unfortunately, the films do not, otherwise I would have them synonymous times reingestellt. There are to my knowledge only a few people who are with a Merlin + the D90 to work. One of them is the Frenchman Roland Cadieux. He had a first time Testclip reingestellt at Vimeo, but he was still at the practice:
Password Required If "rolling" and
And here is one:
Antwort von meawk:

Uwe Yep, I meant the - thank Dir
Antwort von Uwe:

Ok - here are a Werbeclip of Heineken on YT. Filmed with the D90:
Of course "watch in HD" button ...
Antwort von meawk:

Jo - I say it.
Antwort von ksr:

Can someone tell me whether I use the analog video outputs of the Nikon D90 with the analog inputs of a camera (eg Canon XM2) can connect and then the latter is the live signal from the D90 on to MiniDV? If this operation outputs in Live active? If so, you could be as a device for both devices to build ... Logically, it makes you a D / A / D conversion to SD quality s.Ende to get - just in principle but considered that it could hinhauen, right? (Only the Tonproblem the D90 would remain, because the mic in the cam in this Aufzeichungsmodus so is unusable ...) On the other hand: It would only increase the recording time - what kind of price ...
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
Can someone tell me whether I use the analog video outputs of the Nikon D90 with the analog inputs of a camera (eg Canon XM2) can connect and then the latter is the live signal from the D90 on to MiniDV? If this operation outputs in Live active? If so, you could be as a device for both devices to build ... Logically, it makes you a D / A / D conversion to SD quality s.Ende to get - just in principle but considered that it could hinhauen, right? (Only the Tonproblem the D90 would remain, because the mic in the cam in this Aufzeichungsmodus so is unusable ...) On the other hand: It would only increase the recording time - what kind of price ... 1. Digital after FBAS after Digital, comes perhaps something like SD out, but nothing more.
2. The reason why these Cams their recording time limit is not in my knowledge of the file format and limited to 4 GB (which might Processor with 4 GB simply create a new file), but in the temperature. Whether the presence, if only out of the sensor and the data is not compressed, no idea.
But overall, I think your project is quite nonsensical. Why do not you take just a 35mm adapter and fasten it to your camera?
Antwort von ksr:

That with the temperature is an interesting point ... hmm Thank you!
Sure, the idea is a bit cumbersome, it did so only theoretically considered synonymous ... The background was just that need a 35mm adapter is much more expensive ...
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
That with the temperature is an interesting point ... hmm Thank you!
Sure, the idea is a bit cumbersome, it did so only theoretically considered synonymous ... The background was just that need a 35mm adapter is much more expensive ... The Letus Mini you get to 1000 EUR, since you need not even a Rod. Before that you fasten the HV10 or the like is, and send you on freust ratten sharp images with 35m DOF. If you have reasons of cost need to improvise, then make it so dear.
Antwort von Zizi:

Which Lens / light was because of this picture Lowlight test done?
Does not look for a 1.4 or 1.8er from?
Antwort von cb62:

for those who are more interested in examples (; and for the case that this is still nowhere was posted)
Vimeo on D90, there is a channel, there are currently 1.031 gelistet clips:
Antwort von mosillus:
Very one-sided "test". The fact that the resolution is not HD 720p24, is completely downplayed. The fact that the camera extreme stair formation in diagonal lines, is not even mentioned. And since when do you have to forgo sharpness? This should be a test? How is this for me to read, write, I better not.
Each of the camera encounters a critical look must seriously ask how a cam such a large sensor, may be blurred, as a Cheap HD Cam by Blöd market with a fraction of the size and resolution? The tester must be ultra aback every make!
The compression can not be, because when you look at the picture in a 720p HD Camera with MJEPG compression at the same stores, it still lengths better than the D90. Even if the data rate halved looks even better, so the cause must lie elsewhere.
The stairs are already betrayed where the wind is blowing: An upscaling! The Camera can probably not HD, it saves only in HD because it is better to market it! As in another thread wrote: Take a Siemens star, his movies with the D90 and in parallel with any other HD-Cam. Then we scaled the two images on SD size down and then up again. Normally it would have to now have suffered extremely. The Picture of the D90, however, shows no perceptible change, while the picture of the true HD camera according s.Schärfe lost and now it looks like about the D90 Picture of beginning.
If the other really no on except me?
MB your main stair training can be readily with a grain / noise of about 9-12% correct .... also looks more filmic out!
grüsse mosillus
Antwort von mosillus:

here is original footage as jpg and the körnung without körnung
jpg kompremierung 100% qualified, 11% körnung
with: zum Bild without: