Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Test: Test: gimmick or revolution? - 3D Camcorder Panasonic HDC-SDT750 of rudi - 30 Oct 2010 23:55:00 > Since the 3D avatar is on everyone's lips and a lot of hope for Manufacturer corresponding consumer interest by the new hype about the third dimension. While there are already some no-name manufacturers of 3D cameras, but with the HDC is the only semi-SDT750 professional 3D video camera solution in the shops. Since we naturally ask ourselves: What are you?
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Antwort von Replay:

Again and again in 3D, just as it disappeared again. Most recently, the
Antwort von ruessel:

provide very positive and brave of a 3D Camera Panasonic for this price. I suspect that with weakening in 3D mode and a 3D TV that no one has that this model is given in 3 months without a hefty charge synonymous under 800 EUR. The customer is already set up with the buying patterns ....
The 3D space is very limited availability in a small area for holiday movies with landscapes (mountains) is completely useless.
Loss of resolution / light loss for the FullHD Home Cinema Report.
Camera in 2D has an apparently high electronic edge steepening, often seems a bit unnatural. For Youtube, of course, sufficient.
Antwort von kuebler:
Again and again in 3D, just as it disappeared again. Most recently, the 2005 .Eine Trend-Regel gilt immer solange, bis sie plötzlich nicht mehr gilt ;-) Das dürfte nicht nur bei Börsen, sondern synonymous bei 3D-Einschätzungen wahr sein... ;-)
Dieses Mal wird 3D nicht wieder verschwinden, weil sich die ganz Grossen (Panasonic, Sony, Samsung) entschieden haben, es nicht wieder verschwinden zu lassen. Und jetzt die MediaMärkte etc. folgen.
Und synonymous weil der Effect trotz Brille eben wirklich beachtlich ist, in meinen Augen ein grösseres Delta als HDTV. Sogar meine nicht technik-affine Frau verlor im MediaMarkt ein paar vorsichtig anerkennende Worte...
Im Übrigen kommt vieles of dem, was 2005 angestossen/angekündigt wurde, wegen der langen Vorlaufzeiten halt erst jetzt allmählich zum Vorschein.
Richtig ist, dass es sich nicht im Sturm durchsetzen wird. Aber das hat synonymous HDTV bis heute nicht (ohne dass man s.weiteren Vordringen zweifelt), and vielleicht nicht einmal BluRay. Auch Color (ein ähnlich sprunghaftes Delta) hat meiner Erinnerung nach damals sehr lange gedauert, nachdem es vor den 60-ern ja synonymous verschiedentlich schon mal erschienen and wieder in den Hintergrund getreten war. Vielleicht nicht unähnlich den 3D-Wellen.
3D will prevail only on a broad level, if you do not need glasses for that. Sounds plausible, it is my opinion not.
3D without glasses will certainly come some day. But the necessary technical work is so enormous that a real mass market compatibility (outside of 10-inch gimmicks) can perhaps only be expected in 10 years, .20. It does so aggravated with that of the people will rise because of the comparison instinctively required standard 2D screen size synonymous next.
And this 10th .20 years the people, and especially willing to sell the industry, certainly not want to do without the 3D effect.
Antwort von Replay:

Well, I do not know ... 3D with visual aids, it is already over 110 years. At that time there were 3D photos that you put in a holder, which can be considered in turn before his eyes. The 3D effect was enormous (and clearly presented in the next depth as the 3D images of the SDT750).
Then came the red-green glasses. That was synonymous not the last word, again with glasses, again with technical shortcomings. Images appear dark, shutter glasses need synonymous nor electricity, with friends, watching football is not synonymous, since the glasses or the Samsung nor Sony-Panasonic-Television suits, etc.
To me, all that like a patchwork, a quick shot, which according to HD (which still is not even nationwide standard, most people still have SD TV at home) thrown on the market in order to milk the ducats ass customers next may.
Sure, in the electric market you have a wow effect. I think so synonymous not bad, nice, looks good, but despite this effect, I stay clear and do not buy, then I think just s.die practice at home.
I suspect that 3D without glasses comes relatively quickly. Finally, one must have something in the pan, if people feel with the 3D glasses for a few years ago as a normal (if it prevails). Then it says:
Now at last without the hassle of 3D glasses and watch soccer with friends, games console s.der friends with multiplayer gaming, all in 3D with bright and clear pictures! At the end is the time of dark 3D images, the lone 3-pleasure, I should have been Werbefuzzi ^ ^
Yes, the SDT750 has a massive edge steepening, which already reveals the chart. The artificial field should be switched off immediately, as indeed in all of Panasonic consumer model in 2010. In my eyes, something would trigger points in the test, edge steepening I consider to be cheap trick and customer contracts asses.
@ Panasonic
Contact the factory settings back to the old virtues, to the "Panasonic Picture".
Antwort von kuebler:
Sure, in the electric market you have a wow effect. I think so synonymous not bad, nice, looks good, but despite this effect, I stay clear and do not buy, then I think just s.die practice at home. And I - without this enviable see-through view ;-) - I just got the thing ordered.
And I do not even have a 3D-Television (I wait until spring) ...
Because when I imagine, of today still think young children to make normal 2D video, and to be broadcast in 10 or 20 years (with or without glasses), then with nostalgic tears in his eyes in a great 3D home theater, and to say to then have to "Fuck, I should have done back then 3D images", then my decision is very easy today. Despite all the shortcomings.
And for 3-D images of children in the living room containing the camera parameters are apparently quite well suited. Surely no coincidence, since the Panasonic marketing people use their thinking apparatus containing synonymous when it comes to the planned dollar ... ;-)
Antwort von Jitter:

@ Ruessel
I'm interested in what you do set the "high electronic steepening edges (in 2D mode). Rudi will provide us with its test images are a "natural course of field" of the Panasonic 700 series. I've already synonymous of the 707 original images (not on youtube) was seen and shows no visible signs of steepening edges (such as ghosting, halos).
Antwort von ruessel:

[Quote] Rudi will provide us with its test images are a "natural course of field" of the Panasonic 700 series. [Code]
Panasonic 750
Na shows, even the test pictures but it abundantly clear at Panasonic double white lines around the lines and numbers = massive edge enhancement.
(Sure, the JVC has a Aufschärfung synonymous, but looks much more homogeneous in the Picture)
Antwort von crassmike:
"Fuck, I should have done back then 3D images", then my decision is very easy today. Despite all the shortcomings. Yes, you are - without devaluing to do now - someone from exactly the target group, their hosts on the Panasonic consumer products. Technology-inspired Daddy, buy new equipment every few years, because it's great and the money-holding there.
We here in the forum are in Comparison to but
video nerds, a highly demanding and critical edge group in buying patterns are merely. If we buy technology, will ever researched, which is now the best model serve and then must make synonymous years of dependable service and for many different creative applications. Since it is possible with advertising slogans such as "Full HD" "300x Zoom" and "3D" do not earn as much money ... Cope;)
Antwort von Replay:

Each camera styled after the Picture. The question remains how much and what overall impression (!) Picture the leaves. The JVC shows should look like a model of camera image, at least on the test panel.
Which brings us to the next point. Who is filming test charts? Not me, for me is only the practice and the Picture impression in practice relevant.
Also my CX115 styled after, but only so light that it has no negative impact onto Picture. In sharp contrast to comparable SD66, which real "Glimmränder" is generated.
At Panasonic, you can take out the edges steepening but luckily, I always recommend (-1 or even -2). It would be interesting how this section of the review panel would look like then.
Antwort von kuebler:
"Fuck, I should have done back then 3D images", then my decision is very easy today. Despite all the shortcomings.
Yes, you are - without devaluing to do now - someone from exactly the target group, their hosts on the Panasonic consumer products. Technology-inspired Daddy, buy new equipment every few years, because it's great and the money-holding there. Is everything 100%, every single word ... ;-)
The following seems to me that but little correlation:
We here in the forum are in Comparison to but video nerds, a highly demanding and critical edge group in buying patterns are merely. If we buy technology, will ever researched, which is now the best model serve and then must make synonymous years of dependable service and for many different creative applications. Since it is possible with advertising slogans such as "Full HD" "300x Zoom" and "3D" do not earn as much money ... Cope;) That today's 3D devices and systems do still clearly a satisfactory way, I had neither denied nor was it unclear to me.
In my posts put two key messages that I wanted to do in response to other types of views:
1. This time 3D definitely come to stay. That is, if synonymous euphoric growth expectations - like most - are likely to be wrong, of course, synonymous.
2. Often you can choose only between 2 necessarily "evil", here between perfect but "flat" 2D and 3D imperfect. And it is
not auto clear that you should decide for themselves the former.
For professional use, you have to be comfortable in fact, for 2D or choose a hobby or a rig-AG-3DA1. I'm only an amateur-Thanks be to God-not in this dilemma, and so was the tenor of the test (after all, on a "video-nerd" site for me :-) But after all, been so positive that I immediately ordered . For high quality 2D video I take in the future will hold parallel my Lumix GH2.
Antwort von crassmike:

Okay, since I'm probably digressed a bit, perhaps I could clarify my views.
Often you can choose only between 2 necessarily "evil", here between perfect but "flat" 2D and 3D imperfect. And it is not automatically clear that you should choose the former. Sure, if you see the future in 3D,
and features of the camera with your requirements to match, it's only logical that you buy the thing. I would then make synonymous.
For professional use, you have to be well indeed for 2D or choose a hobby or a rig-AG-3DA1. I'm only an amateur-Thanks be to God-not in this dilemma, and so was the tenor of the test (after all, on a "video-nerd" site for me :-) But after all, been so positive that I immediately ordered . For high quality 2D video I take in the future will hold parallel my Lumix GH2. Yes, I see the purpose of a video camera so they should be prepared for a variety of possible situations. I must be synonymous with safe in stressful situations can bypass the manual features. Perhaps this is a lesson from my previous work in journalism "Professional" range, but for me are the recent features of the Pana still not flexible enough. In fact, I would s.liebsten me buy one of the "Henkel cameras," if things are not that expensive. Well, now is first, etc. on the 707 saving ... ;)
Antwort von kuebler:
I must be synonymous with safe in stressful situations can bypass the manual features. Perhaps this is a lesson from my previous work in journalism "Professional" range, but for me are the recent features of the Pana still not flexible enough. From the journalistic field, I really do not understand, but if it should proceed simultaneously in your application to quality, ergonomics, and mixed Still Image / video use, then the next would probably be synonymous in 2 weeks GH2 a consideration value:
Antwort von penkeler:

According to Rudi test images to the camcorder Bilig make sharper images, or: