Frage von koji:
someone has a good link to a useful LAPTOP for 7D? English or German would pleasant. Perhaps with ausgiebgem video test ... Thank you!
here's a quick but the longer confined to the Picture function:
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

Purchase one and you stop yourself Have I now have a test ordered and guck me that thing s.WE at times.
Antwort von koji:

I am already strongly considering. costs 1650 .- without objective here in vienna.
to 50mm with the 1.4. If sufficient for now. Z-finder would not halt bad.
Antwort von jogol:

With the 50mm 1.4 s.der 7D you have a slight telephoto. Is that clear? Factor of 1.6 in relation to the full frame, ie 80mm.
Antwort von koji:

This is already clear to me. fetch me but synonymous still a tokina 11-16mm.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
With the 50mm 1.4 s.der 7D you have a slight telephoto. Is that clear? Factor of 1.6 in relation to the full frame, ie 80mm. Again these remarkable conversions. 50mm is 50mm is 50mm. Furthermore, in accordance with 50mm-C s.Crop the field of vision and is thus not yet Teligen wide angle, plus you have lenses only through the viewfinder and you will see that the objects in front of the lens are the same as without Lens.
The good s.Crop-C is mainly that it understands and 35mm film equivalent focal length synonymous every actor and lighting.
Antwort von jogol:

True enough. Error by the Office on my part.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

For Uwe ;-)
Canon 7D
5184x3456 pixels
22.3 x14, 9 chip
42bit color depth
sRGB Adobe RGB color space
100 - 6400 expandable to 12,800 Iso
8 / 120 images (photos), the second
CF Card
30 - 1/8000s and Bulb
Image quality 92.5
Resolution89, 4
94.8 Handling
Equipment 87.9
Resolution3005 Linen
Saturation 101%
Dynamics fstop 11.3
Vignetting in Blendstufen 0
Noise at ISO:
100 y = 0.48
200 y = 0.58
400 y = 0.74
6400 y = 2.13
Source: Technical Image Press Association and a professional photo 10/09
Antwort von B.DeKid:
......... Always these remarkable conversions. Is that starting all over again .... 'm curious times when their 5 D bestueckt times with 50 mm and then s.gleicher constitutes a 7D with 50mm width positioned how much your einfangt ;-) And then, you know how the crop affects synonymous and do not like ;-)
Because I already see nen big difference ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
......... Always these remarkable conversions.
Is that starting all over again .... 'm curious times when their 5 D bestueckt times with 50 mm and then s.gleicher constitutes a 7D with 50mm width positioned how much your einfangt ;-) And then, you know how the crop affects synonymous and do not like ;-)
Because I already see nen big difference ;-)
B. DeKid Claimed synonymous None. 70mm look like 50mm on the 5D on the 7D. Therefore, changing the focal length but not. Also: The conversion for the one who is at all relevant? But only for photographers who take pictures since time immemorial in full format and take this as a reference. There's how many of them here?
Thus my statement about 35mm, if mab 7D of 50mm at the talks, probably even know the lady of Filmcatering what's going on. There, the conversions are out s.Platz, if not wrong, because here the reference is not to say Vollformatfoto but 35mm film roll.
8 / 120 images (photos), the second
uh ... ?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

The conversion is in so far as the intressant s.dem synonymous Lens XL 5.5-88mm, or 3.4 -10.2 mm - which is indeed expected to SD synonymous ca 7 times, respectively, the naturalized KB format.
Or is only partly s.Mittelformat expected with nem crop of 0.8.
Important is that only when someone tells me
Take pictures of the object, and indeed in the location.
And then I wonder what kind of lenses I have to take with.
It's all a question of construction and the available space.
But as I said stupid topic
And put the argument just prior to the Focal is an imbecile!
If someone says the Shot with 50mm was made, then he must say directly synonymous with any camera (chip / film)
If, however, have a s.and he says the scene in 50mm would look, then I expect him to create nen 50mm look. And then it's good to know that I is not with the a 50mm s.der 7D get ;-)
.................................................. .............
The type 8 / 120 refers to the RAW / JPG So how much you can do before s.Stück blocking save the (series of images)
Ist ja ne photo magazine in the report as having little written about the video function. So, what is then left as Slashcam.
B. DeKid
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Where did the 7D appointed Marc, England or Canada?
Because I had the phone Friday with Oehling and Koch said the only way s.dem 15th.
B. DeKid
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
Where did the 7D appointed Marc, England or Canada?
Because I had the phone Friday with Oehling and Koch said the only way s.dem 15th.
B. DeKid eBay. In stock. As of today, online.
I hope it's true, otherwise the trouble:)
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

Or is only partly s.Mittelformat expected with nem crop of 0.8.
Know what? I have in my whole life did not expect, or for the first time when I've gained as a DSLR viewfinder and me, the guy has MediaMarkt vollgelabert. But since they were synonymous, and C had a crop in the frame exactly as aussaht like 35 of my photography, I've always wondered what the really wanted:)
We go the other way, there Rechnerei since the 5D, it's just all a bit wide-angle as "normal" .. and normal is just 35mm film adapter and / or Crop-C, and not full frame.
Antwort von pilskopf:
Where did the 7D appointed Marc, England or Canada?
Because I had the phone Friday with Oehling and Koch said the only way s.dem 15th.
B. DeKid
eBay. In stock. As of today, online.
I hope it's true, otherwise the trouble:)
MB Are you writing a review for us? Machst perhaps a nice test video? Yes you can anonymously upload is indeed sausages.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

I've never see on film when rotated ;-)
But) with cameras (the formats you have to stop (eg, Nikon has another crop than the Canon's) is really not relevant to the topic.
Yes Ebay, hmm paid in 1700? or more (body only)
B. DeKid
Antwort von pilskopf:

Synonymous to me, I wonder if I should not buy. Not equal being contemplated. I just do not know with lenses made and what is so needed. But the possibilities of the action are great. At the same time so synonymous s super Take a photo I think. : D But I think with the right lenses, you can even make great shots, I ask myself stop, whether or not a "Cam" makes you happy as a videographer. I wonder what could be the gross disadvantages.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

Are you writing a review for us? Machst perhaps a nice test video? Yes you can anonymously upload is indeed sausages. Do not be angry, but I lack the time to really synonymous here sometimes when it looks as if I retire:) I had 2 weeks grace period grad, now at. I will certainly post my impressions, but s.besten can the judge for a real production, and if I make the WÜD with the 7D, I do not know if the only lowlight capabilities which touched s.The 5D, or I do not see no sense. When it comes to test a few others will be faster at vimeo with certainty.
If you want to have tested as concrete, no problem, I like to do.
Antwort von Mink:

My EOS 7D body, ordered by for 1465 ¬, arrived today.
Unfortunately grad am only 300km away of home ... Baa!
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
Synonymous to me, I wonder if I should not buy. Not equal being contemplated. I just do not know with lenses made and what is so needed. But the possibilities of the action are great. At the same time so synonymous s super Take a photo I think. : D But I think with the right lenses, you can even make great shots, I ask myself stop, whether or not a "Cam" makes you happy as a videographer. I wonder what could be the gross disadvantages. Objektivratgeber for Crop-C: If you obtain supplies of 24-85mm (max aperture 2.8!) You have the entire movie in terms of lens standard. With a Tokina 11-16 you lap it from the bottom in terms of Wide Anglenach sehr geil, 135er with one or 200s Teligen above. That's all you need. The smaller the aperture (1.2 is minimum) the more expensive the better. The cheaper of the Manufacturer, the worse the Lens. The best Canon, Nikon, Zeiss. The Tokina is an exception, because nothing comparable there.
Gross disadvantage: You have to focus, no viewfinder and the display did not snap.
Antwort von pilskopf:

Ever grateful for the info. Since I les mal rein.
Is there no auto focus of the action in the movie mode?
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
Ever grateful for the info. Since I les mal rein.
Is there no auto focus of the action in the movie mode? Nope, then Canon would cause trouble with getting the union of the chamber Assis;) ....