Frage von charletto:
had already created a number of contributions - with some very good constructive feedback - and now just wanted my first clip to the view that:
No big deal and it is criticism - or praise - synonymous welcome.
Must be synonymous Vimeo commendable, and the short Uploadteit part runs without problems - as opposed to, where there are only problems with the upload, etc. has given - that they are fixed at the debiting.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Gääähhhnnn! Sorry!
The same with if I had 20 pictures in PowerPoint made. What you strive for ne FILM camera? 25 frames per second, which is basically nothing other than make us ne handful of stills (ev linksrechtsanimiert) to present?
Oh, and very remarkable, I found the variety of text defamiliarization NLEs thy ways! Goods in the header really have any? And why did you Nachvornedurchdiebuchstabenstrahleneffekt twice used? Since it would surely be a further effect is not already used to, so at least the header of variety in the film brings!
If you this criticism seems harsh, I recommend you the very conscious reading this thread:
Then you see your movies, perhaps even with new, less glassy eyes transfigured ... ;-)
Listening now do not like to shoot, just throw us your works then again, if you think my advice s.Schluss long contribution in the aforementioned thread have heeded!
Antwort von bgk:

I had just waited on it that Debonnaire Topics accepts this ... ;-)
In other words this means: Less "effect" in titles, this readable (time to capture type), soft visors only used wherever it makes sense dramaturgically in slices and visors a little more to the picture content and the timing of eight (eg Zoomfahrten in and out, fits in with the music, etc.) and ultimately was the rest of this area is the intention for the static shots, but this can be somewhat synonymous with moving images (and thus is not wild Herumgeschwenke and zappelnde handheld camera meant) across .
I would be interested to know what camera with the recordings were made.
And D's thread-Tip is still synonymous replaced:
Antwort von charletto:

Cam is the JVC GY HD 110 - the film, I am a little criticism and the effect I had loaded header no longer rausgenommen or geändertz because I had no time. The film is purely just to test the Cam has been made - not s.den few rainy hours the last few weeks - was also cut relatively quickly, I would not be finished film with a long preparation and post it - but only a short clip (unprocessed) as HD upload times in the forum because of my camera up to the Statement of Lutz Dickmann rather negative criticism was to be found - so please be really pure Antesten take the camera - in my regular finished shooting games, such title does not - and the crossfades actually made synonymous adapted s.die scenes - otherwise ONLY the hard cut.
To Debonnaire: Even after your statement, I will not contact the ball home - for me, and keeps the whole hobby - to me is fun and also I had already mentioned before, why I mentioned this clip here.
It is synonymous but nowhere in the rules here exclusively productions of recognized and well-known studios may be presented.
Antwort von shipoffools:

I always wonder what the motivation was, the videographers to test drive their films online. You will probably never make me ...
Nobody, but nobody really synonymous, wants a test film by a apparent Amateurs, rotated with his new look. ... and certainly not endless 283 seconds!
But since you apparently synonymous s.Kritik for your movie're interested, I would like to express a little synonymous.
You call your movie "The Nice thalers lakes. Your pictures show only the general courses, images, s.tausenden lakes and resorts throughout Europe is being carried out. Nothing really typical of what this unique landscape as presented, with the exception of a signpost, in the vicinity of these lakes is s.der place ... but I was almost asleep.
Verruckelte pans, duck to the left, duck to the right, einlullernde Music (ZEN for the poor ...) and, as so often, not original. A few ducks were cackling's maybe a little relaxed. The whole thing then great effect between title and packed with the usual film-Geluller "started. Ne, so neee ...
And then the usual justification: no time ... no final cut, bla bla bla. It just annoying. Again to eavesdropping: You should not unfinished, half-edited film with mediocre material to the public present. It is something his family or friends, who then wohwollenden with eyes and a tribute of praise, but not in a positive critique film forum for raw materials expected.
No, sorry, but the motivation is never really open up to me ...
Antwort von RickyMartini:

As a camera test video is quite ok. Only the header is a bit too thick and degenerate IMO for its own sake alone with the 25s.
You see that man with the JVC very nice sharpness can walk. The observation of nature like me quite well.
Spring Fever is now so slow for me awakened. :)
The video really is balm for the eyes, on video portals usually only get to see scrap - but then the videos are not even testing!
Ich hab mir grad
Casino viewed and am therefore mercifully voted when I see clean images. ;)
Antwort von charletto:

Hi RickyMartin,
Thank you for your positive comments on my clip. The preload is too thick - and synonymous to long for the clip - 100% I'll give you quite so. I had the lack of time but not more rausgenommen - mea culpa - and since the film anyway just as a test for the camera is running, it's been really minor. In the original film, he is much calmer and less effective (but must be rotated - I am waiting on better weather!)
It is a pleasure for me but that you still like the pictures, the camera is a great part and I regret not a second, she bought! For statement of shipoffools
I would have been glad if I test some movies in a similar nature here in the forum to one or the other camera had been and not just static pictures with some test images. Ultimately, it is not always the opportunity to get the camera at any `Fachhändler'auszuleihen before some 1000s in such a partially invested And perhaps one or the other, the question of the quality of the images this camera a little closer, this is one of the objectives was the attempt with this clip.
Again to
debonnaire: Since you so seeehr expertise seem to have, at least with regard to the frequency of your statements here in the forum is concerned, I would be interested of course, because
where can you see your perfect productions. I would be burning interested in how such a plant looks like gods - from your profile is, unfortunately, because nothing like this show?
Antwort von B.DeKid:
I had the lack of time but not more rausgenommen Thou shalt no more but you apologize, you did so geamcht the gefiehl you and is good. And cut out what it can with Virtualdub in Direct Stream procedure in approximately 30 sec 1 min aka Total editing time.
Pans I find a pity that the so-bucking.
Music is shit, because prefer 2-3 pieces together, the quasi introduction, main section concludes.
This material then the image as synonymous start the morning, midday, evening.
Empty forest is synonymous not as a bearer of more movements, I would have wished. (In the form of eg. Animals or humans)
B. DeKid
PS: Otherwise, tell what the times for an effect is, with what program you what worked and what did Tripod and whether to use Lightbouncer etc came. Just things that are interesting to others.
Antwort von Debonnaire:
To Debonnaire:
(...) It is synonymous but nowhere in the rules here exclusively productions of recognized and well-known studios may be presented. Absolutely true, and therefore I advised you synonymous, the shooting does not give up!
But, let's face it: What do / you can of the world (us) with such a movie is actually saying? "For her people, synonymous I've done it the ON button on my camera and find them in the general direction of daisies to keep!" And: "Oh no, in the finished film, I would have the title done quite differently and obviously hard cuts used ONLY!"
Why, if you all already know machst dus not ready and publizierst ONLY THEN! Why must every clip-chen, as soon as it is a very first test rendering has focused on mandatory three and a half minutes and a Vimeo upload time later zugänglch made the world be?
The preload is too thick - and synonymous to long for the clip - 100% I'll give you quite so. I had the lack of time but not more rausgenommen "Lack of time"? What is a "lack of time"? - Do you have a deadline, you must adhere to the delivery of your camera TEST movies? Is there a rule somewhere that Ruckelschwenks Nette thalers of the lakes under time pressure yet on Saturday night just before 19 clock SHOULD be online?
I habs elsewhere already said: You have only ONE opportunity to make a first impression to make! - Why do not these two days and a reflective work about the film later IMPRESSIONS leave, instead of the endorphin-hype of the first "Hollywood, here I come!" (which, incidentally, I know perfectly synonymous!) with the world's poor and barren platitudes bored?
As in the thread
"Zweierlei Mass" gesagt, MUSS nicht alles, nur WEIL es entstanden ist, synonymous HIER angeboten werden! Man kann sich durchaus einfach synonymous of Vimeo-ler zu Vimeo-ler cross-beweihräuchern (lassen), and gut!
Ein TESTfilm einer Camera zeigt in etwa Folgendes:
- Camera in allen/mehreren Funktionen benutzen (Blendenreihen, Gain -Reihen, Belichtungszeiten, usw.).
- Camera in unterschiedlichsten Beleuchtungsverhältnissen benutzen (Morgengrauen, Mittagslicht, blaue Abendstunde, Nacht, Kunstlicht Glühlampe, Kunstlicht Leuchtstoffröhre, Kunstlicht Halogen, Kerzenlicht, usw.)
- Weissabgleichsreihen anfertigen (Auto, Kunstlicht, Neon, Schatten, K, usw.).
- Zoomleistung/-bereich ausloten (max. Weitwinkel (Verzerrung? Vignettierung?), Normalbereich, max. Tele, usw.).
- Schärfeleistung des Objekts aufzeigen (kleinste Strukturen, Schärfeverlagerungen. usw.).
- Gegenlichtsituation austesten (Fringing, CA, usw.).
DAS, gibt Aussagen die die Eigenschaften and Qualität einer Camera erkennen lassen! DAS sind Experimente, die synonymous DU dir of einem Kameratest wünschst, bevor du eine Camera kaufst!
Die Bildchen, die du with deiner Camera aufgenommen and (leider!) abgeliefert hast, könntest du in wohl exakt gleicher Qualität with jeder dieser Aldi-Billig-HD-Kisten präzise gleich herstellen. HD-Aufnahmen of praktisch Standbildsituationen sehen echt with jeder beliebigen Camera irgenwie brauchbar bis gut aus. Du hast ja noch nicht mal versucht, im diesigweissen Schlechtwetterspätwinterhimmel etwas Sehenswertes via die Belichtung in der Camera hinzukriegen!
Aber WENN man dann with dem Film hier aufkreuzt and eben sogar Kritik VERLANGT, dann diese with Size annehmen and einfach UMSETZEN, statt plärren and erklären WIESO es Kacke ist and dass man es ja eigentlich (ohne Zeitdruck... yeah, right...) viiieeelll besser hätte machen WOLLEN (können???)!
"Zweierlei Mass" gesagt, MUSS nicht alles, nur WEIL es entstanden ist, synonymous HIER angeboten werden! Man kann sich durchaus einfach synonymous of Vimeo-ler zu Vimeo-ler cross-beweihräuchern (lassen), and gut!
Ein TESTfilm einer Camera zeigt in etwa Folgendes:
- Camera in allen/mehreren Funktionen benutzen (Blendenreihen, Gain -Reihen, Belichtungszeiten, usw.).
- Camera in unterschiedlichsten Beleuchtungsverhältnissen benutzen (Morgengrauen, Mittagslicht, blaue Abendstunde, Nacht, Kunstlicht Glühlampe, Kunstlicht Leuchtstoffröhre, Kunstlicht Halogen, Kerzenlicht, usw.)
- Weissabgleichsreihen anfertigen (Auto, Kunstlicht, Neon, Schatten, K, usw.).
- Zoomleistung/-bereich ausloten (max. Weitwinkel (Verzerrung? Vignettierung?), Normalbereich, max. Tele, usw.).
- Schärfeleistung des Objekts aufzeigen (kleinste Strukturen, Schärfeverlagerungen. usw.).
- Gegenlichtsituation austesten (Fringing, CA, usw.).
DAS, gibt Aussagen die die Eigenschaften and Qualität einer Camera erkennen lassen! DAS sind Experimente, die synonymous DU dir of einem Kameratest wünschst, bevor du eine Camera kaufst!
Die Bildchen, die du with deiner Camera aufgenommen and (leider!) abgeliefert hast, könntest du in wohl exakt gleicher Qualität with jeder dieser Aldi-Billig-HD-Kisten präzise gleich herstellen. HD-Aufnahmen of praktisch Standbildsituationen sehen echt with jeder beliebigen Camera irgenwie brauchbar bis gut aus. Du hast ja noch nicht mal versucht, im diesigweissen Schlechtwetterspätwinterhimmel etwas Sehenswertes via die Belichtung in der Camera hinzukriegen!
Aber WENN man dann with dem Film hier aufkreuzt and eben sogar Kritik VERLANGT, dann diese with Size annehmen and einfach UMSETZEN, statt plärren and erklären WIESO es Kacke ist and dass man es ja eigentlich (ohne Zeitdruck... yeah, right...) viiieeelll besser hätte machen WOLLEN (können???)!